WEEKEND SCENE: Pancakes and holiday warmth with Kiwanis Club of West Seattle and friends

(WSB photos)

8:14 AM: Happening right now at Alki Masonic Center (40th/Edmunds), it’s the biggest breakfast event of the holiday season – the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle‘s annual pancake breakfast. Their kitchen crew has been busy stirring batter and flipping pancakes:

For $10 at the door – kids free! – you get pancakes, Husky Deli ham, orange juice, and coffee/tea. Volunteers powering the event include not only Kiwanians but also Scouts from Troop 284. You can bring a new unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots and meet an active-duty Marine, plus enter raffles and more. This is on until 11 am, and if you’re driving on this rainy morning, parking is right by the door to the lower-level event room on the south side of the Masonic Center.

8:41 AM: Santa is in the house, as are Marine Corps Sgt. Angalina Roseberry and Gunnery Sgt. Samuel Hernandez, both based at JBLM (while Santa is of course based at the North Pole). They’re here to help with the Toys for Tots donations, which the Kiwanis Club says are going very well this morning:

They’ve already loaded out some of the donations. This morning’s volunteers also include the Key Clubs from Chief Sealth IHS and West Seattle HS, the Circle K Club from Seattle U, and Kiwanians from the White Center and South Seattle clubs. Some are here for fundraising sales of holiday items from handpainted ornaments to candy.

P.S. A week from tomorrow – on December 15 – look for the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle on the south end of the Farmers’ Market as they collect coat donations and serve cocoa as part of West Seattle Junction Hometown Holidays.

4 Replies to "WEEKEND SCENE: Pancakes and holiday warmth with Kiwanis Club of West Seattle and friends"

  • Desiree December 7, 2024 (8:21 am)

    It’s awesome. Please check it out. They also have a raffle with fun items, selling poinsettias and oranmaents. 

  • Liz December 7, 2024 (9:09 am)

    Love our local K Family! What a great event!  Join Kiwanis!

  • sbre December 7, 2024 (10:13 am)

    The scouts were doing a great job at taking care of us customers, the Marines were engaging and eager to meet with us.  Another fine job in this annual WS holiday tradition.Thank you, Kiwanis!!

  • Ina December 7, 2024 (6:32 pm)

    I want to thank Dennis and Carl I had a nice time. Hope to do it again next year happy holidays, everybody🌲❤️

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