ELECTION 2025: Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell announces he’s running for re-election

Just out of the inbox, Mayor Bruce Harrell has announced he wants a second term. According to the news release we received, he has officially registered his campaign for the 2025 city elections. Harrell was elected as mayor in 2021, one of a crowded field that filed that year, two years after deciding not to run for re-election to the City Council. The news release includes a statement from Harrell reading in part “… there is more work to do – this is the time for proven leadership to stand up for our values and keep Seattle moving forward as a city that is welcoming, affordable, and safe.” He was preceded by Jenny Durkan, who decided not to run for a second mayoral term. The last two-term Seattle mayor was West Seattleite Greg Nickels, who served 2002-2010. Only one other person has registered a mayoral campaign so far, Alexander Barickman.

56 Replies to "ELECTION 2025: Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell announces he's running for re-election"

  • k December 9, 2024 (12:39 pm)

    There’s lots more work to do because Harrell has done nothing in the three years he’s been in office.  Well, besides throwing tax money at building himself a gym (that he doesn’t even use) at city hall, and hiring friends and family into city jobs with little to no oversight.  Hard Pass.  We need an actual mayor that’s there because they care about the city and understand government.  Not a benchwarmer who just wasn’t ready to stop drawing a city paycheck after being ousted from the council like Harrell.  Please look at the track records of the folks you’re voting for, and don’t just vote with your feelings.

    • WSB December 9, 2024 (12:56 pm)

      Harrell was not “ousted.” As noted above, he didn’t run for re-election. He had been representing District 2; seven candidates ran in the primary to succeed him, with Tammy Morales (who’s resigning next month) and Mark Solomon advancing to the general election.

      • k December 9, 2024 (1:21 pm)

        Clarifying my choice of words: he chose not to run after all indicators showed he would not win if he did seek re-election.  He found the door before the voters showed him to it.  Was hoping he’d have the good sense to do that again with the mayoral race, but he doesn’t really have anywhere else to go at this point.

        • Derp December 9, 2024 (3:36 pm)

          With the mess that was left for Bruce, it will take time to try and fix, or make change. He will get my Vote again. You might want to look at what he is doing too. Good job Bruce 

          • Jason December 10, 2024 (9:35 am)

            A “mess”, he created, in his 12 years as city councilor.

  • Josh December 9, 2024 (12:59 pm)

    Camp Long building burning down because his business lobby wanted 3rd marginally more safe appearing (the lipstick they put on the pig that is the sweeps which are the creation of a feckless and incapable liberal Democrat party still have downtown and the CID a pit of despair but now some of the folks they chased away are beautifying our peninsula so problem solved. But hey Cops got raises so we are safe now and all of our neighbors including those in crises will get the ‘care’ they need). Installing his cronies in our council seat so he can waste our money and time on removing transportation safety infrastructure because it annoys him. Thanks 34th Democrats for being all style and no substance. Rob and Bruce work so well with others that they have to quit to preserve their sanity.  4 more years!

  • recommendation December 9, 2024 (1:07 pm)

    I would like AP Diaz to move on. Harrell appointed him and I feel like all he does is p*** people off.

    • Kersti Muul December 9, 2024 (1:17 pm)

      💯 Your feelings are facts!

    • onion December 9, 2024 (4:09 pm)

      Unless Greg comes back, or another truly compelling can-do candidate shows up, I think Harrell will easily be reelected.

    • Wahnah December 9, 2024 (9:43 pm)

      Mr. Harrell helped rid my neighborhood of squatter druggies, physically meeting with law enforcement during overnight shifts. Just because he’s not loud doesn’t mean he’s not working. He’s got my re-vote for certain!

  • lucy December 9, 2024 (1:09 pm)

    I miss Charlie Royer.  He was out last good mayor.

    • Ken December 9, 2024 (3:04 pm)

      @Lucy, I miss Royer as well. He was an excellent mayor. Norm Rice was also very good though as well. 

    • East Coast Cynic December 9, 2024 (6:00 pm)

      The presents conditions in Seattle with regard to growth, cost of living, and wealth inequality are a very different ball game from the days of Royer and Rice.  Who is to say that they would be more effective than Harrell in the present day?

  • Rhonda December 9, 2024 (1:39 pm)

    Good. I’m looking forward to voting him out in the Primary. He’s wrecked the Constellation Park/lighthouse area and other neighborhoods with his insane “Stay Healthy Streets” agenda. He also wants to put Soviet-style surveillance cameras and microphones in our communities, turned Alki into an obstacle course for drivers, and has no solutions to combat the lawlessness that threatens everyone in Seattle.

    • Lauren December 9, 2024 (3:04 pm)

      I am no fan of Harrell’s… but really? Trying to make streets safer is insane? Lawlessness that threatens everyone? I feel no threat from lawlessness thanks.You and I do agree on the surveillance state though.  

    • Kevin December 9, 2024 (3:57 pm)

      Your statement that Mayor Harrell wants to put “Soviet style surveillance cameras and microphones in our communities” is laughable. He wants to install effective technologies in our communities to support the efforts of our overworked and under supported law enforcement officers. And after all, Rhonda, if you’re not doing anything wrong, why do you have a problem with the technology suggested by Mayor Harrell?

      • Rhonda December 9, 2024 (5:11 pm)

        Kevin, I took an oath to support and defend the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. That means to also support the idea of innocent until proven guilty, not search and surveillance but you’ll be ok “if you’re not doing anything wrong”. We have our Fourth Amendment to protect Americans from unreasonable search and seizure. I hope you don’t think it would be ok for government agents to search your home or car without a warrant and tell you to be fine with it “if you’re not doing anything wrong”.

      • Adam December 9, 2024 (5:58 pm)

        So do you support impromptu search and seizures? I mean, if you’re doing nothing wrong, can the cops show up and just search your sh—? The whole “if you did nothing wrong” argument isn’t a great thing to stand on because it has holes. Also, I support the cameras, just not your argument for them. 

    • Pelicans December 9, 2024 (4:40 pm)

      + 1 Beach Drive Resident Against Stay Healthy Street Closures

    • CarDriver December 9, 2024 (4:42 pm)

      Rhonda. I take it you don’t patronize any stores or banks? They ALL have cameras watching your every move. I take it you don’t walk in the neighborhoods as so many homes have ring/security cameras watching you go by on the sidewalk.  Oh, don’t forget about all the people with phones that can swiftly snap photos. Lots of cars and trucks and police cars are also equipped with cameras. Your “Soviet style” surveillance has been around for a LONG time. 

      • Rhonda December 9, 2024 (5:30 pm)

        CarDriver, there’s a COLOSSAL difference between private security cameras and government surveillance. One is protective and the other is punitive.

        • Alki resident December 9, 2024 (6:13 pm)

          Some people haven’t figured that out yet. 

        • CarDriver December 9, 2024 (6:34 pm)

          Rhonda/The King.  If you watch the news or look at the internet it is FULL of homeowners and business camera catching someone doing something suspicious or illegal. It’s commonplace for homeowners and businesses to turn those tapes over to law enforcement in the hope of arrest and conviction. Are you calling them out as “punitive and suspicious? too? if not,why?”  I’m struggling to understand your distinction of the “evil government cameras recording you walking down the street” and your “It’s fine with me if businesses and homeowners record me walking down the same street” If you believe the government cameras are “nefarious” shouldn’t you be believing that private cameras are just as “nefarious”. I’m struggling to understand your hair splitting.

        • Jon Wright December 9, 2024 (9:04 pm)

          Yes, there is a colossal difference: public cameras are subject to very strict regulations pertaining to their use and retention of images, private cameras are not. The private cameras you seem to think are “protective” get used to train AI and for facial recognition by anybody willing to pay. That data cross referenced with cell phone metadata and financial records gives those protective private parties a pretty good window into your life. I feel like that is a much bigger threat to privacy than government-sponsored cameras. 

      • The King December 9, 2024 (5:41 pm)

        All of your examples are private property without a government agency collecting the data. Even Sawant told the feds off when they put cameras all over the city without permission. I didn’t agree with hardly anything she stood for but that was one of them. 

        • Alki resident December 9, 2024 (7:59 pm)

          BINGO King

        • M December 9, 2024 (8:51 pm)

          Amazon has agreements with some law enforcement agencies for sharing Ring footage collected by private citizens. I’m not arguing for or against cameras, but with the way these enormous private firms operate, I’m not more comfortable with them collecting data than I am the government. We’re kind of screwed with regards to privacy in this nation. 

    • Felix Grounds December 10, 2024 (6:42 am)

      Rhonda, I think you should leave some pearls for others to clutch, you seem to want to clutch them all.

      • Rhonda December 10, 2024 (5:02 pm)

        Felix, better to clutch pearls than a police state.

  • Marcus December 9, 2024 (2:23 pm)

    Bruce Harrell might not have been the best mayor of Seattle yet he was elected in a climate of failed policies. The city is starting to turn around and knowing no other popular individual will be viable I will vote for him. Still we need to cut waste, provide for safety and not get too hung up on progressive issues that would tend to muddy the waters.

    • k December 9, 2024 (3:57 pm)

      Starting to turn around how?  Where is all the housing?  Or services for the homeless?  Answers to open-air drug use?  What has been done for juvenile crime rates?  Increase in tree canopy, or maintenance in parks?  Are pedestrian fatality rates lower?  Is there less traffic?  What, exactly, are you measuring as a point of tuning around?  Axing the mounted patrol doesn’t count, that would have happened with or without Harrell and did nothing to impact quality of life for 99.98% of Seattleites.

      • Derp December 9, 2024 (5:44 pm)

        And most of these don’t even Apply to the Seattle mayor in the first place. 

      • Kai December 9, 2024 (10:20 pm)

        K…how about stepping up to the plate? Volunteer for any one of the issues you mentioned. Be part of the solution. I’m sure there are many attributes of Seattle you enjoy. Surely they weren’t created by just one person? It takes a community…be a positive part of your community.

      • 1994 December 9, 2024 (10:32 pm)

        Check out the Southwest Library’s resource table in the foyer. There a several handouts listing services for the homeless all over the city from food sources, free clothing, free showers at our city community centers, other services, places to stay….the lists/handouts go on and on.  I am sure most of these services being offered have benefited from government funding. The services are there but the homeless tend not to grasp what is available and instead don’t utilize all the services available – even with those care team employees telling them in person about services. Housing is a bit tricky because there are rules, there is a process…..again, the people need to check these things out. If they are not capable to check these things out then maybe they need some type of assisted living arrangement.

      • k December 10, 2024 (9:10 am)

        I’ll take the lack of response from Marcus as a big lot of nothing.  And that’s fine.  You can have reasons for voting for someone that are not based on evidence, I just wish people would own it when they do.  Voting with your feelings but citing “progress” with no evidence such a thing has occurred is just dishonest.

    • Pauline December 10, 2024 (8:10 pm)

      We should be all about progressive issues. We want change lol 

  • DRW December 9, 2024 (3:26 pm)

    Alls I know is downtown is a lot cleaner these days! And SPD can arrest people for doing drugs in public again. Ill take that!

    • Lauren December 9, 2024 (8:54 pm)

      Downtown is cleaner because he’s just “swept” people south to the International District. That neighborhood is now seeing the implications of sweep tactics that just push the “problem” down the road.

      • Mike December 10, 2024 (7:03 am)

        You must be new to Seattle.  The ID has been the dumping zone for decades.  It’s not a new thing.   People are finally aware now as the kids from the 80s that grew up in the ID and Beacon Hill are taking up positions in politics.

  • Kevin December 9, 2024 (3:27 pm)

    Mayor Harrell has done an excellent job and deserves another four year term. Please remember how much effort he has had to put into cleaning up the poor records and performance of his his three predecessors (Jenny Durkan, Ed Murray, Andy Mike McGinn). In addition, let’s remember how Councilwoman Sawant’s “Defund SPD” efforts worked out, an abject failure.Thanks to Bruce for taking on such a difficult job during such a challenging time in Seattle’s history. We would be fortunate to have him continue leading our amazing city!

    • Pete December 10, 2024 (8:25 am)

      SPD was not defunded in any meaningful way. 

    • Pauline December 10, 2024 (8:12 pm)

      Never was defunded lol 

  • millie December 9, 2024 (3:41 pm)

    Perhaps, he should reconsider since his “holistic approach to safety and governing” shows preferential treatment for particular neighborhoods and not “One Seattle”.

    • East Coast Cynic December 9, 2024 (6:07 pm)

      Harrell’s favoritism with regards to shielding SFH neighborhoods in North Seattle from taking a fair share of apartments and mixed income housing that other neighborhoods have to take has been disgraceful:/

  • Actually Mike December 9, 2024 (3:47 pm)

    It’ll be a cold day in Phoenix before I vote for Harrell again.

    • Marcus December 9, 2024 (5:09 pm)

      From Google,Phoenix can experience freezing temperatures during the winter, and the city often issues freeze warnings multiple times a season. Looking forward to your vote for Harrell!

    • CarDriver December 9, 2024 (5:28 pm)

      ActuallyMike. You have someone running that you guarantee will be better?

      • Burgerman December 9, 2024 (7:26 pm)

        This. Saying you won’t vote for somebody when you have no idea what the alternative looks like is ludicrous.  Harrell had a hell of a mess to clean up and he’s doing decent job turning things around. This modern society wants instant gratification, whereas the reality is that change takes time. Lots of it.

        • Pete December 10, 2024 (8:27 am)

          What are his achievements so far? 

    • The King December 9, 2024 (5:52 pm)

      Low 40’s are happening this week in phoenix 

  • Slobodkin December 9, 2024 (4:26 pm)

    I will decide whether or not I want to vote for him based on whatever alternatives service. Harrell has been far from amazing. But, I think he has been better than what we have had for a while. Seattle’s downward spiral appears to have slowed or stopped. I give a lot of credit to the new city council, particularly Sara Nelson. She would be my first choice for mayor. The one thing I would like to see is more control over spending. Bad policy drove a lot of businesses and wealth out of the city. That means less tax revenue, so they need to learn to live within their means rather than looking for new revenue streams. 

  • KatShimon December 9, 2024 (4:39 pm)

    Looking back on the performances of a couple of our previous mayors (Durkan catastrophe), I gotta say – I want to continue with Bruce Harrell.

  • Derek December 9, 2024 (10:58 pm)

    Harrell is cooked. He will not win and I’m not sure he gets out of the primary. 

  • anonyme December 10, 2024 (4:39 am)

    The last mayor I could get behind was Norm Rice.  I saw him in West Elm a few years back, and asked if he would ever consider running again.  His response was a hard NO.  After the debacles of Murray and Durkan, I can’t really complain about Harrell, especially given the political landscape both locally and nationally.

  • CorvidFan December 11, 2024 (9:13 am)

    Harrell is incompetent, never plans ahead, and is unimaginative when it comes to solving problems.  He’s cost the city millions of dollars by giving long-term plans to city organizations and then, after several YEARS of planning, canceling or changing the plans without any advanced notice. 

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