ALSO TONIGHT: Handgun-lockbox giveaway in The Junction

Just got word of this, also happening tonight – here’s the announcement sent to us by the King County Regional Office of Gun Violence Prevention:

Did you know 1 in 5 adults in King County say a firearm is kept in or around their home and about a third of firearm owners with kids and half of firearm owners without kids don’t store their firearms locked up?

Locking up firearms saves lives and protects communities. Using a gun lockbox can prevent unauthorized access, reduce the risk of accidental shootings, and prevent theft or misuse. On December 5, 2024, the King County Regional Office of Gun Violence Prevention will hand out FREE handgun lockboxes at the Junction Shop Late Pop-Up Market at Jet City Labs (4547 California SW). Lockboxes will be available from 5-9 pm at Jet City Labs while supplies last.

Have concerns about public safety in King County? The King County Regional Office of Gun Violence Prevention invites you to share your thoughts through an anonymously in a short survey HERE. The survey takes seven minutes or less to complete, and your responses will remain confidential.


We’re told they will have 75 of the Snapsafe lockboxes to give out.

12 Replies to "ALSO TONIGHT: Handgun-lockbox giveaway in The Junction"

  • CarDriver December 5, 2024 (11:39 am)

    Wouldn’t be surprised that the vast majority of guns in the hands of people who should not have them were stolen from someone who had it for “protection” As far as lock boxes only one I’ve asked about having one  said “NO WAY” why? “If someone’s breaking into my home I need immediate access” Guess that works if you’re home 24/7/365 but if you’re not home how’s the gun protecting it? 

    • DRW December 5, 2024 (2:07 pm)

      Did you know 1 in 5 adults in King County say a firearm is kept in or around their home and about a third of firearm owners with kids and half of firearm owners without kids don’t store their firearms locked up?Locking up firearms saves lives and protects communities. Using a gun lockbox can prevent unauthorized access, reduce the risk of accidental shootings, and prevent theft or misuse.

    • Infantry72 December 5, 2024 (5:57 pm)

      Both can work; you can keep your carry on your nightstand, while keeping long rifles, full size carries in an approved gun safe. The belief is that the carry will always be on your person and thus easily accessible in a life/death situation, and your other weapons would be properly secured in a gun safe at residence. I feel like that’s a responsible gun owner thought process. 

  • anonyme December 5, 2024 (2:35 pm)

    How is this program funded?  If it is by taxpayers, I really think that gun owners should not only be required by law to have (and use) a gun safe, but to pay for it themselves. 

    • Free_Box_Local_Goods December 5, 2024 (6:24 pm)

      Seattle has a safe storage law.Jet City Labs also has some cool local artisans selling goods tonight if you stop by.

    • K December 6, 2024 (10:39 am)

      I’m good with my tax dollars paying for gun locks and safes.  They already pay for car safety devices (stop signs, barriers, traffic lights).  Wish they would just give them away at the point of purchase.

  • Chuck Jacobs December 5, 2024 (8:01 pm)

    Gun safes are tax free in Washington state per: RCW 82.08.020

  • Mike December 5, 2024 (8:09 pm)

    These are great for keeping kids hands off firearms, drugs, etc.  Also great for travel lockbox or just keeping in your vehicle to store something locked up.  All “safes” are a deterrent, they slow down unauthorized access.  Thanks to Jet City Labs for hosting the event, thank you to the lady who was there promoting safe storage and awareness.

    • CJ December 5, 2024 (11:57 pm)

      Very much agree!

  • drahcir61 December 6, 2024 (9:47 am)

    In search of intelligent life, the alien arrived on planet Earth …

    “Why do you carry a gun?”, the alien asked the man. 

    “To protect myself”, the man responded. 

    “Protect yourself from who?”, the alien asked.

    “From people with guns!”, the man yelled.

    Having found no signs of intelligent life, the alien left planet Earth & the cures to every illness in the world.

  • Jay December 6, 2024 (9:50 am)

    These kinds of safes are manufactured to check a box, in places where a gun legally has to be locked up around kids this is something people get cheap to have in their house to at least demonstrate compliance. They have an easily pickable lock (can be raked open, you don’t have to pick the pins like you see on TV), and always have at least one other bypass like an exposed hinge pin or something like that (the combination boxes only have 16 combinations to guess) which are very trivial even for younger kids. The same is true for most trigger locks, little kids can get them off easily. Get a proper safe.

  • Skeptic December 6, 2024 (10:57 am)

    I support gun safe giveaways like this.  Everyone should lock up their weapons.  Please do not store your pistol in this SnapSafe lockbox.  You may think your weapon is secure, but this “lockbox” can be opened in 20 seconds with wooden coffee stir stick.  This free lockbox will provide you with a false sense of security that could lead to tragedy.  Please find another way to secure your firearm.

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