Woman to hospital after Easy Street Records window incident

(Photo sent by Kathy)

Thanks for the tips. More trouble for Easy Street Records – two days after flooding damage inside, one of the shop windows was broken from outside, around 7 am. Police found a shrieking woman, took her into custody, and called for medical assistance; one of the people who told us about this, Kathy, says people nearby setting up for the Farmers’ Market told her that the woman apparently had thrown herself against the window. SFD tells us, “A crew was dispatched and treated an adult female in crisis. The patient was transported to the hospital by AMR.”

1 Reply to "Woman to hospital after Easy Street Records window incident"

  • flimflam October 6, 2024 (10:22 am)

    Jeez, not a great week for East Street. Hope they can an catch a break and have a good week.

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