FERRY ALERT UPDATE: Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth ‘ghost boat’ will be back Wednesday

(WSB photo, Fauntleroy dock last Sunday)

12:45 PM: Washington State Ferries has lost a boat to at least a week of repairs – and though that boat wasn’t on the Triangle Route, that route is still caught up in the resulting shuffle. The boat that’s out of service is one of the system’s biggest vessels, M/V Tacoma, which has been on the Bainbridge Island route, and WSF says it’s out for at least a week “due to a serious mechanical issue that was discovered last night.” So the same-size M/V Puyallup is moving to Bainbridge. Here’s where the Triangle Route effects come in: M/V Salish, which has been the unscheduled third boat (nicknamed “ghost boat”) on Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth, will move to Edmonds/Kingston to replace Puyallup, so the route serving our dock will only have the regular two boats TFN. (Vessel Watch shows Salish northbound right now in fact, just past Alki Point.)

3:10 PM: Just in from WSF – the expected weeklong repairs of M/V Tacoma took only hours, and the Salish will be back as the unscheduled Triangle Route boat tomorrow.

2 Replies to "FERRY ALERT UPDATE: Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth 'ghost boat' will be back Wednesday"

  • Kbota October 15, 2024 (1:31 pm)

     This is a huge help! Thank you so much.  Sigh. It was so nice while it lasted.  I’m going to guess this will be longer than a week though.

  • Kbota October 15, 2024 (4:21 pm)

    Yay!  Back in business!  The ghost boat is what keeps me on schedule.

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