ELECTION 2024: Voted yet? Here’s how many Seattleites haven’t

checkbox.jpgWith eight days left to vote in the general election – until Tuesday night, November 5 – King County Elections says it’s received 23.4 percent of Seattle voters’ ballots – so more than 70 percent haven’t voted yet. You can check the latest ballot-return count any time here. You can drop your ballot in the mail – be sure it’s in enough time to be postmarked no later than November 5 – or a King County Elections dropbox (of which West Seattle now has four – South Seattle College, High Point Library, The Junction, and Morgan Junction Park) by 8 pm on Election Day. No postage needed, whichever method you choose. (If you’re not yet registered to vote, but eligible, here’s how – today is the deadline for online registration.)

62 Replies to "ELECTION 2024: Voted yet? Here's how many Seattleites haven't"

  • Patrick October 28, 2024 (1:43 pm)

    Please vote—it’s a sacred privilege and only takes a little bit of time.

  • Lagartija Nick October 28, 2024 (1:47 pm)

    WSB, do you know what kind of security is being used to protect our local ballot drop boxes? I just read that MAGA terrorists have fire bombed 3 drop boxes, 2 in Portland and one in Vancouver. Are there cameras, fire suppression, eyeballs, or anything to prevent this happening here?

    • Lola October 28, 2024 (3:03 pm)

      That is why I voted early.  My ballot has already been received.  I know there are a lot of people who like to vote right at the the very end, but then you get these nut jobs that want to sabatoge the Mail.  

    • lucy October 28, 2024 (3:25 pm)

      Ummm.  Where did that come from?  Source please.

    • Calm October 28, 2024 (3:32 pm)

      The most recent reports say FBI is investigating the incidents in both Vancouver & Portland & have stated they have reason to believe the two acts are linked. No suspects have been named, nor has any group taken responsibility. Let’s keep it together & stay off the conspiracy train. https://apnews.com/article/vote-ballot-drop-box-democracy-fire-f66c52f774955106fb9e7c8172825cff

    • T Rex October 28, 2024 (6:43 pm)

      Of course it would happen in Portland, no big surprise here. We are all Americans, let’s all remember that. Agreeing to disagree is a gift of respect. And freedom. 

    • Bridgepole October 28, 2024 (8:46 pm)

      What’s your source just curious ? 

    • JayT October 29, 2024 (6:56 am)

      What is your source that says it was a MAGA group? 

    • … October 29, 2024 (9:29 am)

      MAGA terrorists? Where is your source for that accusation? 

      • … October 29, 2024 (6:49 pm)

        Got a source for you – far from MAGA

    • Jim October 29, 2024 (8:24 pm)

      So apparently the devices have a Free Gaza message hardly something that is a Maga idea

  • CarDriver October 28, 2024 (1:58 pm)

    Will be an interesting election night. Have your popcorn ready.

    • Jason October 28, 2024 (3:36 pm)

      Popcorn… I am not so jolly. There will be civil unrest guaranteed from the losing side. And Harrell just approved more power for the police to brace for it. It’s gross. I don’t agree with popcorn sentiment… I will be anxious about it. There is a modern civil war brewing…

      • Doode October 28, 2024 (9:57 pm)

        Can people start laying off Harrell? The man earned his new endeavor and he’s working for YOUR safety!  How can you knock him by his plan to embrace your city with police force, to protect YOU and your familie(s)? You want less cops?  Is that what makes you feel safe?  Put yourself for one second in the shoes of those who are literally risking their lives in honor of humanity.  Better yet, move to a country that doesn’t abide the law, and stay there. Don’t try making our country what it isn’t.  I don’t understand how low IQ people are anymore. It’s like most here have been gagged by Gates already. 

    • onion October 28, 2024 (5:42 pm)

      CarDriver: And antacids.

  • Jason October 28, 2024 (3:06 pm)

    ACLU just sued Ann Davison today. I think a progressive re-shift starting with Alexis Mercedes Rinck, will *HOPEFULLY* be in the cards over these next few years… the conservative council (and stop trying to centrist-wash it, it is what it is) is going against many constituents’ wishes with SOAP/SODA, giving Harrell/Davison too much power, bowing down to their lobbyists/SPOG… Saka ain’t gettin’ it done, voting Rinck is a chance to start righting the ship.

    • K October 28, 2024 (4:39 pm)

      People really don’t understand how much taxpayer money goes to defending against lawsuits when elected officials care more about popularity than the law they’re elected to uphold.  Same for police.  Imagine what the city budget would look like if we weren’t choosing to pay tens of millions of dollars settling lawsuits over civil rights violations and instead just asked the police to be very slightly accountable for once.  Conservative feelings are getting expensive for the rest of us.  People need to do their jobs, or be held accountable if they don’t.  It’s not rocket science.

      • Derek October 28, 2024 (4:58 pm)

        Bruce cut office of labor standards 700k because they dare criticized his misogynist men’s club. Davison got city into a lawsuit mess because she didn’t like what Vadaddi’s husband said about her. They’re messing with our quality of life because of crazy temper tantrums. Vote out conservatives! Especially local ones! 

        • Burgerman October 29, 2024 (6:41 pm)

          Your deceptive hyperbolic hate speech cheapens your message and makes you look, frankly, silly. Can’t even take anything you seriously. Being far-far left is not a flex, dude.

  • Jim October 28, 2024 (3:15 pm)

    Maga Terrorist’s? I think you are jumping to a conclusion that has not ben verified yet. 

  • Voted Red October 28, 2024 (3:18 pm)

    Absolutely 🇺🇲

  • Rhonda October 28, 2024 (4:05 pm)

    No matter who wins the Presidency, half of the Nation will be furious. There will be marches, freeway protests, property destruction, lawsuits, counter-protests, endless social media rants, new political groups, etc, etc. I’m looking forward to it like a root canal 

    • momosmom October 28, 2024 (4:22 pm)

      LOL! (root canal)
      And you hit that premintion directly on the head! 

    • Joan October 28, 2024 (4:30 pm)

      Yes, sadly. There will be riots again. It’s quite scary,   depending on the results, and possibly many more marches. Get your walking shoes ready.

    • Trump Daddy October 28, 2024 (4:34 pm)

      You presume that one half of this country is truly far left, and that is a media (controlled by the left) concoction. The majority of this country is moderate to conservative, which I know is hard to fathom for many living in the blue bubble created here. Yes, we can anticipate civil unrest, by the few, and the (what?) law breakers. It will be addressed quickly, by the military if necessary. Law and order is returning to this country in short order. Like it or not. 

      • Bbron October 28, 2024 (6:05 pm)

        Always funny to see people who believe the media, which protects capital, is “controlled by the left” an ideology that runs counter to capitalism 😂

      • Honk October 28, 2024 (8:28 pm)

        No need to speculate, we’ve been through this before. In 2016, Trump won and people protested peacefully. In 2020 Trump lost and he tried to orchestrate a coup, pressured state elections officials to falsify results, and his supporters stormed the capitol in an attempt to kill the VP.

      • Ivan Weiss October 29, 2024 (7:27 am)

        @ “trumpdaddy: “By the military if necessary” is incompatible with “law and order is returning to this country,” because it is illegal to use the military for domestic law enforcement. But you knew that before you wrote it, of course.

        • Seattlite October 29, 2024 (12:51 pm)

          Ivan…The USA’s National Guard can be deployed for civil unrest.  The National Guard is part of the Army.  The National Guard can also be deployed overseas.

    • Doode October 28, 2024 (9:45 pm)

      Uhm Rhonda dear, there have been freeway blockings, marches and crying of everything for the past four years. The election results won’t bring about more or less of that.

  • Kristina October 28, 2024 (4:13 pm)

    I’m dropping off my ballot after work today in the ballot box and I CAN’T WAIT to put that “I VOTED!” sticker on my laptop. I texted my daughter (who is in college) to remind her to get hers in, and she wrote “ha ha I’m working on my ballot right now!” Get out the youth vote – we can do this! As far as I know all her friends are voting, too. They are mad, mad, mad at what’s happening in the world, and I hope and pray that they show up in droves, because it WILL make a difference.

  • Genesee5Points October 28, 2024 (4:20 pm)

    For the benefit of society, VOTE!  Nationally we have a very unique situation, we rarely have two bodies of work to directly compare (Trump admin. vs. Biden/Harris admin.). State wide there are some other choices with taxes and regulation. Locally, we see first hand, with our own eyes how the policies have worked/or not. Think back to 2016-2020 and ask yourself…. Was your life better/worse? Was Seattle better/worse? Was WA. better/worse? Was the USA better/worse? VOTE to make your life better!    

    • Darlene October 28, 2024 (5:48 pm)

      My life is better than it was in 2016 and 2020. Record highs in the market, property value has increased substantially. Our office culture has transformed to be more inclusive, we sponsored some of Pride Week, the vaccine kept me and my family safe, everyone in my extended family has a good job for the first time ever, one of my kids earned a great scholarship for college, I’ve lost weight, my stylist went out in her own and opened her own salon closer to me, I got full size candy bars on sale at Costco for Halloween, and I was added to the Do Not Call list and it’s working! 

      • Sixbuck October 28, 2024 (8:19 pm)

        You, too, are delusional.

    • Seattlite October 29, 2024 (3:04 am)

      The 2016-2020 policies worked well for my life style.  Basically, my dollar went a lot farther during the 2016-2020 administration than today’s (2021 to present date) administration  with its high inflation that affects basic needs:  groceries, clothing, gas for home/car, etc.

  • Jaye October 28, 2024 (5:43 pm)

    Voting is so easy here in Washington. There’s no excuse not to vote!

  • Seattlite October 28, 2024 (6:30 pm)

    One of the most important responsibilities of an American citizen is to vote. It is an honor, privilege to be in a country that allows citizens to VOTE in fair and honest elections.  Hopefully, all 50 States’ election results will have been based on honest and fair voting.  Being old school, I prefer voting in person. However,  I hand-carried my ballot to the local post office and handed it to the postal clerk on the same day I received my ballot in the mail.  

  • Purple Pilot October 28, 2024 (8:25 pm)

    Figured the crazies would come out here with the comments. Didn’t disappoint!

    • Jay October 29, 2024 (8:47 am)

      The violent threats like what Trump Daddy said are concerning.

  • Admiral-2009 October 28, 2024 (10:49 pm)

    I voted already can I get the political mail stopped to my home PLEASE!  

  • Scarlett October 29, 2024 (8:16 am)

    I seriously doubt any of you will be signifcantly effected, financially or otherwise, regardless of who wins.  Politics tends to be ,mere entertainment for those who do the most talking about it.  

    • Jay October 29, 2024 (10:43 am)

      I’ve got a kid. Ending federal public funding of education and making us all scramble to afford expensive private schools or home schooling will be devastating, not just for individuals but for society as a whole. We will regress to developing nation status in just a few years. That’s just one example of the day-1 impacts of Project 2025. It’s disturbing to see affluent white women smugly and rudely telling working people that all of the institutions we depend on being shut down won’t impact us. And I’m in an interracial marriage with a mixed daughter, something that MAGAs refer to as “white genocide.” We’re the outsiders and enemies that Trump is referring to. It’s abhorrent that you think our lives are mere entertainment.

      • Scarlett October 29, 2024 (12:49 pm)

        I wish you and your family the best, but I’m not the type who can be poitically “herded” with fear-mongering, or someone who succumbs to groupthink, because I do my own research and form my own conclusions based on that. 

        For all the hysteria the majority of upper middle lives didn’t change appreciably after Trump was elected nor after Biden was elected in 2020.  Trump’s foreign policy (including the drone wars) was largely a continuation of Obama which was continuation of Bush.  Under both Trump and Biden, the upper-middle class benefited from a soaring stock market and real estate.  Trump’s crack down on BL protestors was alarming, but then I’ve seen no particular ire from Biden/Harris about the anti-American crackdown on campus protestors vis a vis supporting bombing of Gaza.

        One side will offer slightly more crumbs to the hoi poloi but no president is going to upset the apple cart, and that includes Trump who’ll cash in on billions from his flim-flam social media company.  I’ll voting for a 3rd party candidate in this unipolar political environment. 

        • Jay October 29, 2024 (2:46 pm)

          Even though you are doing great as a member of the upper middle class, you should still have some empathy for people who don’t have the same privilege as you. It’s cruel to brag about how well you are doing while mocking the people below.

          • Scarlett October 29, 2024 (5:07 pm)

            Maybe you’re referring to the comment above because I’m not upper-middle class, and if I was, I’d never be so boorish as to brag about my good fortune. Politics is a game played by the affluent on both sides of the political spectrum, who, at the end of the day, after all the theatrical huffing and puffing,  stash their signs in their garages, go back to their comfortable upper middle-class lives, unaffected. This may not be you, but it is certainly true of a lot of political commentators. Cynical?  I’m beyond cynical.     

        • Nolan October 31, 2024 (1:01 pm)

          It’s certainly revealing that you think prosocial behavior and basic empathy is being “herded”.

      • Scarlett October 29, 2024 (1:34 pm)

        I don’t enage in the conspiracy sphere and none of this, such as shutting down public schools, is going to happen except in the fertile imagination of some.  It’s logistically and politically impossible;  nothing has led me to believe that the vast majority of Americans want this to happen anyway.  Fear-mongering is a routine part of the political playbook, always has been. 

        • K October 29, 2024 (3:45 pm)

          The vast majority of Americans want abortion to be legal and accessible.  That didn’t stop conservative judges, appointed and empowered by a small group of people, from overturning Roe v Wade.  The vast majority of Americans want universal healthcare.  We still have politicians trying to roll back Obamacare and double down on private insurance.  The vast majority of Americans have wanted pot to be legal on the federal level for many years now.  Still a crime.  What the vast majority of Americans want does not have nearly as much bearing on decision-making as you want to believe it does.

          • Scarlett October 29, 2024 (8:22 pm)

            These are token handouts to keep the lower classes mollified and soothe the conscience of the upper class when they are calculating the return on their portfolio at day’s end.  (When I was a financial planner in my former life, eons ago, I saw my share of weekend socialists but who wanted every tax break they could get.)  Universal healthcare?  In theory great, but the affluent will always have private insurance and the poor will get a handful of meds and be shooed out the door, like they are now.  Abortion rights?  Great, but this is often last resort for many who can’t afford to have a child.  A woman with money can fly out of state to have an abortion.  Freedom without financial resources is meaningless.  Until we have something approximating a real change in our political/economic system, it’s all rearranging the deck chairs.  I don’t see Kamala tackling these inherent inequities and thats why I’m voting 3rd party. 

          • Bbron October 30, 2024 (8:13 am)

            @Scarlett absolute wild takes to downplay abortion access and universal healthcare. doesn’t even bring up pre existing condition coverage as a substantially good thing. thinks abortion access is fine to have limited state-by-state because rich people have the means to travel (huh??). you say a Kamala admin. wouldn’t be able to do anything, but then land on backing a candidate that never had a chance of winning and therefore can promise and say anything during their campaign and not need to worry about following through. so much of this aligns with conservative goals to do nothing and change nothing, and is ridiculous isolationist thinking to believe we are insulated from our federal government and its actions. like, women have died post-Roe; which admin. was probably pretty impactful for them…

        • Frenzy's October 29, 2024 (5:53 pm)

          Jan 6 was fueled by a conspiracy driven mob and was a direct attack on Democracy.  Voting for Trump is a vote supporting that.  It also aligns with modern day Nazis and white supremacy.  Not a conspiracy, that’s a fact.   Go ahead, vote 3rd party and throw shade from a high horse.  That is also a vote for Trump, especially in swing states.  Do you support large tarrifs on imported goods? Those tariffs are paid by the importer here in the US, and those costs are then passed directly to the consumer, economic fact.  The price of many goods, will go up and everyone who votes for groceries to become cheaper will be eating crow instead.  Let’s also deport half the workforce harvesting your organic vegetables.  Great plan. Healthcare, meh who needs it?  Do you really believe it’s all remedial?  20 years ago that was the case, much different times now.  

          • Burgerman October 29, 2024 (6:48 pm)

            Frenzy’s – nice one. I note the silence from Scarlett is loud, gleefully. She cherry picked a few things and you nailed what she missed to the wall. 

          • Frenzy's October 29, 2024 (8:05 pm)

            My fertile imagination is suffocating (s) 

          • Scarlett October 29, 2024 (7:54 pm)

            Did happen to tune into Kamala Harris’ speech tonight, with all the glitter and glamour of her new found celebrity friends and war criminals (Cheney?)  She basically said that she was going to continue the grand war-mongering tradition of Bush et al and continue dropping bombs when the military industrial complex tells her to do so.  Wow, what a positive change in the right direction! 

    • Seattlite October 29, 2024 (12:46 pm)

      So you don’t think becoming energy independent again will bring gas prices down from where they are today compared to 2020?  In 2020, the average cost of a gallon of gas was $2.19.  In 2024, the average cost of a gallon of gas is $3.37.   Seattle’s gas prices are some of the highest going up from anywhere between $4.00 and $4.50.  

      • Jay October 29, 2024 (2:50 pm)

        Domestic oil companies are not going to build new refineries for shale oil and oil sands. It’s too expensive, there’s no business case for it in 2024. The oil will always be exported to developing nations with existing refineries for this low quality crude. “Energy independence” is a euphemism for complete deregulation of fossil fuels and massive subsidies for oil companies. A policy that ironically will make us even more dependent on OPEC. (And bad for climate change, but I recognize that nobody using the phrase “energy independence” believes in climate change.)

      • K October 29, 2024 (3:50 pm)

        Gas is supply and demand.  Prices dropped in 2020 due to reduced demand because of COVID lockdowns.  If you look at national gas prices, the further you get from refineries, the more expensive it gets, which makes sense because you need to transport it.  Many, many goods have lower pricing at the point of production and higher pricing further away.  That’s not unique to gas.  The best path to energy independence is investing in renewables so that you can’t have cartels like OPEC artificially raising prices by slowing production when demand falls.  We can control the energy created by wind, sun, and water within our own borders.  Fossil fuels are a finite resource, and one other countries have much more of than we do.  We will always be beholden to them on some level if we stay on the oil path.

  • drahcir61 October 29, 2024 (10:23 am)

    I just completed my ballot this morning so you can update the “% of ballots received” from 23.4% to … hmm quick math … Jeopardy music playing … 23.4%!!!  ;-)

  • Kathy October 29, 2024 (12:03 pm)

    Vote Yes on last item on your ballot, Seattle Proposition 1. If the expiring Move Seattle levy is not replaced, there will be a 30% cut to th SDOT budget. If you care about the condition of our streets, bridges and sidewalks not deteriorating, you should support it. 

  • Scarlett October 30, 2024 (11:31 am)

    Nate Silver really was right on the mark when he said people’s IQ drops by 20 pts in the week before an election. 

    Along with their IQ dropping off a cliff, is this strange collective amnesia.  Facism?  It’s ugly stuff, but does anyone remember a grimJoe Biden delivering a national speech, against a macabre red colored background and calling fellow Americans the internal enemy?  Obama criticized Trump for his rhetoric about scooping up political dissidents, great, but does anyone remember Obama’s war against the free press that even the AP had to call him out on?.  I still can’t get out of my mind that in year 2024, with a Democratic President and VP, that police were swooping in on campus’s against the country and, in some cases, physically roughing up peaceful student protestors.  What’s your definition of “fascism?” 

    Washington State is not a battleground state;  many of us can safely vote for a true progressive 3rd candidate.   One less vote for the uniparty sends a message that we’re sick and tired of the status quo.  

Sorry, comment time is over.