WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Repeat mail thief back in jail; 2 weekend incidents

In West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:

REPEAT MAIL THIEF BACK IN JAIL: We’ve reported before on 40-year-old Jason A. Turner, mostly in connection with Delridge-area mail theft, most recently in 2021. Tonight he is in jail again after a series of incidents in Westwood, at the end of which police say he was found in possession of “a large (amount) of mail.” He is not yet charged but we are identifying him because he is still in Department of Corrections “community custody” as the result of a sentence in previous mail-theft convictions.

The Westwood incidents started with a woman calling to report that a man had broken into her fenced yard and knocked on her window while he stood outside her house, exposing and touching his genitals. Before police caught up with him, he was reported to have engaged in the same behavior a few blocks away, in two Westwood Village stores, Spirit Halloween and Marshall’s. Officers found Turner in the center parking lot. In addition to the mail found on him, they also found “a photocopy of a passport and a Social Security card.” That was basis to book him for investigation of identity theft, as well as – for the first incident – investigation of burglary with sexual motivation. King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office spokesperson Casey McNerthney says they asked for $100,000 bail and the judge set the amount at $50,000. Meantime, a DOC spokesperson tells us that Turner has been serving “a 12-month term in Community Custody on five counts of Possession of Stolen Mail. His supervisory period is scheduled to end on 2/28/2025.” (Since he’s in the state system, that’s why we have access to a mugshot.) Court records indicated that followed a three-month jail sentence. We’ll find out tomorrow if he’s charged in this new case and what happens next. Conditions of his community custody – Washington’s version of probation – include “not to possess others’ mail or financial information.”

Also in Crime Watch tonight – two robberies disclosed in summaries from the holiday weekend, released by SPD today:

MONDAY MARIJUANA ROBBERY: Police say this happened at a marijuana business in the 6900 block of West Marginal Way SW at 5:30 pm. Three people held up an employee at gunpoint and threatened to kill him if he didn’t let them inside, the summary says, adding that the employee’s wife – “who works inside, allowed the suspects in to save her husband’s life.” They left with “bins of marijuana, approximate value of $15,000,” in a vehicle, no description of it or them in the summary.

FRIDAY HOME-INVASION ATTEMPT: This summary says that just after 4 am in the 5400 block of 17th SW, would-be home invaders tried to pry open and kick down a door; they were gone before police arrived. Officers say “it was discovered that an unreported home invasion occurred here the week prior. … During that incident, victim found suspects inside home with younger sibling, holding them at gunpoint. They demanded jewelry known to be owned by the victim. They left with the victim’s purse and containing a large amount of cash.” No description info in this summary either.

9 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Repeat mail thief back in jail; 2 weekend incidents"

  • Alki Jack September 4, 2024 (10:00 pm)

    Has anyone else noticed that no mater what the amount the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office asks for, the judge assigned to the case, always lowers it. Why, from time to time, wouldn’t the judge feel the bail asked for is to low? It seems to me it is always less, sometimes way less. 

  • Alki resident September 4, 2024 (10:22 pm)

    Turner will eventually be released back into the wild sooner than later, now is a good time to talk to your kids about running away from a sexual predator especially now that school is back up and running. I’m so sick of reading about him. He’s never going to stop stealing mail . He’s too predictable. 

  • ARPigeonPoint September 5, 2024 (12:51 am)

    What the heck?! Quite a disturbing step up in crimes. 

  • Roman September 5, 2024 (7:52 am)

    Needs to be a registered sex offender and locked up.

  • Vince September 5, 2024 (7:55 am)

    My dog saved them 5400 robbery.  I’m across the street. She wouldn’t stop barking and scared them off 

  • Cornelius T. Sourdough September 5, 2024 (3:31 pm)

    I second the notion that Jason Turner should not be out in the community. Last time I saw him he was abusing inhalants and masturbating openly 1block east of Westwood Village.

  • Ex-Westwood Resident September 6, 2024 (11:46 am)

    I thought that mail theft was a “Federal Offense” and should be handled by the Federal Prosecutor.

  • West Seattle resident September 7, 2024 (1:00 pm)

    My mom recognized this man as being the man she called the police on for looking through our mail a few years ago and police just sent him on his way. He also did the same to my grandmother and made her cry. 

  • Ferns September 8, 2024 (1:05 pm)

    The phrase “lock him up and throw away the key” was intended for repeat felons like this guy. He must WANT to be imprisoned for life. He’s harming a lot of people and seems incapable of controlling himself. He deserves no bail option. 

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