WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: North Admiral car-theft-attempt followup; car prowled

Two West Seattle Crime Watch notes so far today:

CAR-THEFT ATTEMPT FOLLOWUP: Late Friday night, we reported on a North Admiral incident in which a man fired his gun three times “in defense” after a reported car-theft attempt. No injuries or damage reported. One person was detained – a juvenile who was initially suspected of being one of the theft-attempt suspects. He was booked into the county juvenile detention center early Saturday. Juvenile cases move quickly, even over holiday weekends, so today we asked the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office what had happened in this one so far. KCPAO spokesperson Casey McNerthney tells WSB, “The case has not been sent to us by police, and the respondent was released from detention because there was not probable cause for the arrest of this specific respondent. The investigation with police may still be ongoing, and prosecutors will review a case immediately if police send one to us.”

Also in Crime Watch, one reader report:

CAR PROWLED: From Kelly in Gatewood:

We got our car rifled through (Sunday) night in Gatewood near 39th and Southern. My fault – I think I left the car unlocked. I hardly ever do that. They opened everything and left it all out on the seats and went through the trunk. I’m not sure that they took anything. I don’t have anything valuable in there but I also can’t really remember.

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