WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: The e-bike thieves who wore safety vests

The report and photos are from Liz, near 41st and Raymond:

At 3:15 yesterday (8/20) afternoon two thieves came by in a blue and white truck and stole our e-bike. There was a motorcycle chain on the bike that they cut through, and while they worked, they wore a bright vest to appear like a utility worker.

The offenders wore a mask and their license plate is not clear enough to read. The bike is a RadRunner by Rad Power Bikes, dark green with a produce basket mounted on the back.

No police report # yet.

8 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: The e-bike thieves who wore safety vests"

  • James August 21, 2024 (12:34 pm)

    Just so you know, the safety vest guys are the ones casing houses pretending to be utility workers. Weeks in advance of their robbery. That’s what happened with me I’m certain.  Maybe not these individuals but it’s a tactic used in west Seattle more often than you’d think.

    • Peter August 21, 2024 (1:48 pm)

      And not just WS. Safety vest scams are an international problem. A common one is people in vests posing as airport workers who direct travelers to fake cabs or to isolated areas where they will be robbed. They rely on people thinking anyone with a safety list is legit, because why would a thief be so visible?

  • Mark August 21, 2024 (2:25 pm)

    The truck is a 91-96 Dodge Dakota. Sorry to hear about your bike.

  • bolo August 21, 2024 (4:20 pm)

    Register it on bikeindex.org if you haven’t already. Check Craigslist and especially OfferUp often over the next few months.

  • NW August 21, 2024 (5:23 pm)

    Pedestrian deaths are significantly up when I am on my way to work either riding bicycle or walking to the bus look out for me please while driving I wear a light weight high visibility vest to help me be seen. Please slow down for pedestrians regardless! Thank you

  • The King August 21, 2024 (7:07 pm)

    Ironically New York just recently banned wearing masks except for health or religious reasons because the crime is so bad there too. 

  • Lisa August 22, 2024 (10:10 am)

    I saw a very similar truck loading up app the lime e-bikes. I did not know if this was legit.  He had quite a metido way of stacking them on the edge of the bed but he also looked very unofficial. 

  • Zelo August 23, 2024 (6:06 am)

    These same dudes broke into a shed yesterday and stole a bunch of tools in Gatewood. They flipped a home security camera up so it wouldn’t be videoed. 

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