PHOTOS, VIDEO: Night Out 2024 around West Seattle

August 6, 2024 6:16 pm
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 |   Neighborhoods | Safety | West Seattle news

6:16 PM: Some neighborhoods have Night Out block parties year after year after year. Our first stop tonight is one of them – an Arbor Heights block near Westside School (WSB sponsor).

Thanks to JoDean for again this year being the first to invite us to stop by for a photo! We’ll be making a few other stops, heading south to north as the evening goes. We welcome your Night Out party photos too – or text 206-293-6302 – thank you! And if you’re not spending the evening at your own block/building party, please be extra-careful in traveling around, with many neighborhood streets closed to traffic for the evening.

6:28 PM: Above is a photo from our second stop, the senior-living complex Village Green West Seattle (WSB sponsor) in Westwood, where it’s a parking-lot party, with live music by Rob Sturza and friends:

Plus hot dogs.

6:55 PM: Stop #3 was Eileen‘s neighborhood on one of east Highland Park’s hidden-away hillside streets. Photo above!

7:20 PM: Now we’re in Admiral, where Rosalie invited us to stop by her neighborhood’s block party east of West Seattle High School. One of the neighbors here is a beekeeper and has an educational exhibit at the party:

7:45 PM: Now we’re on Genesee Hill. We discovered two adjacent blocks were having parties – Laurie invited us to hers, but first we accidentally wandered in the other direction, so we photographed that group too.

Above, Laurie and neighbors at their very scenic dead-end overlook; below, the block north of theirs:

8:01 PM: Night Out usually collides with Election Night, and we have to head back to check out returns shortly, so our last stop is on Gatewood Hill, where Jennifer sent word of her block party, enjoying live music again this year – the band is Head Cheese, featuring the ever-popular Tom Hutyler.

Thanks to everybody who sent invitations!

ADDED 9:25 PM: Above are our neighbors in Upper Fauntleroy; their party was still going strong when we returned home, so we gathered them for a photo. We’ve also received a few from readers – first, here’s “a small but mighty group in Arbor Heights”:

Lilly the dog was among attendees at Gabe‘s party west of The Junction:

P.S. If you want to keep the community-safety vibe going, note that the Southwest Precinct is hosting its next Crime Prevention Council (a “group” basically consisting of whoever shows up) meeting on September 11, 6:30 pm at the Southwest Precinct (2300 SW Webster), all welcome.

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