Welcome to the weekend! We start with a traffic alert:

EASTBOUND SPOKANE STREET VIADUCT CLOSED: The Spokane Street Viaduct is the continuation of the high bridge from the Highway 99 overpass to I-5, and its eastbound side (at left in the traffic-cam view above) is closed all weekend, until early Monday morning, for the ongoing resurfacing project. If you’re on the eastbound high bridge, you’ll be detoured onto the exit to northbound 99; that exit will remain open all weekend.
Otherwise, here’s what’s happening, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar (where you’ll find even more):
SUMMER SCRAMBLE: Third day of the four-day West Seattle scavenger hunt organized by Alice Kuder – still time to jump in! Solve the clues, win a treasure chest – as explained here.
GLASS FLOAT HUNT: Third day for this, too – continuing into mid-August. 100 handcrafted glass floats were hidden around West Seattle – details here!
SATURDAY GROUP RUN: Meet at West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW; WSB sponsor) at 8 am for the regular Saturday morning run.
ART ON THE CORNER: 8 am-3 pm at 39th/Holden, artist Bonnie sells her work to raise money for the West Seattle Food Bank.
BIG BLUE TRUCK RETURNS: First day of the Northwest Center‘s donation-dropoff truck‘s return to West Seattle! You’ll find it outside WaFd Bank (4102 California SW). Our calendar listing has info on what items the truck will accept. 9 am-5 pm.
HEAVILY MEDITATED: New location for free community meditation, 9 am at Schmitz Preserve Park (5551 SW Admiral Way).
DELRIDGE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, the market’s fourth season offers produce, plants, condiments, prepared food, more! (9421 18th SW; WSB sponsor)
WALKING FOR WELL-BEING: You’re invited to join others taking a walk in Lincoln Park (meet at 47th/Fauntleroy), 10 am.
SSC GARDEN CENTER: Summer gardening season isn’t over yet – and fall’s in view – add something new! Student-grown plants await you at the north end of the South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor) campus, 10 am-3 pm.
FREE WRITING GROUP: 10:30 am in West Seattle, registration required – see full details in our calendar listing.
MORNING MUSIC: 10:30 am-noon at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), Marco de Carvalho and Friends perform. Info about Marco’s music is here.
FAMILY READING TIME: Every Saturday at 11 am at Paper Boat Booksellers (6040 California SW).
HIGHLAND PARK SPRAYPARK OPEN: Spraypark season continues – open 11 am-8 pm, free, every day. (1100 SW Cloverdale)
LIBRARY SALE: The White Center Library Guild‘s two-day sale continues today, raising money for library programs, 11 am-3 pm, books and “gently used treasures.” Originally announced as a “sidewalk sale” but we stopped by Friday and it’s indoors – air conditioning! (1409 SW 107th)
DUWAMISH RIVER FESTIVAL: Celebrate Seattle’s only river at Duwamish River People’s Park and Shoreline Habitat (8700 Dallas Ave. S., South Park), noon-5 pm, as previewed here – entertainment, free kayaking, more.
POSTCARDS 4 DEMOCRACY: Noon at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), bonus weekly session of long-distance advocacy, drop-ins welcome.
COLMAN POOL: Open noon-7 pm on the Lincoln Park shore – find the session schedule online. (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW)
LINCOLN PARK WADING POOL OPEN: Also at Lincoln Park, the season continues for the only 7-days-a-week wading pool in West Seattle, noon-7 pm, in the central upper part of the park near the north play area. (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW)
HIAWATHA WADING POOL OPEN: Also open today, noon-5:30 pm. (2700 California SW)
WEST SEATTLE WINE WEEKEND: We checked while making this list, and online tickets are sold out!
FREE COOL TREAT FOR YOUR PUP: Perfect on a warm summer day. Noon-3 pm at All the Best Pet Care (4722 Fauntleroy Way SW; WSB sponsor), bring in your dog for a free frozen treat!
LOG HOUSE MUSEUM OPEN: The home of West Seattle history is open for your visit, noon-4 pm. Last chance to see its award-winning Longfellow Creek exhibit! (61st/Stevens)
VIETNAMESE CULTURAL CENTER: The center is open to visitors noon-3 pm, as explained here. (2236 SW Orchard)
VISCON CELLARS TASTING ROOM/WINE BAR: Tasting room open – wine by the glass or bottle – 1-6 pm at Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor).
NORTHWEST WINE ACADEMY TASTING ROOM/WINE BAR: The tasting room/wine bar is open 1-6 pm with student-produced wines and “affordable eats” at the north end of the South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor) campus.
NEPENTHE’S WALK-IN MASSAGE CLINIC: 3-5 pm, show up at Nepenthe (9447 35th SW) with a specific problem to be addressed by massage, and you’ll get a free (gratuities appreciated) trial of their work.
(Blue Angels photographed from Duwamish Head on Friday by David Hutchinson)
BLUE ANGELS: They are scheduled to go up from Boeing Field around 3:35 pm again today, for the second of three Seafair airshows.
SUNRISE HEIGHTS NEIGHBORHOOD PARTY: 5:15-10 pm, music, food, pet parade, bouncy house, more, on 30th SW between Myrtle and Othello – details in our calendar listing.
WORKING CLASS JONES: Live at Easy Street Records (4559 California SW), 7 pm – free but you need to RSVP; link’s in our calendar listing.
CIRCLE OF SONGS: Acoustic music live at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm, no cover, all ages.
ALL-AGES OPEN MIC: 7-10 pm at The Spot West Seattle (2920 SW Avalon Way)
LIVE AT KENYON HALL: Sawyer Best & The Mighty Wurlitzer, 7 pm, organ music and silent film. Ticket link is here. (7904 35th SW)
LIVE AT THE SKYLARK: Glyf, The Last Minute Maybes, High Tide Fiasco at The Skylark tonight, doors at 7, $10 cover, 21+. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
JARAY’S DJ: 9 pm, DJ Buzsy at Jaray’s Lounge (2216 SW Orchard).
KARAOKE AT THE PIZZERIA: Saturday nights, you can sing at Talarico’s Pizzeria (4718 California SW), starting at 10 pm.
West Seattle event coming up? If the community’s welcome, your event belongs on our calendar! Please email info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!