CLOSURE: Southwest Pool’s two weeks of maintenance start today

Reminder to swimmers – as first reported here in early August, Southwest Pool is closed for two weeks of maintenance starting today. The pool is scheduled to reopen the day after Labor Day (right after outdoor Colman Pool ends its season). Seattle Parks says the work will include “repairs of various mechanical systems. (and) a Health Department mandated replacement of our deep-end drain covers.”

2 Replies to "CLOSURE: Southwest Pool's two weeks of maintenance start today"

  • NW August 18, 2024 (11:35 am)

    I’d like to ask here what is your experience using this pool to swim laps? I have been swimming in the sound along Alki and other local area that are accessible to swim during the summer and fall but want to continue swimming colder months. 

    • T August 19, 2024 (7:26 am)

      Keep swimming at Alki. Develop your cold tolerance. Colder water temps come with improved visibility. Swimming through the fall/winter/spring is a magical experience.

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