The report and images were sent by James, reporting a home burglary late last night at 33rd and Andover:

Stole a silver Fender Jazz bass, a Panasonic Lumix camera and lenses, and an Oculus.

They used card to break entry.

You can see him running off with guitar in second photo. This was about 11:04 PST. Camera alarms finally scared him off.

Seeking anyone who lives on 33rd or 34th between Andover and Charlestown to check camera footage around 11:05 PM

2024-934410 is police report.

17 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Home burglarized"

  • Westsidegirl July 3, 2024 (9:54 am)

    I’m just wondering, who knew that guitar was there?   This does not seem random to me…. think about where you’ve been and who is around.  Sorry that happened.  Hope it gets back to you

  • Fiddlesticks July 3, 2024 (10:19 am)

    I have an idea who this might be. I don’t know the name but I do have other info. Should I call police and use that case number?

    • James July 3, 2024 (11:07 am)

      Yes, Please do! Use case number. This guitar is super important to me.  This is was an incredibly violating experience. I’m extremely upset this happened. And will be taking proactive measures protecting my home now.

      • Fiddlesticks July 4, 2024 (11:01 am)

        I was finally able to reach someone in the non emergency line. I gave the info I had. I hope it helps. These instances can be extremely violating. Hope you find some peace soon.

  • Alki resident July 3, 2024 (11:06 am)

    Pretty specific items he went after. He’s definitely been in that house before for repairs or to visit the tenant. Was it to sabotage a music career or to profit from a sale? 

    • James July 3, 2024 (11:16 am)

      I had cleaners semi recently and I alerted cops about them. Contractors came by maybe a year ago. None of my friends would do this… I do have footage of a person casing the house in the alley, I gave that to police as well. It is very random and odd… the items he took were just easy to reach and get: it was a get in get out deal with as much value as possible. Took jars of change too.

    • mygoodness July 3, 2024 (11:54 am)

      Nah, that doesn’t sound right. These are easy to grab and carry, likely visible, and high value/easy-resale items. “Sabotage music career”… sounds like you have have a rich imagination, Alki Resident. Many people have instruments and they don’t rely on them for substantial portion of their income – now or in the future.  That said, I’m very sad to hear about this, as a musician, guitars are so personal. What a violation.  It makes me sad to see some of the thefts of garden gnomes, personalized vintage vehicles, kid’s backpacks, musical instruments… this stuff is so personal and ugh. Theft like this is a whole new level of evil that not even addiction can explain away easily.  It’s just blatant disregard for humanity.

      • Jethro Marx July 3, 2024 (12:59 pm)

        Imagining a musician with a promising career who gets an instrument stolen: “Well, that’s it for me. Guess I’ll just go work at Target or something.”

      • Aliyah July 3, 2024 (1:08 pm)

        @mygoodness why trash the comment by Alki Resident? No one else can have an independent opinion? You could’ve made your comment without putting someone else down. Try it sometime.

        • Brian July 3, 2024 (3:48 pm)

          It’s okay to call out comments that do not make any sense. No malice, just good old logic. 

          • Alki resident July 3, 2024 (7:10 pm)

            Considering my friend who is a musician all of his life and is almost 70, had something very near and dear to him stolen from one of his shows a few months ago, it is very possible someone could sabotage a music career, hence me mentioning it. This isn’t random thoughts, it happens. Last year, Willie Nelson’s son’s band was in SODO and  their vehicle was stolen with the instruments in it. If it hasn’t been for local musicians to loan their instruments, they wouldn’t have had their show. I’m the first person who jumps to help find a missing person or try to identify a thief so not sure why I’m being attacked. 

        • Alki resident July 3, 2024 (7:31 pm)

          Thank you. People don’t realize that musicians have their favorite guitars that go to every show with them. It’s sometimes their signature piece. My friend travels to other countries throughout the year for his shows. He’s an amazing local artist and some people feel  naked without some of their guitars . I’m relieved this isn’t the case but it’s very violating to be stolen from. 

  • Mike July 3, 2024 (3:25 pm)

    I’m pretty sure these are the same people who broke into whisky west I’d be happy to share out video. Email whiskywestseattle@gmail.com 

  • T Rex July 3, 2024 (3:31 pm)

    So sorry about that Fender, I completely understand the attachment, if that was my Martin acoustic, I’d be a mess! I really hope you find, check the pawn stores of course. Good luck! 

    • bolo July 3, 2024 (8:22 pm)

      Also, check OfferUp and Craigslist.

  • JD July 3, 2024 (11:54 pm)

    I agree with some other comments that this doesn’t feel random to me, especially if no one was home at the time. Statistically, the vast majority of burglaries happen during the day when people are more likely to be gone – why risk any interaction if all you want is stuff? Of course there are exceptions, but it’s more likely than not that he has been in the home before and he knew you weren’t going to be there. If you were home at the time, then you can just ignore me.

    • James July 4, 2024 (10:31 am)

      I was randomly gone though. And I just bought a new car so how would they even know that part? I’m almost always home Tuesdays. I don’t really know anyone who would do something like this. I am open to it not being random I just don’t see the connection unless it was contractors or a plumber from a long time back or something.

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