WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen Kia Soul with distinctive paint job (update: found!)

2:47 PM: You’ll recognize this stolen car if you see it. Reported by Emma:

Our Kia Soul was stolen last night, sometime between 11 PM 6/12 and 7:30 AM 6/13 from our neighborhood near the West Seattle Bridge. It’s a very distinctive blue car with a flame paint job and roof rack on it; we’re hoping that helps us recover it quickly. Please call 911 if you see the car.

Year/Make/Model: 2017 Kia Soul
Color: Blue with flames
VIN: (ends in 8518)
License Plate: BQU7212
Case number: 2024-160559

5 PM: As noted in comments, it was found in High Point along with another stolen car. Emma confirms it’s theirs and they’re headed over.

13 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen Kia Soul with distinctive paint job (update: found!)"

  • High Point Dr June 13, 2024 (3:37 pm)

    This car is parked on east side of High Point Dr, near 29th Ave SW. The driver’s side door handle is broken off, sorry. Just called it and another vehicle into 911. 

    • Video June 13, 2024 (7:56 pm)

      If anyone has a time when they first spotted it I can check cameras to see if anyone was caught on video. I have commented before but my comments are never published there is a Group of teens in that area that are connected with the shootings and car thefts. If anyone wants to look it up the recent shooting in that area, the two shootings that targeted the house (which the story that was posted here was deleted/hidden), the car and box truck thefts were all in the same area. 

      • WSB June 13, 2024 (8:06 pm)

        We do not delete news stories (and there’s no such thing as “hiding” stories). Ever. (Despite requests, despite people threatening court action, not because we did anything wrong/incorrect, but because they didn’t like what we reported, didn’t like the way they looked in a photo, etc.) We’ve reported on a lot of gunfire incidents and arrests. Which one are you having trouble finding? Where and when did it happen? – TR

        • Video June 13, 2024 (9:34 pm)

           I wasn’t suggesting it was with malice. It’s not populating when I google it so I assumed perhaps the homeowner asked for it to be archived. It was the hp story where police were called out for a drive by shooting with k9 but the homeowner declined to cooperate. 

    • Guessing June 13, 2024 (10:08 pm)

      I checked and no one passed my area between 1-3:30pm so they probably cut through the back alleyway near high point drive if anyone has a view of that side. 

  • Alki resident June 13, 2024 (6:44 pm)

    Trackers are $25 at Target. Put one in your vehicle in case it gets taken again. I hope it’s not damaged. 

  • HP June 13, 2024 (9:00 pm)

    The local teenagers involved in this types of crimes used to hang out in the High Point Library parking lot. I haven’t seen them at the Library after one of the teenagers from High Point was killed by his friends at the Southwest Teen Life Center. It seems that they are back in business. The security guard hired by the Seattle Housing Authority to patrol the area knows that group well.

  • Midi June 13, 2024 (9:26 pm)

    I’m near this location in HP, and there’s an old truck I’d never seen before that has been parked in front of my house for about 3 weeks without moving. Making me wonder 

    • Brian June 14, 2024 (6:35 am)

      After 72 hours you should just report it to the city. 

    • CeeBee June 14, 2024 (8:58 am)

      Call it in!!  It only takes seconds for police to check if it’s been reported.  We only got our stolen truck back after the neighbor called it in – it had been parked in a very isolated area and we would have never found it.

      • Midi June 14, 2024 (12:32 pm)

        I just submitted a report :) It was one of those “huh, I don’t remember seeing that truck before” then “gee, the truck is still there” and suddenly it’s three weeks later. I’ll feel bad if it does actually belong to one of my neighbors though

  • What is happening June 13, 2024 (10:02 pm)

    I don’t understand if people have an idea of the group involved why aren’t police doing anything?

    • Brian June 14, 2024 (3:49 pm)

      Guaranteed if the easily stealable vehicles were luxury vehicles the solution would already be in place. Kia and Hyundai primarily sell budget cars for people who don’t have a lot to spend on the thing they need to exist in modern society. And the police don’t protect those folks, they protect the interests and property of the rich and affluent. 

Sorry, comment time is over.