FOLLOWUP: Admiral Way Bridge work, with months-long Fairmount Avenue closure, could start as soon as Monday

(Slide from SDOT presentation at May 2024 Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting)

One month after the Admiral Neighborhood Association got an update on the Admiral Way Bridge seismic-strengthening project (WSB coverage here), SDOT has just announced that work will start as soon as Monday (July 1). The bridge over Fairmount Ravine is actually two bridges; they’ll have some closures during the project, but, as explained in the ANA meeting, the biggest impact will be under those bridges, with a months-long around-the-clock closure of Fairmount Avenue. Here’s the SDOT announcement:

As early as Monday, July 1, SDOT is set to begin seismic retrofits on the Admiral Way North and South Bridges. These essential improvements will enhance the bridges’ ability to withstand earthquakes. The construction is expected to last approximately 7-8 months, but schedules may change due to factors such as weather and availability of crews and materials.

To ensure the work is completed safely and efficiently, there will be lane closures on SW Admiral Way at the bridge throughout the construction period. Additionally, there will be full 24/7 closures of the bridge on two weekends, with specific dates to be determined. Fairmount Avenue beneath the bridge will be closed to all traffic, including pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers, for the duration of the construction.

We understand these closures will impact those who regularly use the bridge and Fairmount Avenue, and we will strive to minimize these disruptions.

This update didn’t mention the specific detour plans for the closures, nor did last month’s briefing, so we’re following up about those.

ADDED FRIDAY: SDOT says they haven’t finalized those plans but that the work potentially starting Monday won’t require “traffic control.”

11 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Admiral Way Bridge work, with months-long Fairmount Avenue closure, could start as soon as Monday"

  • onion June 26, 2024 (3:12 pm)

    Glad I walked down Fairmount earlier today. I’ll miss it during the closure.

  • Seattlite June 26, 2024 (4:40 pm)

    I might have missed it, but has SDOT organized rerouting incoming and outgoing traffic?  Thanks.

  • Frequent user June 26, 2024 (6:45 pm)

    Other than the seismic work, is there anything in the plan regarding fixing the pavement? I’ve reported potholes on the deck surface, mostly in the right eastbound lane, at least a dozen times over the last year. The potholes get patched, and then they’re back again within a few days. I’ve even stressed that the efficient (and overall cost-saving) solution would be to REPAVE the bridge deck; but so far, it’s never happened. 

  • Morgan June 26, 2024 (6:51 pm)

    What does 24/7 mean for two weekends? Closed for 7 days, or just weekends? Confusing wording.full bridge closure for 48 hours is what I think is meant…not 24/7…?

    • WSB June 26, 2024 (8:59 pm)

      I believe they meant to say “around the clock” for those weekends. Typically something like “10 pm Friday to 5 am Monday.”

  • Yello June 26, 2024 (8:26 pm)

    During this work they really need to look at the timing of the lights at 41st, 42nd, and California or they are going to have back ups and people driving erratically down residential streets.

  • Admiral-2009 June 26, 2024 (10:33 pm)

    Yello – agreed especially at 41st and 42nd that continue to cycle to the side street even when there are no pedestrian or vehicles present, very annoying.  I tried the find it fix it app numerous times to no avail!

    • reed June 27, 2024 (7:44 am)

      This is a good thing, as it forces dangerous speeding drivers  to slow down/stop on a regular basis in a congested area. They need to leave the lights as is.

  • Erin June 28, 2024 (12:23 pm)

    I haven’t seen a road closure plan for Fairmount Ave SW.  I’m hoping they close it at both ends and not just at the bridge.  We have enough turnarounds in the neighborhood as is.

    • WSB June 28, 2024 (6:38 pm)

      SDOT told me today they’re still working on the detour/closure plans, but that the early work starting Monday “will not require traffic control.”

      • Erin July 1, 2024 (4:58 pm)

        Sign is up at the top of the hill.  Fairmount Ave SW road closure is set to start 7/8.

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