WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: First community meeting for Morgan Junction Park’s ‘all-wheel area’

(WSB photo, Saturday)

As previewed here, the Morgan Junction All-Wheels Association held its first community meeting on Saturday, at By and By Skate Shop. We dropped in briefly and counted about 20 people there.

(Photo courtesy MJAWA)

The group’s focus is adding an “all-wheels area” to the south end of Morgan Junction Park (6413 California SW) when the park’s expansion to the north is built. So what happens next after this gathering? We asked MJAWA’s Matthew Lee Johnston:

Community input now gets internalized by the design team, who will be working on three alternatives based on the feedback they’ve gathered from the community. We got over 100 responses to the online survey, with over 76% of the responses coming from West Seattle, which Grindline says was their most successful survey they’ve facilitated! The three alternatives will be presented by the team at the Morgan Junction Community Festival, where we will be gathering input and feedback on those design concepts.

The festival will be at Morgan Junction Park on Saturday, June 15.

1 Reply to "WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: First community meeting for Morgan Junction Park's 'all-wheel area'"

  • Alki resident April 29, 2024 (12:11 pm)

    Nice to see them including the children of all ages in this project. You don’t normally see that. Can’t wait to see what gets created. 

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