YOU CAN HELP: West Seattle dinner/auction benefit Sunday for family of Full Tilt Ice Cream’s Justin Cline

(WSB/WCN photo of Justin and family last year as Full Tilt marked 15 years)

Eight days ago, family and friends of Justin Cline announced the untimely death of the man known not only as Full Tilt Ice Cream‘s co-founder but also a tireless White Center community advocate, husband, and father. Community members have been reaching out to help Justin’s family, wife Ann Magyar and their kids Moss and Ruby, and tonight we have news of another way you can help: West Seattle restaurateur Khalid Agour of Itto’s is hosting a benefit dinner at the West Seattle Eagles‘ headquarters this Sunday (March 17th). All ages are welcome, 5-7:30 pm, and along with dinner, a fundraising auction is planned too. Donation for dinner is $30 (cash-only, please). If this doesn’t work with your schedule, the Eagles are collecting donations at other times too; they’re at 4426 California SW. Here’s a flyer for the dinner/auction benefit.

1 Reply to "YOU CAN HELP: West Seattle dinner/auction benefit Sunday for family of Full Tilt Ice Cream's Justin Cline"

  • N March 11, 2024 (9:07 pm)

    This is so sad to me. My father passed away when he was 66 years old of a stroke. He was still young. I know how hard this is for the family. I really wished I could help I’m not financially able to. Sending out lots of prayers and positive energy.

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