WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Bullet into house in Arbor Heights

Police are investigating what appears to be a case of someone shooting into an Arbor Heights house. Officers were sent to the 10600 block of 31st SW a few minutes before midnight. According to the dispatch, the resident heard glass break and found a bullet in their kitchen, but didn’t see who did it, and didn’t hear anything (such as a vehicle pulling away). Officers confirmed to dispatch that it indeed appeared to be “a bullet into a house” and reported finding a casing. No injuries were reported.

4 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Bullet into house in Arbor Heights"

  • Rhonda March 6, 2024 (1:52 am)

    This is on our street. Criminals recklessly shooting guns need to realize that what goes up must come down. Glad no one was struck.

    • Derp March 6, 2024 (3:39 pm)

      Pretty sure they don’t really care

    • NWAsianGuy March 6, 2024 (8:37 pm)

      LOL…criminals don’t “realize” any common sense…cuz if they did-they wouldn’t be criminals.

  • CM March 6, 2024 (5:00 pm)

    Heard these shots last night. A little too close for comfort. Sorry to this neighbor who had to experience one of my big fears. So glad nobody was hurt. Sad state we are in to have something like this happen and nobody really bats an eyelash. 

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