WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Box-truck break-in + two other notes

Miscellaneous West Seattle Crime Watch notes:

BUSINESS BURGLARY: We got a tip about this on Friday but police didn’t provide information until today. Burglars hit the Admiral Safeway gas station (42nd/Admiral) just before 3:30 am Friday. According to the SPD summary, “The (burglars) utilized crowbars and a U-Haul box truck with a tow rope to break into the fuel station kiosk. (They) stole cigarettes/merchandise and tried to remove the safe before driving away. Officers spotted the van a short distance away and began to coordinate a stop. The van driver began to drive recklessly, and officers disengaged, losing sight.” If you have any information, the SPD incident # is 24-051042.

UNHINGED: We’ve received multiple questions about, and photos of, the detached door at 4719 California SW:

Yes, police are aware of it – we’ve heard multiple calls in the past week or so, and there was another one this morning in the 6 am hour (SPD incident # 24-054044). It’s been reattached at least once that we’ve seen. Regardless of how it was opened, it’s ultimately the property owner’s responsibility to keep vacant spaces secured.

STOLEN AND/OR ABANDONED? Grant sent this photo of a possibly stolen and/or abandoned Kia this morning, seen at 37th/Elmgrove in Gatewood:

We walked through the area in early afternoon and didn’t see it. But Grant noted that it was parked the wrong way and practically protruding into the intersection. While you can call any suspected stolen car in to 911, if one is parked illegally, you can also simply report it to Parking Enforcement, which might be able to respond quicker – that direct number is 206-386-9012.

23 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Box-truck break-in + two other notes"

  • Brian February 26, 2024 (8:52 pm)

    Presuming the u-haul isn’t stolen (a big if) at least SPD can hunt down that lead when they do further investi— okay let’s not go crazy here. 

  • Seattlite February 26, 2024 (9:18 pm)

    Saka and Harrell what are you doing about the increased crime?  If you have time, give your voters a shoutout as to what new policies are being written to reverse increased crime and to increase SPD’s police officer staffing up to a levels that protect citizens.

    • Odd son February 26, 2024 (11:19 pm)

      I’ve emailed Mayor Harrell and his sister a handful of times. I have emailed CM Saka a couple of times. Never heard back from anyone. I sent respectful messages about crime concerns. I didn’t like CM Herbold’s pov but at least she eventually replied through her legislative aide.

    • Frog February 27, 2024 (2:22 pm)

      It’s natural to focus on the police, and therefore on city officials, because in every TV cop show, once the crook is caught, that takes care of it.  But in the real world, the important part happens after the arrest.  King County prosecutor Leesa Manion, King County executive Dow Constantine, and rep Teresa Mosqueda are the ones who decide if criminals are actually prosecuted and punished.  State legislators Emily Avarado and Joe Nguyen decide on sentencing guidelines and laws that limit police activity.  You are emailing the wrong people.  Even fully staffing the police would not affect our ongoing crime wave very much.

  • WSB Reader February 26, 2024 (9:56 pm)

    Very fascinating (and sobering) article from the Seattle Times covering the Southwest Pool shooting: https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/worst-case-scenario-keeps-answers-elusive-in-west-seattle-homicide/
    Provides answers as to why there has been no word on anything from SPD yet. 

    • flimflam February 27, 2024 (5:53 am)

      Yes, I read that yesterday – doesn’t seem like this case can move forward.

    • Seattlite February 27, 2024 (8:17 am)

      Good grief.  As the article states, the law is too broadly written and negates a full investigation.  It is a bad law that in the end does harm to the youths involved, to justice for the victim.  What if all youths involved were read their Miranda Rights with their parents present?  The parents take responsibility for their underaged children’s acts of violence.  The question is relevant because the youths committed, witnessed an adult crime…murder.  

      • Neighbor February 27, 2024 (11:22 am)

        The article contains the opinion of a cop:Steve Strachan, the executive director of the Washington Association of
        Sheriffs and Police Chiefs, said he thinks the statute is too broadly
        written and as a result, has had some unintended consequences, like
        preventing youth from sharing information with police that could clear
        them of wrongdoing or explain a situation. It’s impossible to share information with police that clears you of wrongdoing.  Talking to the police can only incriminate you.  This kind of deliberate misstatement by cops is exactly why the law was written.  The only shame in this law is that it only applies to minors.

        • Seattlite February 27, 2024 (3:50 pm)

          Factually informed opinions of law enforcement who have read the law in its entirety should be listened to as a fundamental basic.In my experience, when there is a crime committed, a questioning process of all involved in the crime is needed to eliminate those who are not a part of the crime and identify those who are the suspects.   Even simple situations like losing a cell phone involve questions about who, what, where, when, how, and why of those who might have an idea where it is.Crimes committed at any age deserve consequences that befit the crime.  Anything less, leads to emboldening criminals to repeat their crimes over and over again aka lawlessness.  Discipling children at home is key.  Teaching children right from wrong at home is key.

        • Byron James February 28, 2024 (1:41 am)

           It’s impossible to share information with police that clears you of wrongdoing. ”That’s a nonsensical statement.

  • Danimal February 26, 2024 (10:57 pm)

    If Guardian One needs to have a Guardian Two and officers to staff it, I’m all for a levy to pay for it. Ridiculous that they just had to let that box truck go. Those thieves needed to be caught.

  • Jason Smith February 26, 2024 (11:45 pm)

    I remember the good ol days when police were able to & almost always did pursue criminals especially those who had committed a felony. I understand at times the pursuit gets dangerous and police may need to back off but it seems it would be useful for SPD to eventually invest in an SPD helicopter crew just like many other metropolitan cities in the US use in pursuing criminals once the vehicle chase becomes unsafe. Once criminals know they most likely won’t be apprehended as police won’t pursue them, they won’t be prosecuted because prosecutors don’t feel they can or if they are captured and prosecuted they won’t even be held accountable n locked up by judges then we are giving more rights and freedom to dangerous criminals than the law abiding tax paying citizens in our country, enough is enough with this nonsense! We need our city back and one that all can feel safe again! Politicians talk is cheap, actions speak louder than words! I’m cautiously optimistic Harrell and/or Saka are going to change anything significantly to truly reduce crime sooner than later! Lock em all up & throw away the key! 

  • bill February 27, 2024 (9:09 am)

    Property crimes simply are not serious enough to warrant risking killing people in a car chase.

    • Neighbor February 27, 2024 (11:24 am)

      Exactly.  What did the thieves get away with here?  A U-Haul van and some snacks?  How much does a always-ready helicopter crew cost?  It’s not even comparable.  The city can just reimburse the property owner and save literally millions.

    • Dog Whisperer February 27, 2024 (1:55 pm)

      At 3:30 in the morning?

      • KM February 27, 2024 (2:46 pm)

        A police chase resulted in the death of 2 people and 1 dog on Highland Park Way SW in 2016. So, yes, even at 3:30am.

        • Dog Whisperer February 27, 2024 (3:47 pm)

          Blame the criminals not the police. 

          • Neighbor February 27, 2024 (7:24 pm)

            If I get hit by a car trying to evade the police fault isn’t going to be much comfort.

  • Vanessa February 27, 2024 (12:36 pm)

    This ” officers disengaged” and lost sight of the perps, does this mean that they decided or weren’t allowed to pursue them? If yes, this is BS! We’re all so tired of these thieves getting away with all of these crimes.

    • WSB February 27, 2024 (1:58 pm)

      Unfortunately, there was a three-hour gap in the Broadcastify archives that morning, including the time of that incident (which is why I had to wait for the SPD summary), so there’s no independent way to hear how it unfolded.

  • Western February 28, 2024 (3:14 am)

    Catch them already!

  • HTB February 28, 2024 (8:58 am)

    Isn’t there supposed to be a new restaurant going in at 4719 California? What’s up there?

    • WSB February 28, 2024 (10:21 am)

      Nothing since the prospective operator (who also owns the building) filed for a liquor license quite some time ago.

Sorry, comment time is over.