TUESDAY: New D-1 City Councilmember Rob Saka chairs first Transportation Committee meeting

The new City Council starts committee meetings tomorrow (Tuesday, February 6). First up: The Transportation Committee, chaired by District 1 Councilmember Rob Saka of West Seattle. When his committee meets at 9:30 am, the agenda includes public comment, an “Introduction to SDOT” (here’s the slide deck), and an “Introduction to Term Permits and Street Vacations” (here’s that slide deck). See the agenda for information on how to participate in the public-comment period, in person at City Hall or via phone; if you just want to watch the meeting, it’ll be live via Seattle Channel. You can look ahead to other council-committee meetings by checking this page, which links agendas once they’re available.

6 Replies to "TUESDAY: New D-1 City Councilmember Rob Saka chairs first Transportation Committee meeting"

  • One City February 6, 2024 (9:09 am)

    Interesting how the ppt for SDOT doesn’t talk about interdepartmental city projects.  Would have liked to known more about joint city department projects with SDOT, SPU, and/or SCL etc. City departments seem to operate in silos.

  • hopeless February 6, 2024 (10:58 am)

    It’s interesting how little these CMs seem to know about basic governance, transportation, or SDOT. Scary, especially considering the enormous climate and safety challenges we face. We need CMs that support alternative modes of transportation that have the least impact on our climate: walking, bicycling, and taking public transportation.  Vehicular violence/traffic deaths are at an all-time high, which calls for significant systemwide  and infrastructure changes that slow down traffic and make it easier, more attractive, and safer to walk and bike everywhere (not just on a few streets!)!!  

  • WarOnCars February 6, 2024 (12:49 pm)

    Rob Kettle is a disappointment. Wasting so much air on the imagined danger of electric scooters and bikes when overwhelmingly it’s vehicles colliding with others harms and kills folks. focus your efforts on preventing what causes those like reducing the number of time vehicles and other transit modes have to interact with separated right-of-ways. ridiculous to hear this feelings-based proselytizing when reality is so readily available…

  • Josh February 6, 2024 (3:16 pm)

    I hope Saka was taking notes and paying attention to how SDOT is supposed to be about increasing multimodal infrastructure for all users with safety as the primary directive. You know things like installing curbs to prevent illegal left turns in areas with a high amount of vulnerable users and increasing bicycle infrastructure. 

    • Hammer in Hand February 6, 2024 (10:16 pm)

      He does not  need to take noteshe has Heather as his right hand person on staffformerly with SDOT. She will have it well in hand

      • Josh February 7, 2024 (9:50 am)

        So youe saying there is no point for him to be there as he won’t be making any decisions because he has a failed former SDOT manager on his staff and we are supposed to be assured by the combination of the two of them?

Sorry, comment time is over.