WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Swedish Automotive hit again

Todd at Swedish Automotive (35th/Kenyon; WSB sponsor) says this happened sometime overnight:

Well, make that #3 in the last 12 months. Still nothing of value taken – looks like just a box of old valve shims – but, of course, the expense is in getting the glass replaced.

That’s not necessarily a quick turnaround – last time, Todd adds, they had a three-week wait. They’ve filed a police report; we’ll add the number when available. (Added: It’s 24-901762.) The previous two smash-and-grabs were in February and August 2023.

8 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Swedish Automotive hit again"

  • Where Are The Police January 30, 2024 (11:44 am)

    Unfortunate that this is what has become of West Seattle. Business owners should not have to put up with this.  

  • Shadowtripper January 30, 2024 (11:44 am)

    I really have to ask myself;  What type of individual would break out a large plated window in a business and steal a box of tire valves?    The answer, I believe, lies in the individuals that are wondering the street in the middle of the night with nothing but vandalism on their minds.   Whether it be drug induced or a personality flaw, there is a simple answer.   Revert back to laws that make drugs like fentanyl illegal (Portland Oregon has stricter laws prohibiting cigarettes than it does fentanyl).  Remove these people off the streets against their will if necessary  and incarcerate them in programs aimed at drug addiction & mental disorders, which many times run together.  Use abandoned schools which have showers, kitchens and enough separation with multiple rooms.  Secure the area and as any other similar facility, move the people that are on the road to recovery into jobs within the facility.  Go one step further and create a furlough program where they attend a trade school and still receive housing and meals within the facility.  We all can see the direction that our leaders have taken in crime and drug use has failed.  It’s not a matter of more money needed, it’s a matter of spending it with results. 

    • Ex-Westwood Resident January 30, 2024 (6:10 pm)

      Seattle had the PERFECT place for that to happen, the old Naval Station at Sand Point.

      There were four building that were barracks and a galley (2) between them. Each was two stories with (iirc) 30 rooms per floor with common bathrooms and showers.

      I was the Barracks P.O. just before they closed down. Haven’t been that way for years, so I don’t know that status of the barracks these days.

      • Shadowtripper January 31, 2024 (11:06 am)

        I like that idea!    Has all the necessary assets to establish a rehabilitation center.   Large enough to house most homeless with some alterations.  Brilliant!   I like solutions like this better than grumbling about things without solutions.  Make your voice heard!  

    • GT January 31, 2024 (4:19 am)

      Intake/ Exhaust valve shims, not tire valves. They are expensive but not exactly a black market itemšŸ˜‚

  • M January 30, 2024 (2:09 pm)

    Subway had their back door broken into Saturday night.

    • Daniel January 30, 2024 (8:03 pm)

      I saw it all boarded up recently didnā€™t realize it had just happened 

  • Marcus January 31, 2024 (8:05 am)

    You know there is a way to severely decrease these outrageous criminal actions.  I see the outrage of the write-ins, yet how long will the good citizens of our society continue to allow this.  Need police night patrols, pull over vehicles with expired tabs, broken tail lights, and other vehicle infractions.  Some will say ā€œpolice stateā€ however does anyone have a better alternative other than just putting up with this??  Where is the action to prevent?

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