VIDEO: New District. 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka announces the other committees he’ll serve on

That video is from new District 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka‘s first newsletter, and it includes some news – his council-committee assignments beyond what’s already been announced (new Council President Sara Nelson said Tuesday that Saka will chair the Transportation Committee). He promised to carry on the weekly-newsletter tradition started by predecessor Lisa Herbold, and sent his first one on Friday. (If you didn’t receive it, read it here.) In the newsletter video, Saka says he’ll be vice chair of Public Safety (which will be chaired by new District 7 Councilmember Bob Kettle) and a member of two other committees, Housing and Human Services and Sustainability, City Light, and Arts & Culture.

In addition to council committees, councilmembers serve on various regional entities, and a document filed in the city system shows that Saka will be appointed to serve on the King County Regional Transit Committee, the Puget Sound Regional Council‘s Economic Development Board, Executive Board, and Transportation Policy Board, plus the SeaShore Transportation Forum, Watershed Forums for WRIA 8 and 9, and the Move Seattle Levy Oversight Committee.

NEXT MEETINGS: This week the new council has its first briefing meeting, at which members talk about what they’re doing in the week ahead, at 2 pm Monday (including a staff presentation on what the council has the power to do and an update on the process of filling the council vacancy). Then on Tuesday at 2 pm, it’s their second official weekly meeting (here’s the agenda). Both will be streamed by Seattle Channel.

33 Replies to "VIDEO: New District. 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka announces the other committees he'll serve on"

  • WS Transportation Nerd January 7, 2024 (6:13 pm)

    We are so screwed 

    • Sorry January 7, 2024 (9:21 pm)

      I’m sorry the person you voted for didn’t win.

      • Dr Wu January 8, 2024 (6:44 am)

        I’m not sorry for the NERD at all. I campaigned for Saka and glad my candidate won. I consider his victory as a repudiation to Herbold and some of her policies. Hopefully our city will become more centrist. 

        • LibrulPup January 8, 2024 (12:03 pm)

          I’m just curious, if you can answer briefly: since you campaigned for Saka, what Herbold era policies and initiatives really moved you on to Team Saka? And how is Rob the answer on those priorities?

    • it'll be about trees January 7, 2024 (10:12 pm)

      Here’s the Seattle playbook entry for Saka’s term: Numerous additional studies will find a way to bury the project by alleging an exaggerated impact to the peninsula’s tree canopy. We will not get what we want but end up celebrating the outcome and re-electing Rob “Just Doin’ My Job” Saka. That’s what Seattle does. Families live in cars alongside millionaires but we have nice trees. That’s what we do.

      • Canton January 8, 2024 (5:36 am)

        Activism is not a full time paying job. Find a skill. That is where consistent funding is.

      • Eye roll January 8, 2024 (5:57 am)

        Correction: you won’t get what you want. The tree canopy makes our city beautiful and livable.  I highly recommend NYC if you want a concrete jungle. 

    • Darnell January 8, 2024 (9:27 am)

      Yes we are ..I don’t trust him.

  • Jeff January 7, 2024 (8:12 pm)

    So will Saka step up and try to get lightrail here sooner? Or at least can we get the plan going so we can start getting property prepared? Also a big NO to Tanya Woo. Awful person to replace Mosqueda. It should be someone with similar views and politics to Mosqueda.

    • The King January 7, 2024 (9:26 pm)

      Lofty expectations on “stepping up to get light rail here early” Jeff. West Seattle was supposed to have a completed line line 15 years ago and nobody in the meantime has “stepped up” whatever that means. 

    • no January 7, 2024 (10:03 pm)

      The answer is no. Light rail swipes property from developers and developers paid Saka’s way onto the council. The project will become increasingly impossible and expensive over the next 2 years. 

      • Jeff January 7, 2024 (10:56 pm)

        We voted on it, so, yes

  • Mark H January 7, 2024 (8:56 pm)

    Saka will see to it that all c-curb is removed throughout the city.  Left turns for all everywhere!  Passing stopped buses!  You wanted it, you got it!

    • WS Guy January 7, 2024 (10:01 pm)


    • c-curbs are concentration camps January 7, 2024 (10:50 pm)

      I for one celebrate the removal of c-curbs. They restrict my personal bus-sized pickup truck from stopping a city-owned bus with 60 people aboard. It makes perfect sense to voters in West Seattle. Life behind these c-curbs is like Gaza. Last week I waited 25 seconds so some criminals could get a ride for free babysitting at middle school because their parents neglect them so they can target us in the junction with terrible jokes that we elevate to terrorism. I don’t know what a c-curb is, there I said it.

      • 937 January 8, 2024 (10:21 am)

        I don’t know how much of this is satire or seriousness… But I DO know there are NEVER any buses with 60 people on them. Unless a sporting event or concert is nearby.

        60 people. My arm.

        • DC January 8, 2024 (12:28 pm)

          I’ll take your arm. Every single week day morning and evening the C and H line busses are full with at least 60 people. Every single day, those two busses alone transport at least 14k people taking as many cars off of the road so you can more easily drive your car. Next time, try thanking a bus for relieving traffic. 

      • josh January 8, 2024 (4:03 pm)

        lol.  I told my Brother in law who did have to do the border crossing into the US from Mexico using a coyote decades ago before he got naturalized here about this guy claiming the 8 inch left turn barrier was akin to Trumps border wall and was traumatizing migrants who had made the crossing and he spit out his water laughing so hard.His daughter, my niece, who was born here in the States was offended on his behalf.  As a cyclist I really wish that letter had come out before the election as I fear that there will not be an appropriate response to continued deaths and injuries among cyclists on the peninsula given Sakas stated position of not wanting to support safe bicycle infrastructure, its doubly disappointing given he now chairs the transportation committee.  Oh well, hopefully Rob see the light of day and reprioritizes the safety of his constituents over his apparent desire to go vroom.

    • 937 January 8, 2024 (10:19 am)

      Oh thank the STARS!!! Maybe we can finally get some MOVEMENT around here!

    • Wseattleite January 8, 2024 (2:30 pm)


  • Deb January 7, 2024 (10:04 pm)

    FYI – CM Dan Strauss shared this list of City Council Committee Assignments for 2024-2025 in his newsletter: Thanks Dan!“I also wanted to take a moment and share all the new committee assignments since we have so many new Councilmembers. This list also includes the vacant Position 8, which will be appointed by the Seattle City Council soon. Here are the City Council Committee Assignments for 2024-2025: 

    • Finance, Native Communities, and Tribal Governments – The chair is Councilmember Strauss, Vice Chair is Rivera. Other members include Councilmember Nelson, Councilmember Morales, Councilmember Moore, Councilmember Kettle, Councilmember Hollingsworth, Councilmember Saka, and Position 8.  
    • Governance, Accountability, and Economic Development– The Chair is Councilmember Nelson, Vice Chair is Councilmember Kettle. Other members include Councilmember Hollingsworth, Councilmember Rivera, and Councilmember Saka. 
    • Housing & Human Services– The Chair is Councilmember Moore, Vice Chair is Councilmember Morales. Other members include Councilmember Nelson, Councilmember Saka, and Position 8. 
    • Land Use– Chair is Councilmember Morales, Vice Chair is Councilmember Strauss. Other members include Councilmember Moore, Councilmember Rivera, and Position 8. 
    • Libraries, Education & Neighborhoods– The Chair is Councilmember Rivera and the Vice Chair will be Position 8. Other members include Councilmember Hollingsworth, Councilmember Moore, and Councilmember Morales. 
    • Parks, Public Utilities & Technology– The Chair is Councilmember Hollingsworth, Vice Chair is Councilmember Nelson. Other members include Councilmember Kettle, Councilmember Rivera, and Councilmember Strauss.
    • Public Safety– The Chair is Councilmember Kettle, Vice Chair is Councilmember Saka. Other members include Councilmember Hollingsworth, Councilmember Moore and Councilmember Nelson. 
    • Sustainability, City Light, Arts, and Culture– The Chair will be Position 8, Vice Chair is Councilmember Moore. Other members include Councilmember Morales, Councilmember Saka, and Councilmember Strauss. 
    • Transportation– Chair is Councilmember Saka, Vice Chair is Councilmember Hollingsworth. Other members include Councilmember Kettle, Councilmember Strauss, and Position 8.”

  • Millie January 7, 2024 (10:49 pm)

    Appreciate his informative video regarding his Committee assignments (as Chair/Co-Chair) on the City Council, as well as, Regional government.   Looks like an intensive learning curve and work program.  Wish him well.   Hopefully, council members will work cooperatively and collegially in respect to what is good for all City and tri-County residents. 

  • Big Dave January 7, 2024 (11:40 pm)

    Anyone would be an improvement.  

    • Jeff January 8, 2024 (8:41 am)

      Except maybe a tech lawyer who defends an awfully corrupt company like Meta…

  • Marianne McCord January 8, 2024 (9:04 am)

    Can we now reverse the ridiculous road closure of Trenton St for the Healthy Streets initiative? CM Saka, this particular closure does NOT work for the Highland Park and South Delridge neighborhoods! I will be sending an email to our D1 CM, especially now that he is chair of transportation. I urge all my neighbors also to do so! Trenton St. is a vital street for our neighborhoods; we use it to get to Highland Park Elem, HP corner store, Westcrest Dog Park, the shops in Westwood Village, the library, the post office and to access the the rest of West Seattle. Truly the list goes on. The Trenton St. Healthy Street closure has not had the public attention of the Alki closure- through the press, in council decisions etc. We need to let “the powers-that-be” that this is NOT a good closure. Other streets have offered as an alternative, I.e. Cloverdale St. 

    • 937 January 8, 2024 (10:23 am)

      Psst…. Just use it as it is a public road. I do.

      • WarOnCars January 8, 2024 (10:59 am)

        typical entitled driver. can’t stand that there’s a single street for people. henderson and cloverdale make trenton redundant for non-locals. maybe navigation isn’t your strong suite?

      • WS resident January 8, 2024 (9:23 pm)

        I use it daily too, I think it’s ridiculous that pandemic era signs are still up.  No one is walking in the middle of the street there!

    • Wseattleite January 8, 2024 (2:35 pm)

      If I have the opportunity to drive down Trenton, then I consider myself “local traffic”. That did, it would be good to dial back these poorly thought out measures that somehow ended end up as permanent in response to an “emergency”.  

  • Jay January 8, 2024 (9:14 am)

    Can anyone break down what this means for cyclists? Is this pretty much game over for new improvements while Saka is in office? I don’t really understand how much power a committee chair has or how that impacts upcoming and potential projects. After all the projects Durkan killed I’m worried we’re in a loop of bouncing back and forth between pro-alternative transit and obstructionist policies. A lot of good stuff is happening now.

  • flimflam January 8, 2024 (9:20 am)

    The guy has been on the job a few days and the sky is falling? Take a breath, relax, and see what he actually does or doesn’t do before freaking out.

  • PDiddy January 8, 2024 (1:56 pm)

    I am hoping they crack down on the persistent RVs next to the South Seattle College. There should be a no RV section near any school or day care with zero tolerance. Tired of seeing them move a block or two leaving piles of garbage.

  • CorvidFan January 9, 2024 (11:00 am)

    I don’t know how anyone can be optimistic about this guy after he claimed building an 8″ safety curb would be “triggering” and “extremely traumatizing” to immigrants because it will remind them of Trump’s wall.  Just admit that you don’t care about traffic safety, you don’t have to be disingenuous.

Sorry, comment time is over.