One day after City Councilmembers chose Tanya Woo to fill the citywide Position 8 vacancy until November, we heard from the lone West Seattleite among the other seven finalists. Steve Strand, who is commander of the West Seattle VFW Post as well as a Seattle Police captain, told WSB, “I would like to send out a big thank you to the outpouring of support I received from the West Seattle community. I will continue to work hard to make Seattle safe as a captain on the Seattle police department. It was just gratifying to hear the lives I’ve touched throughout West Seattle.” When each councilmember nominated a finalist from among the 72 “qualified applicants” on January 12th, Strand was nominated by Council President Sara Nelson, but on Tuesday, she was one of the five councilmembers who voted to appoint Woo (as was D-1 Councilmember Rob Saka). The appointment only lasts until someone is elected this fall, so will Strand file to run for the job? His reply: “I haven’t decided yet. We’ll see what kind of feedback I get.”
West Seattle, Washington
13 Friday