FOLLOWUP: After 6+ years, Lincoln Park South Play Area replacement work about to start

(Photo sent by Mike Dey)

Thanks for the tips and photos! That fence is a sign that work is about to start on Lincoln Park‘s South Play Area, 6 1/2 years after the original play structure was closed and removed for safety issues. Seattle Parks spokesperson Karen O’Connor tells WSB, “We anticipate issuing the Notice to Proceed to the contractor next week, so it seems the contractor put up the fencing ahead of this notice.” We reported last September that a contractor had been chosen but wouldn’t be able to start work until early this year. The contractor is LW Sundstrom, whose winning bid was just under $1.2 million for this project and similar work at Westcrest Park (closed 2 1/2 years). Parks promises more information on the construction schedule next week.

17 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: After 6+ years, Lincoln Park South Play Area replacement work about to start"

  • WSOwl January 5, 2024 (12:19 pm)

    Hope no kid thinks about playing pickleball (LOL)

    • Jay January 5, 2024 (12:45 pm)

      It blows my mind that the pickleball court went from concept to shovel-ready in just a few weeks but a playground at the same park got shelved indefinitely.

      • PDiddy January 5, 2024 (2:13 pm)

        Right? Everyone wants the kids to have a place to play while pretty much no one I know whats the pickleball. Its going to be full of cars of residents from cap hill, north seattle etc. Not locals. I would rather they just remove the courts altogether.

    • Erik January 5, 2024 (12:55 pm)

      I clicked specifically on the article to see if someone had already commented about Pickleball 😂

    • uhhuh January 5, 2024 (2:52 pm)

      Plenty of places for them to play throughout West Seattle. No need for another six courts in the middle of Lincoln Park. I assure you, there is no lack of pickleball courts for our beloved children or adults to play on in this neighborhood. Let’s let our neighbors (humans and wildlife) enjoy Lincoln Park as the quiet, green oasis as it is!   – Signed, someone who plays pickleball in West Seattle and does not feel the need to inflict that cacophony on Lincoln Park visitors

      • Josh January 5, 2024 (5:29 pm)

        I personally like the idea of trading a bunch of trucks coming and going all the time for courts that will be used maybe 2 to 8 hours a day 4 months out of the year if that.  That sound more like a verdant oasis than the current set up.BUT this article has nothing to do with pickle ball so there’s that. 

  • Kyle January 5, 2024 (2:04 pm)

    Any word on if Westcrest playground installation will occur in parallel?

  • Mykidsgrewup January 5, 2024 (5:59 pm)

    Thank God. My kids were tiny when the playground closed but have since grown out of their playground years – we would have utilized this playground so much. I hope park officials feel ashamed by their public disregard for children during a multi-year period during which indoor play opportunities were uniquely unavailable, especially in light of all that pickleball urgency. Not cool, park bosses.

  • Grandma January 5, 2024 (6:12 pm)

    Ditto for my then young grandkids who we watched twice a week. The older one will probably close to middle school age by the time it’s ready. A real disappointment that the children were not priorities. Glad for the kids who will get to enjoy it. 

  • rob January 5, 2024 (8:21 pm)

     here in lies the the problem with the playground. Only one SC member has a child.  

    • WSB January 5, 2024 (8:57 pm)

      If by “SC” you mean City Council, that is not correct. Five of the current nine are parents. Five of the previous nine, too (including three of the departing councilmembers). That aside, the council has nothing to do with a project like this – it’s at Parks staff level. – TR

  • Admiral Nelso January 5, 2024 (8:36 pm)

    Great. Now just get the Hiawatha playground done and reopen the community center while you’re at it.

  • N January 5, 2024 (10:26 pm)

    Do we know if Hiawatha community center will open again?

  • Mike January 6, 2024 (10:01 am)

    Should be an inquiry, intensive, into why Parks took so long to get this funded project underway.  Extended job security for project managers?

  • Ted January 7, 2024 (10:26 pm)

    This park was awesome for my kids and then Seattle got involved

  • when? January 7, 2024 (10:53 pm)

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