VIDEO: Grand Menorah lit at Alki Beach on Hanukkah’s final night

(WSB photos)

This is the eighth and final night of Hanukkah, and the second year the Torah Learning Center of West Seattle has lit a 12-foot-high Grand Menorah at Alki Beach. Rabbi Eli Duban climbed a ladder with a tiki torch to set the eight lights – one for each night – ablaze:

He spoke briefly about the light of the Jewish spirit triumphing over antisemitism, and had words of gratitude (update: here’s the video):

The gathering also had a festive note, with songs and treats (jelly donuts and chocolate coins).

7 Replies to "VIDEO: Grand Menorah lit at Alki Beach on Hanukkah's final night"

  • AG December 14, 2023 (5:21 pm)


  • PigeonRidge Ben December 14, 2023 (7:06 pm)

    To be under siege
    To find light in darkness
    To not have enough
    To pray for your survival
    Your people’s survival

  • Scott Dolfay December 15, 2023 (1:22 am)

    If I had known beforehand I would have been
    there; stated not as a Jew but in support. BTW, I have placed a Mezuzah next to my front door. 

    • Local December 15, 2023 (7:16 am)

      Thank you!

  • Scarlett December 15, 2023 (8:52 am)

    Thank you, Rabbi.  No Jew should ever have to face anti-Semitism, including backlash for a perceived wrong by the country they are associated with, culturally and historically.  This goes without saying for all of us here on the blog and the West Seattle community, I’m sure, but lets also make sure the light doesn’t blind us to other injustices.  Shalom    

  • Seagurl December 15, 2023 (9:30 am)

    I’ve visited this a few times. ❤️

  • Ilana December 18, 2023 (9:23 am)

    Go Eli! 

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