FREE: Need a tree? Holy Rosary’s leftovers up for grabs

Sent by Holy Rosary School:

The Holy Rosary tree lot is closed for the season. About a dozen trees have been leaned against the retaining wall on the Holy Rosary playground. These are free trees that need to find a home.

You’ll find them on the north side of the school, off 42nd SW between Genesee and Dakota.

3 Replies to "FREE: Need a tree? Holy Rosary's leftovers up for grabs"

  • Murray Wynne December 18, 2023 (8:12 am)

    Holy Rosary doesn’t have any left. Is there any place that has a tre in West Seattle ?

    • WSB December 18, 2023 (9:39 am)

      No other free trees that I know of, but unless something changed since the weekend, sales continue at Tony’s (35th/Barton), West Seattle Nursery (California/Brandon), True Value (44th/Edmunds), maybe The Home Depot on Delridge.

  • Z December 18, 2023 (12:58 pm)

    Tony’s has a lot per last pass yesterday. McLendon’s does as well (although fewer)

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