West Seattle, Washington
12 Wednesday
Looking at the week ahead, here’s one big non-holiday event: Thursday night (December 7), the Southwest Design Review Board meets online for its next look at a mixed-use building proposed for 7617 35th SW, on the west side of 35th between Holden and Ida. This is the second “early design guidance” meeting for the project – at the end of the first one (WSB coverage here), the board told the project team to go back for another try at presenting size/shape options. The basics remain six stories, more than 130 apartments, 5,200 square feet of commercial (or live/work) space, and about 50 offstreet parking spaces. You can see the design packet for the meeting – including details on the three proposed size/shape (“massing”) options – by going here. The 5 pm meeting will include an opportunity for public comment, as explained on this page – which is also where you’ll find the link for attending Thursday’s meeting.
Three weeks until Christmas Eve, and it’s time to start spotlighting West Seattle Christmas lights every night. Tonight we visited a corner that shines brightly every year – Charlestown and 40th, near the “water tower” (actually a standpipe). On the northwest side of this corner, three homes in a row have lights aplenty – the corner house itself, and its two neighbors to the north.
Our photos really can’t do it justice – go walk the corner for yourself!
Got lights? Seen lights? Let us know – westseattleblog@gmail.com, with or without photos (we’re out roaming) – thank you! (See what we’ve shown, including previous years, by scrolling through this WSB archive.)
It was a full house – more than 100 people of all ages, babies through seniors – when the West Seattle Big Band presented a holiday concert this afternoon at Admiral Church. We recorded three of the Christmas songs for you – first, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”:
Here’s “The Christmas Song”
And “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”:
(Jim Edwards directs the WSBB; Jenaige Lane and Greg Dirks were the vocalists in our clips; Bud Jackson sang later.) The rest of the program included some non-holiday selections too. The band, which spends much of its year donating its time to raise money for school music programs, donated this appearance too so the church could raise money (admission was free but a basket was passed) for its music program.
Watch for more public WSBB performances next year – their calendar is at westseattlebigband.com, along with history on this quarter-century-and-going-strong group!
With so much going on these holiday-season weekends, perhaps you’re a parent who’d like to take a little time for yourself. How about next Saturday – December 9? This high-school-age West Seattle Girl Scout Troop has an offer:
Parents’ Night Out December 9th, 5-9 pm at Peace Lutheran [39th/Thistle].
Reliable childcare for ages 5-11.
Holiday party to attend? Holiday shopping to do? Need quiet headspace to write your holiday cards? Here’s your opportunity!
Go enjoy yourself knowing your children are in good hands and having a great time with Girl Scout Troop 40171!
We have a full lineup of fun festive winter activities to entertain 5-11 year olds: cookie decorating, festive winter crafts and games, and a pizza dinner!
Our Ambassador level (juniors and seniors in high school) Girl Scout troop is fundraising for our troop to travel to Our Chalet – a Girl Scout world center in Switzerland – as the culmination of our scouting experience.
We are all trained in first aid and have experience babysitting. Girl Scouts and non-Girl Scouts, stuffies, lovies, and cozy blankets are all welcome! Pricing and registration here.
More than a year has passed since SDOT announced that the Alki Point Healthy Street – Alki Avenue west of 63rd and Beach Drive north/west of 63rd – would be permanent. A few months later, the city said it was working on the permanent design. They’ve just unveiled finalized designs centering on four locations along the stretch, including the addition of various features including a “cul-de-sac,” a “walking and rolling” lane adjacent to part of the sidewalk, and removal of 60+ on-street parking spaces, while marking three new ADA spaces:
Location 1: Alki Ave SW & 64th Pl SW
-Paint & post cul-de-sac to give drivers an opportunity to turn around before the “street closed” sign
-“Street closed” sign on durable concrete cylinders to reduce cut-through driving on the Healthy Street
-Wayfinding pavement markings for a smooth transition from existing bike path to the Healthy Street
-Approximately 6 parking spaces removed in Cul-de-sac area – raised crosswalk to 64th Pl SWLocation 2: Alki Ave SW and Point Pl SW
-Speed humps to reduce traffic speeds
-Sharrow pavement markings to enhance wayfinding for people biking, rolling, and walking
-Stop signs at intersecting streetsLocation 3: Alki Ave SW and Beach Dr SW
-Paint and post to delineate 10’ of additional space for walking/rolling along the existing sidewalk adjacent to the beach
-Sharrow pavement markings to enhance wayfinding for people biking, rolling, and walking
-Stop signs at intersecting streets
-ADA accessible parking along Beach Dr SWLocation 4: Beach Dr SW and 64th Ave SW
-Paint and post to delineate 10’ of additional space for walking/rolling along the existing sidewalk adjacent to the beach
-Sharrow pavement markings to enhance wayfinding for people biking, rolling, and walking
-Stop signs at intersecting streets
-Approximately 61 parking spaces removed on Beach Dr SW, from 3300 Beach Dr SW to 64th Ave SW
-Approximately 46 parking spaces to remain available on Beach Dr SW, from 3300 Beach Dr SW to 64th Ave SW
The first “design update” is similar to what was proposed in “early design” – you can compare via links toward the bottom of the project page – but the other three have significant additions, including the “walking/rolling” lane and more speed humps. This is planned for installation next year. Meantime, SDOT’s update says there’s one stretch they haven’t finalized yet – Beach Drive between 63rd and 64th. This and other “Healthy Streets” around the city originally were set up during the early months of the pandemic, but many have been made permanent as reduced-vehicle-traffic streets.
Two incidents in West Seattle Crime Watch this morning:
CRASH-AND-GRAB BURGLARS HIT CANNA WEST AGAIN: Driving in the 5400 block of California SW this morning, we saw that damage to Canna West Culture Shop. It happened just before 3 am, according to archived dispatch audio – three people crashed a vehicle into the storefront and ran off southbound. The people we talked with say it appears nothing was taken; it should be noted, this is NOT where Canna sells cannabis – that’s Canna West Seattle (WSB sponsor) across the street; this shop specializes (as its sign says) in CBD products. Archived audio indicates the burglars left a gray Kia Optima behind, still running; it had not (yet) been reported stolen but they were going to check with the registered owner at a North Seattle address. The burglars seen leaving the scene were described only as “three unknown-race males, thin.” The same building houses the studio of Filigree and Shadow fragrances (WSB sponsor), which proprietor James tells us was not damaged. The previous crash-and-grab hit at Canna West was in September.
One reader report this morning:
WORK TRUCK BREAK-IN: From Amanda: “I wanted to let you know that there was a truck broken into at the Wells Fargo parking lot in The Junction last night. My friend parked his Republic Services work truck there last night around 6 pm. The robber smashed the window and stole lots of rain gear, hoodies, and boots. Mostly all with either a US Ecology logo or Republic Services logo. If the community could keep an eye out, it would be appreciated!”
Many opportunities to give this holiday season – but usually just one asking for homemade Christmas cookies! The Christmas People just sent the announcement asking for cookies again this year; we’re sharing it so bakers can plan ahead:
The Christmas People are once again asking for home-baked cookies for distribution to homeless and other marginalized people in our midst.
Home baked cookies may be brought to West Seattle Coworking, 9030 35th Ave SW, Friday, Dec. 22 and Saturday, Dec. 23 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 24 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Cookies may also be dropped off at Artisan Community Kitchen, 10836 E. Marginal Way, S, Tukwila 98168 during the same hours as above.
The Christmas People also need volunteers for food prep and delivery to shelters. Contact Rev. Fred Hutchinson, cofounder, at 206-719-4979 or pialley@jps.net.
Here’s an explanation of what The Christmas People are all about.
(Olympic Mountains – The Brothers at left – photographed from Alki by David Hutchinson)
Happy Sunday! Here’s what’s happening – from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and Holiday Guide:
‘WINTER WANDER’ SCAVENGER HUNT: Alice Kuder‘s West Seattle scavenger hunt continues through December 10th, and you can still register to participate! Go here to find out more and to sign up.
HOLIDAY FUN PHOTOS WITH GAIL ANN: 8:30 am-2 pm is the window today for sessions at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse – book your time here.
WESTIES RUN CLUB: Meet at 9 am at rotating locations – today it’s Highland Park Corner Store (7789 Highland Park Way SW).
ADVENT FESTIVAL: From the holiday-season church listings in the Holiday Guide, this is happening today at Peace Lutheran Church (39th/Thistle) from 9:00 am-10:15 am: “Advent logs, paperwhites, card making, and more. Bring the whole family. A light breakfast will be served. Special guest Gayle Boss, author of All Creation Waits, will join us via ZOOM toward the end of the morning and read from the Children’s Edition of her Advent book.”
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, the market is open as usual between SW Alaska and SW Oregon on California, offering late-fall fruit and vegetables as well as flowers, cheese, fish, meat, baked goods, condiments, fresh-cooked food, beverages (from cider to kombucha to beer/wine), nuts, more – even Christmas trees! Here’s today’s vendor list.
FOOD DRIVE AT FARMERS’ MARKET: Farmlink fellow Ariel plans to be back at the market today collecting food for the West Seattle Food Bank, 10 am-2 pm – look for her booth.
PATHFINDER WREATH SALES DURING FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm at California/Alaska, look for Pathfinder K-8‘s famous wreaths.
CHALLAH BRAIDING AT FARMERS’ MARKET: With Hanukkah approaching, Torah Learning Center of West Seattle is at the market 10 am-2 pm: “There will be Menorah Kits, Donuts, Dreidels, and more!”
SILENT BOOK CLUB AT THE LIBRARY: Special gathering of the Silent Book Club of West Seattle – at the library! 10:30 am settle in, 11-noon read, noon-12:30 chat or keep reading, at West Seattle (Admiral) Library (2306 42nd SW) – more in our calendar listing.
MOON ROOM SALE: Friday we announced Moon Room Shop and Wellness (5902 1/2 California SW) as our newest sponsor. That announcement included word of a 15% off sale through today.
DELRIDGE GROCERY COOP SALE: As announced Friday, the store is selling produce at big discounts again today. (5444 Delridge Way SW)
Santa is making a stop at Highland Park Corner Store! He’ll be here to spread good cheer and take photos with your pets (kids of all ages welcome as well!). For a $25 donation, you’ll get access to a digital library of photos taken by Erika Smith Photography. Proceeds from the photos support Forgotten Dogs Rescue.
(7789 Highland Park Way SW)
SANTA PET PHOTOS: At Westwood Village, Pet Supplies Plus is again offering free Santa Pet Photos today, 11 am-4 pm, plus cookies, cocoa, and coffee.
HOLIDAY ART SHOW & SALE: Rain City Clay‘s holiday show/sale continues, featuring artists who work with clay:
Show hours today are 1-5 pm. (4208 SW 100th)
WEST SEATTLEITE’S HANUKKAH BOOK: Jo Gershman has written/illustrated the picture book “A Wild, Wild Hanukkah” and will have a meet-and-greet/reading event at 1 pm today at University Bookstore (4326 University Way NE)
WEST SEATTLE BIG BAND: At Admiral Church (4320 SW Hill), 3 pm, free holiday jazz concert and dance. With cookies!
‘SNOWED IN’: ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor) presents its holiday production, described as “a journey of song, dance, friendship, family, and the true meaning of the holidays.” 3 pm today. Tickets and show times/dates are here.
MUSICIANS FOR THE WEST SEATTLE FOOD BANK: At C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor): Another benefit performance – no cover but food and/or funds for WSFB appreciated.
POETRY FOR PUPS: Book reading and meet-and-greet with author Susan Seah and her “beagle muse” Koa – bring your pup! 3 pm to 5 pm at Realfine Coffee (4480 Fauntleroy Way SW)
SUNDAY NIGHT JAZZ: Triangular Jazztet at The Alley (4509 California SW), 8 pm and 9 pm sets.
Something for our calendar – one-time or recurring? Or for the West Seattle Holiday Guide? Please email us the info – westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!