WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Third 7-11 robbery in less than two weeks

Police are at the Harbor Avenue 7-11 right now, investigating an armed robbery reported just after 3 am. So far all they’ve learned is that there were four robbers – at least one with a “long gun” – who held up the clerk, pointing a gun at his head, and got away in a “white sedan.” All were wearing masks. This is the third West Seattle 7-11 robbery in less than two weeks, after Avalon on October 24th and California/Charlestown on October 28th.

18 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Third 7-11 robbery in less than two weeks"

  • Paul November 5, 2023 (8:18 am)

    I’m currently traveling in Mexico and all of the Xoxo and 7-11s here have a small window that you have to use after hours.  Keeps the clerks safe. We should adapt that style. 

  • Westytoo November 5, 2023 (8:51 am)

    AGAIN :  we need to change the laws to allow Police to use Traffic cameras to find these people and to pursue them.  As in actively pursue them./hot pursuit.  Please contact the city Council and state legislature to ask for this.ONE use of traffic cameras: to catch criminals.  I doubt there was too many people on the road when this took place and it seems they could’ve tracked the vehicle and caught them.  We are restricting our police from methods available to get these people incarcerated and off the street.

  • WS resident November 5, 2023 (9:54 am)

    Is there really a need for this business to be open at night? I get that the clerk needs to work but is it worth risking your life and all the stress for someone to buy a coke at 3am? Is business that good at that time of the night? I think it’s time to reassess. And time to get these punks off the street too.

    • Johnny Stulic November 5, 2023 (10:35 am)

      And this is supposed to solve the problem because crimes are illegal during daylight hours?

    • Derek November 5, 2023 (11:15 am)

      Robberies can happen anytime of the day. I need 24/7 bodegas and this is as close as we get. I work late and out late, don’t take our last remaining all night stores. 7/11 can afford private security if needed.

    • Anne November 5, 2023 (12:00 pm)

      That’s the answer-just close?  No-the answer is to elect lawmakers,who make laws-who can -will increase sentences. Elect prosecutors who will actually prosecute crimes & elect judges who will impose appropriate sentences. The answer is NOT to penalize the businesses being robbed-but those doing the robbing. 

      • Admyrl Byrd November 5, 2023 (12:50 pm)

        Anne is correct; plus I believe it is part of the requirements of the 7-11 brand.  It does serve a need, even though we may not perceive it.   With all the smash and grabs, daylight robberies and organized retail theft, we may soon be at a crossroads where the choice is enforce laws and make crime “not pay” or eliminate the concept of retail as we know it.  Imagine safeway where you don’t walk in, you just place an order and drive-up.  It will get that bad.

      • Deterrence November 5, 2023 (3:46 pm)

        Please Google ‘Five Things About Deterrence”. It’s a cited post made by the National Institute of Justice dot Gov that provides plenty of evidence that increased sentence durations do little to reduce crime. Draconian punishments may make you feel better, but they don’t deter criminals from actually commiting crimes. Your sentiment is repeated ad nauseam on this forum and has no evidence of being an effective way to reduce crimerates. 

        • Mike November 5, 2023 (4:45 pm)

          Fun fact, violent criminals behind bars don’t commit violent crimes over and over in the general public when behind bars.  It’s an astounding fact the rest of us in the world of reality understand.  Anyone (judge, jury, defending attorney, politicians, activists) who made sure a repeat violent criminal is in public, are responsible for the harm done by the violent criminals.  It’s time true victims get justice, enough is enough.

        • Rhonda November 5, 2023 (6:09 pm)

          Deterrence, please enlighten us and explain how a violent criminal can rob a 7/11 from a prison cell.

          • AwfulTake November 5, 2023 (7:36 pm)

            Why stop there? A criminal can’t crime if they’re no longer alive. Let’s encourage our beautiful city to adopt a more permanent solution. I’m sure you’d be the first to sign a petition, Rhonda!

        • Byron James November 6, 2023 (2:03 am)

          We put rapists and murderers in prison yet there are still rapists and murderers. So we shouldn’t put rapists and murderers in prison?

      • Derp November 5, 2023 (3:58 pm)

        You can do everything you said, and agree with you. But the biggest problem, is prison/jail overcrowding. Some of these should actual go to western hospital and get checked out too. Not just say oh wait,  the guy isn’t right and just let him out. Do something about these pete and repeat offenders. 

    • mygoodness November 5, 2023 (1:48 pm)

      I agree. During this high crime period, think of the health of employees and close earlier.  

  • WSRes November 5, 2023 (10:00 am)

    We have a say in the matter. Vote on Tuesday. 

  • Alki guy November 5, 2023 (3:08 pm)

    The should just open from 7 to 11

  • The0bvious3xxxpert November 5, 2023 (4:37 pm)

    Ita the little details not everyone works 9-5 if your shift ends at midnight and you need an ingredient for dinner theirs only so many options. Same with fuel for your vehicle get it done the day before and you wont be in a hurry when you get up. 

    • WS Resident November 5, 2023 (6:09 pm)

      There are a lot of groceries shop opened during the night that don’t seem to have the problems of small stores like 7/11 which appear to be easy targets. And it seems most get robbed at night. Just an observation. Personally I would not shop there in the middle of the night and potentially end up in the middle of a robbery. Just saying. More police, better judges and all this. 100%

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