How to join in The Hall at Fauntleroy’s free Thanksgiving feast – as a diner, donor, and/or volunteer

(WSB photo, Thanksgiving 2022)

For a quarter of a century, The Hall at Fauntleroy has served a free Thanksgiving feast to community members – open to all. In addition to diners, they’re also again welcoming volunteers and dessert donors, Here’s the announcement:

All are welcome on Thanksgiving Day – Thursday, November 23rd from 12 pm-3 pm – for this year’s annual Free Community Thanksgiving Dinner! The delicious meal, created this year by Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering‘s Jr. Sous Chef Zach Mosely, will include a traditional turkey dinner and all the trimmings, with desserts donated by the community. No need to RSVP, just show up at Hall at Fauntleroy (9131 California Ave SW) on Thanksgiving Day between 12-3 pm.

This event happens with the help of many wonderful volunteers. You can sign up to volunteer or bring a dessert on

Gently used warm clothing, new blankets and socks, and dessert donations can be dropped off at our SODO office at 4105 Airport Way S., from Monday, November 20, to Wednesday, November 22, from 9 am-3 pm [or drop in Fauntleroy Schoolhouse hallway bin] or bring it to The Hall at Fauntleroy on Thanksgiving Day from 10 am-1 pm.

7 Replies to "How to join in The Hall at Fauntleroy's free Thanksgiving feast - as a diner, donor, and/or volunteer"

  • West Seattle Mad Sci Guy November 6, 2023 (11:35 pm)

    We may be interested in volunteering / dessert donating. I’m curious though if folks show up to eat do they ever get turned away due to being at capacity?

    • WSB November 6, 2023 (11:57 pm)

      Have never heard of that, and we’ve covered this for 15+ years.

    • WiseWoman November 9, 2023 (2:06 am)

      I believe it is just first come first served and it rotates so everyone gets served. Some may stay longer some may only stay a short while. Its a wonderful tradition here.

  • Sue H November 7, 2023 (12:06 am)

    I’ve been there a number of times in past years and sometimes if it’s really busy you may have to wait to be seated, but I don’t think I’ve ever waited very long. People tend to eat and leave without lingering for a tremendous amount of time, and they don’t seat entire tables at once, or at least they didn’t, and would serve people as they arrived. So they’re always seems to be some turnover. I always tended to go within the first hour just because I wasn’t sure if they would run out of things later in the service.

  • JT November 21, 2023 (8:00 am)

    It’s unclear to me if this event is meant for those who do not otherwise have access to a meal, or truly open to all, such as those who don’t have family in the area. Is this a true community event or meant to serve meals to the homeless? Both? 

    • WSB November 21, 2023 (8:10 am)

      Open to all.

  • Gail Ann November 21, 2023 (10:38 am)

    I love this event! I have volunteered in the past, brought a dessert, or simply enjoyed. Looking forward to another tasty Thanksgiving dinner. Thank you all for what you do! P.S. I just cleaned out the closet and have some clothing to donate!

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