UPDATE: Police response at Pathfinder K-8

(Added: WSB photo)

10:38 AM: Police have converged on Pathfinder K-8 in Pigeon Point and here’s what we know. The original call that came into 911 was from a passerby who claimed they saw a man with a gun “walking into the school.” According to radio communication, police have NOT found anyone so far but are searching the school. More information as we get it.

10:45 AM: Just to be clear – NO REPORTS OF GUNFIRE. Police, including SWAT officers, are clearing the school room by room. The original description of the person a passerby said they saw was “unknown-race male, 5’5″ to 6’0″, medium build, red puffy coat.”

10:52 AM: Police have just told dispatch “We’ve cleared the whole structure and found no evidence of a weapon, a suspect, or a shooting.” … Individual classrooms remain locked and sheltering in place, they added. (Update – school staff in comments says it’s a lockdown.)

11:04 AM: They’ve been trying to get back in contact with the original caller, who was apparently on their way off-peninsula when they called in the report. … Meantime, SPD has sent a media team member, who will eventually brief us outside the school.

11:17 AM: They’re now checking individual classrooms. Meantime, Police Chief Adrian Diaz is there and has just briefed us.. Notes from our crew in a moment.

11:22 AM: Chief Diaz says there were two 911 calls of concern. One was the original one reported above. The second one, which has come up in comment discussion below, was a 911 call claiming there was a “school shooting” somewhere – no location given. That was an unfounded call – there has been no gunfire anywhere, school or otherwise. No injuries of any kind. Police will stay at the school through day’s end.

11:45 AM: Now our crew says the school’s announced that it’s closing for the rest of the day and setting up procedures for parents to sign out and pick up kids. The police response is downsizing.

12:25 PM: We’ve left the school too but expect more information later – we have followup inquiries out both with police and the district. We have also added three more photos above.

2:42 PM: For the record, here’s the official district statement, from SPS spokesperson Bev Redmond via email:

Earlier today, a concerned citizen contacted 911 to report a potential safety issue regarding the sighting of an individual with a weapon on the Pathfinder K-8 campus. In response to this report, and in close coordination with the Seattle Police Department (SPD), the school initiated a lockdown procedure as a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of our students and staff.

During a lock-down classroom and exterior doors are locked. Students remain indoors and in their classrooms until the lockdown has been lifted.

We are pleased to report that after a comprehensive safety sweep of the school and campus, SPD confirmed that there was no credible threat to our students or staff. The safety and well-being of our students remain our top priority, and we are grateful for the swift and thorough response of the SPD in this matter.

As of now, the school has transitioned to a shelter-in-place status, maintaining heightened security protocols to ensure ongoing safety. We want to assure all families that Pathfinder students and staff are safe.

During a shelter-in-place, all exterior doors are locked and students remain indoors while the normal instructional day continues.

The school will continue with the school day as scheduled, following the standard Thursday dismissal time of 3:25 p.m.

We understand that incidents like these can be concerning, and we will continue to communicate with the Pathfinder community as we receive further updates and information.

The “continue with the school day” conflicts with what the principal said when we reported it above, but hopefully families have received updates. The district has not yet answered our question about the Genesee Hill shelter-in-place, which appears to have been related to a second unfounded 911 call.

2:55 PM: SPS has just answered that question, also via email: “Genesee Hill was placed in a shelter-in-place as a precaution until SPD could clarify the focal point of the 911 call. Genesee Hill was the former location of Pathfinder K-8.”

162 Replies to "UPDATE: Police response at Pathfinder K-8"

  • AdmiralMom November 2, 2023 (10:46 am)

    My Citizen app is showing threats at Genesee Hill school too. Any update?

    • WSB November 2, 2023 (10:49 am)

      Totally unfounded. There was a mistaken secondhand report. PF is *on* Genesee. (I have to add, PLEASE don’t put your faith in that app. We are asked often about “reports” that have turned out to be unfounded.)

      • Jason Bell November 2, 2023 (11:02 am)

        I just got a text from the principal at Genesee Hill, where my child is a student. They were also sheltering in place there. 

    • WSeattleSarah November 2, 2023 (11:04 am)

      My kindergartner is at GH and I just got a school text that they were in lockdown, too, and it was just lifted. 

  • Cami November 2, 2023 (10:47 am)

    My daughter just texted me that she’s in lockdown and has no idea why. This is a terrifying and helpless feeling.

    • Katie November 2, 2023 (10:50 am)

      💛 so sorry for all families and staff having to sit through this and wait 

    • Jen November 2, 2023 (10:52 am)

      I’m texting with my kid, letting them know what I’m learning here, that it was probably an err on the side of caution. Sending cute pics of their dog and commiserating about lockdowns. Let them know they will hear help in the hallway, follow directions. Stay strong, mama. 

    • E November 2, 2023 (10:52 am)

      Same here, we’ve just been telling her what we’ve heard here.  Thankful for the quick reporting.  

    • Lex November 2, 2023 (10:54 am)

      I hear you Cami, my kid is also freaking out. They haven’t told the kids anything. Shouldn’t SPS have sent out a message to the parents or were we supposed to find out at 6pm way after everything happened. 

      • WS Parent November 2, 2023 (10:59 am)

        I would hope that they are doing all they can to keep the kids safe rather than going through the administrative task of sending messages to parents.  The messages can come after safety is locked down.

        • Parent November 2, 2023 (11:07 am)

          We hear that but in the meantime we’re all clinging to WSB to find out information to calm our kids because our kids have no idea what’s happening. 

          • Pigeon Point Resident November 2, 2023 (11:58 am)

            It’s frustrating but in emergency/emergent scenarios it’s very common for people outside of the situation to have more information than the ones close to it.

      • Derek G November 2, 2023 (11:02 am)

        I agree. They should have sent something. 

      • SLJ November 2, 2023 (11:03 am)

        SPS doesn’t send anything out immediately–they are working on the threat.  Schools train for this and the first thing is to be sure everyone is accounted for and safe. This takes time as some kids might be in the bathroom, etc. Then they work with police. It’s very stressful for parents, but the schools need to prioritize safety, then determine facts before sending out info. They also don’t tell kids anything initially because they are still figuring it out. Spreading misinformation is a risk until they have time to determine what happened.

      • Tw November 2, 2023 (11:05 am)

        Notifications to parents at this stage would require a lot of dedicated staff to field parent calls and arrivals. That would hinder the search and child care efforts right now. It would amp up the fear without adding to child safety. Talk to your ptsa about a process review and discussion for the next ptsa meeting

      • Vanessa crosby November 2, 2023 (12:20 pm)

        The school texted parents for pathfinder 

    • LaQueta November 2, 2023 (10:55 am)

      I’m so sorry. I cannot imagine how you are feeling. I hope everyone is okay. 

  • Pete November 2, 2023 (10:54 am)

    Do we have any updates? My son is in 1st grade

  • lucie November 2, 2023 (10:59 am)

    update from your school nurse inside the building: still in lockdown. Can hear police in the building. Waiting for announcement for all students/staff. 

    • WSB November 2, 2023 (11:03 am)

      Thank you.

    • Lisa November 2, 2023 (11:06 am)

      Thanks Lucie!

    • Katie B. November 2, 2023 (11:21 am)

      Thank you for the update, Lucie. 

  • Judah November 2, 2023 (11:00 am)

    SPD twitter says they have cleared the school and confirmed no shooting and the school is clear, posted just before 11am


    • WSB November 2, 2023 (11:02 am)

      We have already posted that same update above. So far absolutely no evidence of anything.

  • Lisa November 2, 2023 (11:00 am)

    I’m staff here at Pathfinder. We’re still in lockdown but everyone is doing awesome. 

    • Derek G November 2, 2023 (11:03 am)

      Thank you for the update. Glad you guys are safe. 

    • Nichole November 2, 2023 (11:06 am)

      Thank you so much Lisa 

    • Salmon Room mom November 2, 2023 (11:17 am)

      THANK YOU for keeping our kids safe, Lisa. 

    • Carmen Maymi-O'Reilly November 2, 2023 (12:29 pm)

      I live down the street and saw police arriving Several.kids walk home and stop to chat with me on 23rd where it meets 22nd..I will wait for them nearby to escort them if I know when there are being dismissed..I was your FSW some years ago whe David was Adm. My name is Carmen 206 478 8080. Pls let me know how i can help. Glad everyone is safe.

  • whataboutthecreedence November 2, 2023 (11:01 am)

    WSB, please ask SPS why parents of Genesee Hill didn’t get immediate notifications that a shelter-in-place had been ordered. Inexcusable.

    • S November 2, 2023 (3:57 pm)

      I think it’s because parents would cause problems (calls, emails, showing up).  As a GH parent, I’m glad they were focused on safety and not dealing with all of us parents freaking out over nothing.  I could not have done anything but worry if I got that text.

  • Anon Student November 2, 2023 (11:02 am)

    im a pathfinder student in lockdown. im currently hiding in the gym closet and we haven’t heard any gunfiresomeone came in here saying they were the police before the police reportedly got hereim so scaredto all students and their loved ones it will be oki love you momi love you dadi love you a

    • Iv November 2, 2023 (11:41 am)

      Please stay safe, kid. It sounds like they’re wrapping up and you all can go home and get some rest and relaxation. 

  • Kim November 2, 2023 (11:03 am)

    Thank you Lisa for the update!

  • Leanna November 2, 2023 (11:03 am)

    Staff here…we’re hiding still, but everyone is safe and they’re doing great! Cami… I’ve got her! 

    • Emmy November 2, 2023 (11:24 am)

      Leanna, I’m am so touched that you updated a parent that you’ve got their child. Teachers are amazing. 

      • Rebecca November 2, 2023 (11:40 pm)

        Leanna’s just a bad ass!

    • Pam November 2, 2023 (11:43 am)

      Leanna – you are a Goddess and my hero.  Thanks for keeping the kids calm.  When Ro told me you were in there with him,  it was the only thing that calmed my nerves.  If you don’t have a cape,  you need one! ♡ Thanks!

  • Dan November 2, 2023 (11:09 am)

    About a quarter to a third of the police have left, including a K9 unit. Still seem to be maintaining some form of perimeter, but not a very large one. Many parents arriving.

  • AFerreira November 2, 2023 (11:09 am)

    Sounds like “SWATting”… 

  • Sadie Fine November 2, 2023 (11:10 am)

    Please note: The principal, Britney Holmes, never had cameras installed around the property, as promised years ago. The west side door is easily accessible and often open. This needs to be rectified immediately. 

    • Salmon Room mom November 2, 2023 (11:24 am)

      Yes–the front door is often blocked open with a piece of wood in the early am when we drop off at BT.Unrelated to today’s events but also gun related at this school, we witnessed/reported to BT a parent/caregiver who came in to pick up a child who had a gun stuffed into the waistband of their pants (no holster. Clearly visible when he bent over to sign his child out). BT sent out an update reminding all parents that there is zero tolerance for weapons in their facility, but a check of state law says that it is acceptable to come in to a school with a gun as long as you were only picking up or dropping off your child and have the correct permits. Be enraged like I was. 

      • Pete November 2, 2023 (11:30 am)

        JFC what?! My kid goes to BT. My jaw is on the floor reading that. 

      • Kingfisher mom November 2, 2023 (11:36 am)

        A gun in his waistband.  I am enraged!  Completely unacceptable!

      • Salmon Room Mom November 2, 2023 (11:47 am)

        To clarify:  BT was appalled, concerned and irate about the gun and will terminate care for a child if a parent comes in with a gun regardless of permit situation (they are a private care facility and can set their own weapon rules).   They were unable to identify the person who came with the gun as they did not see it when it happened and PF does not have cameras that record  at the entrance.My own research online/learned from other WC moms revealed the ‘guns are OK if you are just picking up a kid’ piece.

    • Iv November 2, 2023 (11:25 am)

      My guess is there’s other factors that go into putting cameras in an elementary school that go beyond a principal’s authority. If you’re going to call the principal out by name then list out the entire district and PTSA board as well since those are all the decision makers. 

      • Sadie Fine November 2, 2023 (12:07 pm)

        With these children in danger, I am sorry to hear that is your primary concern. My only concern is to make sure the kids are safe and only full transparency can make that happen. The facts are documented in multiple police reports, as this is not the first or second time the current principal at Pathfinder has failed to protect students. I respect you and wish you the best.

        • Wsresident November 2, 2023 (8:32 pm)

          Your children don’t attend Pathfinder anymore, you decided to leave based on your issues with administration. Why are you SO involved in what happened at Pathfinder today? It seems suspect, to say the least. The children who attend Pathfinder were kept safe, because Dr. Holmes followed protocol to a tea. I’m very grateful with how this was handled (yes my child was inside the building) and we’ve had some other issues arise that were also handled effectively prior. I’m sorry things went south or poorly for you and hope you have all the green grass where you are now.

      • Bill November 2, 2023 (12:31 pm)

        Thankful for the leadership of Dr. Britney Holmes and staff on what must be an absolutely stressful day. We are incredibly lucky to have such resilient and caring teachers. I’m sorry that anyone had to experience this.  – Pathfinder Parent

      • WSresident November 2, 2023 (1:24 pm)

        Couldn’t agree more. I’d have to vote to approve my child being filmed at school. Cameras are as much of a deterrent as security alarms. 

        • VKN November 2, 2023 (2:44 pm)

          Dr. Holmes is a strong leader. Thank you to staff and admin for handling this situation with the best of their ability and keeping kids safe. To be an educator today is not simple and our children are in good hands.

    • WSresident November 2, 2023 (1:08 pm)

      This so completely NOT true. I come into the school multiple times a week and the door is NEVER open, I wish it was sometimes because it’s a pain to always have to buzz. I know there are a lot of disgruntled parents from last year here commenting, you’ve left the school, please move on and stop with the drama. Focus on your kids current school and its safety.

      • Pathfinder Mom November 2, 2023 (1:52 pm)

        I’ve also seen it propped open in the afternoon by the BT folks.

        • WSresident November 2, 2023 (2:12 pm)

          BT operates after school hours?!

      • Renee DeMartin November 2, 2023 (2:22 pm)

        Pathfinder door is a buzz in door,  and someone inside visually checks whoever is outside; so not sure how an unidentified male would have gotten in.

        • WSB November 2, 2023 (2:31 pm)

          Please see my reply upthread. What dispatch told officers was that the caller saw the person on the “west side” of the school. IIRC from having covered many events there, the entrance is on the east side.

          • WSresident November 2, 2023 (8:20 pm)

            Dr. Holmes is second year at pathfinder, she just not have promised for “years” to install cameras. Sorry. Also, why are some people who don’t attend this school pouncing. I’m beginning to think we might be able to narrow down the two callers, who claimed this was all happening at the same entrance they are griping about. How did you know which entrance the person was reported entering? Seems super sketch, also VERY quick to post before most anyone knew. Hmmm

    • Another One November 2, 2023 (2:38 pm)

      STEM also has issues with open doors. It’s getting better, but last year two girls went to the bathroom and found a man washing his face who had come in off the street. We were told that SPS doesn’t do cameras for elementary/middle school and not even all high schools. I don’t know if that’s true. It’s absolutely unacceptable. 

    • Jana November 7, 2023 (9:13 pm)

      We absolutely need cameras installed. It’s 2023! 

  • Leanna November 2, 2023 (11:11 am)

    Leanna here…still hiding with kids. Waiting to be cleared. They’re doing great. They’re scared, but we’re comforting each other. Cami, i have her safe.

    • Gail November 2, 2023 (11:38 am)

      Leanna, Lucie, Lisa, and all PF staff, thank you so much for the updates here ❤️

    • Vanessa crosby November 2, 2023 (12:27 pm)

      They way things are these days schools better get recording cameras asap.as a concerned grandmother of a pathfinder I’m going to insist.

  • Kennedy November 2, 2023 (11:12 am)

    I don’t have children, but reading about this and the comments have me in tears. Heartbroken kids have to go through this. It’s not supposed to be this way….

  • GH parent November 2, 2023 (11:14 am)

    Genesee Hill parent here. We just received text message from admin, “ Genesee Hill Elementary School: Good morning. I am writing to let you know that we  have been in shelter in place but that it has just been lifted. This was out of an abundance of caution. Our students were not nor are not in harms way.thank you.Liz”

  • Anna November 2, 2023 (11:16 am)

    Hellow everyonei am a student that is inside the school rnwe are doing good and everyone should be okay, we have heard the police and the SWAT team. They have come around and still are idk how many police cars and swat stuff is outside my school rn but trust me, everyone in the school and to all the parents talking to there children rn, we will make it through this pathfinder is stronger than everything and anything!

    • PF Parent November 2, 2023 (3:16 pm)

      Glad you and your peers are ok, Anna! You are wonderful young humans who don’t deserve this. Very glad it appears to have been a false alarm.

      • Anna November 2, 2023 (3:48 pm)

        Yes yes thank you, we were very glad that it wasn’t true

  • Alicea Hotchkiss November 2, 2023 (11:18 am)

    My son is at Launch preschool in the Delridge community center. We got an email that they had sheltered in place just in case, and that they’re clear now but still with heightened security. Glad to hear things were cleared up!

  • Pathfinder parent November 2, 2023 (11:20 am)

    Pathfinder parent here who just received this message from Pathfinder administration. “Pathfinder K-8 School: This morning, 911 received a call reporting a safety concern at our campus. Seattle Police Department have arrived at our school. We are currently in lockdown while SPD completes their search. Students and staff are safe and cannot be picked up at this time. During a lock-down classroom and exterior doors are locked. Students remain indoors and in their classroom until the lockdown has been lifted. SPD and the SPS safety and security team are investigating. We will be sending families an update later today about this.”

  • ctini November 2, 2023 (11:20 am)

    Just texted with our 5th grade teacher.   Big emotions but all are safe!

    • Pfinder parent November 2, 2023 (11:51 am)

      Ctini,was this Scott or Andy?  My kiddo is in Andy’s class.  

      • ctini November 2, 2023 (2:13 pm)


  • Jenny November 2, 2023 (11:28 am)

    THank you staff for keeping us updated. It truly means a lot of know that the wonderful staff at Pathfinder hold our littles with so much care. We apprechiate all you do and hope everyone gets to debriefe and feel safe with your loved ones when this is cleared. Hugs to you all

  • Pathfinder parent November 2, 2023 (11:29 am)

    Can anyone speak to what the kids were told? I don’t want to add to their fear but don’t want to brush it aside… Feels impossible and perpetually heartbreaking to be a parent.  I hate this.

    • Ani November 2, 2023 (11:42 am)

      I know the older kids were checking phones.  My 7th grader was texing me and texted me the link the the WS blog.  I am curios for the youngers.  I also have a 2nd grader as well.  

      • Pete November 2, 2023 (12:38 pm)

        My son is a 1st grader crow. His teacher said in an email that the kids were calm and were curious to know what happened – but that she’d kept it vague, presumably to keep them calm. 

  • Russell November 2, 2023 (11:37 am)

    As a parent with a kid down the road at Sanislo, it’s gut-wrenching to see news like this from local schools, but I just want to say thank you to the WSB, the Pathfinder staff, and the students who are providing updates.

  • Marina November 2, 2023 (11:38 am)

    Why was Genesee Hill Elementary in a shelter in place? Is this all related or just out of precaution?

    • WSB November 2, 2023 (11:44 am)

      We have a message out to SPS for verification but based on both what I heard on emergency radio earlier and what Chief Diaz said, it was related to a mistaken 911 call someone made, described as ‘secondhand,’ claiming a “school shooting” somewhere.

    • GH parent November 2, 2023 (11:52 am)

      GH was shelter in place because the 911 call was about a school on Genesee so they were being cautious until it was confirmed the call was about a different school. We just got an email.

  • Random November 2, 2023 (11:41 am)

    I am a student in the school, people always say it would never happen at our school, that is a lie. We need to work on gun policy’s, this was one of the scariest times of people’s lives and this will still happen all over theUS.

    • PF Parent November 2, 2023 (3:21 pm)

      100 percent.

    • parentofthree November 2, 2023 (5:03 pm)

      100%!!! I am with you and I’m so sorry for all the adults in your world who are not prioritizing your safety. Our kids should not have to live like this. Everyday I drop off my son is anxiety ridden. 

  • WSB November 2, 2023 (11:45 am)

    Our crew reports Pathfinder has just announced it will close for the rest of the day. Hopefully you all will get this message directly from the school but we’re adding above what we heard at the scene.

  • Salmon/Elk Mom November 2, 2023 (11:45 am)

    Lisa/Leanna and all Pathfinder staff – thank you for the updates and keeping our kids safe and calm.  

  • Wavy David November 2, 2023 (11:45 am)

    My daughter sending me terrified texts from inside a closet made me even more devestated to think of the true nightmare more parents have had/will have to live with. Children deserve so much better than this.

  • Leo November 2, 2023 (11:48 am)

    Tysm too the west seattle blog for keeping all us students calm and I’m glad we’re all safe 

  • Another PF parent November 2, 2023 (11:58 am)

    Our son called and said he needed to be picked up. I just got off the phone with Ami at Pathfinder and she confirmed the school is being closed for the day and kids need to be picked up. 

    • Pathfinder 2nd Grader Parent November 2, 2023 (12:18 pm)

      How come nothing from the school yet?

      • Derek Garcia November 2, 2023 (12:39 pm)

        • OGPathfinderParent November 2, 2023 (1:19 pm)

          That’s something else we need an explanation for. Normally both my partner and I get text alerts from the school, but this time my partner got one and I didn’t. Why was the communication so inconsistent? In this case no one would have known until my partner left work that we needed to go pick up our child. 

          • SLJ November 2, 2023 (1:37 pm)

            Did you fill out the paperwork/online form at the beginning of the year? That’s where you determine who gets notifed and how. It’s an automatic system, so it goes directly from what the parents fill out each fall.

          • Another Pathfinder Parent November 2, 2023 (3:06 pm)

            I got the same inconsistent message, which is why I called. Also just got text from SPS that school was proceeding on normal schedule! I imagine they had a lot going on, just thankful that it turned out to be nothing and everyone is safe. 

  • Pathfinder Mom November 2, 2023 (12:04 pm)

    The messages from kids on here is absolutely heartbreaking. We need to do better folks. Hugs to all the fellow parents and their kiddos. Glad everyone is physically safe, but kids shouldn’t have to go through this kind of stress while trying to learn. 

  • Parent November 2, 2023 (12:04 pm)

    What are parents telling their kids? In my case, a 5 year old. 

    • Derek Garcia November 2, 2023 (12:36 pm)

      We talked to our daughter (10) about the seriousness of what happened and what could have happened. We asked her how she felt and listened to her. She talked to us how the lockdown happened. She is home now and eating lunch. I hope this helps. 

  • Rhonda November 2, 2023 (12:26 pm)

    This situation is an example of why it’s so critical that students have access to their phones at school. Information is power.

    • Josh November 2, 2023 (1:08 pm)

      Right, because having a tool that is known to increase anxiety with negligible controls on the information obtained is super necessary in a situation like this. /s  What would thinking  you know what is happening in a situation like this empower a child?  How would that help them in a scenario like this?  

      • Anywhere but here November 2, 2023 (6:54 pm)

        Comfort from their parents when they are scared helps a lot. 

      • Rhonda November 2, 2023 (10:41 pm)

        Josh, the kids were literally using them to text and talk to their parents and update us here on the WSB. You’re just reinforcing my position.

    • A WS parent November 2, 2023 (10:19 pm)

      No. Kids get partial information (or pass on half baked information) with phones, which results in panic, which leads to posting on social media, which causes MORE panic and theorizing. An additional side effect is that if there is an actual bad guy, they can just eyeball social media and figure out what is going on inside the school, which can lead to horrible things.  Let the teachers and administrators protect and take care of the kids, and then watch for communication from admin. 

  • Derek Garcia November 2, 2023 (12:26 pm)

    I am a Pathfinder parent (5th). We were able to pick up our daughter. The road is blocked by police but we parked a couple blocks away and walked over to the school. Police are having everyone stand in 3 separate lines and then they are having one line at a time go to the administrative people to get their child(ren) checked out. They ask to have your ID ready and can only pick up your child(ren). Thank you to SPD for all that they do!!

    • Sadie November 2, 2023 (12:37 pm)

      Thank you for this helpful information! Also thank you for spreading kindness. 🩵

    • Lincoln Park Mom November 2, 2023 (1:16 pm)

      thanks for the reminder Derek. This is a great reminder to parents about protocols.  Make sure your profile and emergency contacts are up to date with the school.  In this kind of event, parents can’t just ask a friend or fellow parent to grab their kid.  Talk to your administrator about proper protocols.  The police are doing their job.

  • Kathy Roberts November 2, 2023 (12:28 pm)

    Washington State Law, please read.

    • tw November 2, 2023 (1:05 pm)

      In case people don’t read it: 

      RCW 9.41.280

      Possessing dangerous weapons on school facilitiesPenaltyExceptions.

      (1) It is unlawful for a person to knowingly carry onto, or to possess on, public or private elementary or secondary school premises, school-provided transportation, areas of facilities while being used exclusively by public or private schools, or areas of facilities while being used for official meetings of a school district board of directors:(a) Any firearm;  (and it goes on with other weapons…..

      • PF parent November 2, 2023 (2:06 pm)

        (3) Subsection (1) of this section does not apply to:
        (e) Any person in possession of a pistol who has been issued a license under RCW 9.41.070, or is exempt from the licensing requirement by RCW 9.41.060, while:
        (i) Picking up or dropping off a student;

  • r November 2, 2023 (12:32 pm)

    If this was an intentional hoax I hope the police come down HARD on the person who called it in.So glad it was a false alarm.

    • WSB November 2, 2023 (12:50 pm)

      So far there is no indication of that. (I’m following up with police on one thing that might suggest the person was mistaken in what they saw.)

      • R November 2, 2023 (1:17 pm)

        Thank you WSB!

      • MikeWS November 2, 2023 (8:02 pm)

        Have the police provided a response on this?  We have a child in a nearby elementary school.  It would be nice if they could confirm there either was not a believable threat or that they’ve spoken with the callers and clarified what they saw.

        • WSB November 2, 2023 (8:05 pm)

          Not so far.

          • MikeWS November 2, 2023 (8:42 pm)

            Is there anything we can do as parents to request an explanation from the police?  Parents – are you planning to send your kids back to school tomorrow?

  • jhoff909 November 2, 2023 (12:43 pm)

    What is BT?

    • Parent November 2, 2023 (12:55 pm)

      BT = Blazing Trails, the wonderful on-site childcare at Pathfinder

    • tw November 2, 2023 (1:05 pm)

      Blazing Trails Childcare housed within Pathfinder K8. They serve many different schools.

    • Heather November 2, 2023 (1:07 pm)

      Blazing Trails – a childcare facility within the school. 

    • Russell November 2, 2023 (1:07 pm)

      My guess is “BT” refers to the Blazing Trails before and after school care. They have a location at Pathfinder. https://www.blazingtrails.org/about

  • Marina November 2, 2023 (12:51 pm)

    Was it someone carrying an umbrella?  This happened at my college in 2011. They shut the whole campus down because someone thought some guy had a gun but it was just some guy with an umbrella

    • 1994 November 2, 2023 (9:18 pm)

      Well with the Metro bus killer kid on the loose everyone should be watchful !! He is a local kid and still not apprehended.

  • Pfinder parent November 2, 2023 (12:58 pm)

    Parents, come get your kids.  The school has failed to officially communicate with us what their “plan for pick up” is.  There is a very long line to get in to the school to sign them out.  Very disappointed at the lack of communication!

    • Anon staff November 2, 2023 (2:33 pm)

      We were all working very hard to get kids to parents and keep everyone safe. It was a scary situation, please have some patience with us as we were doing our very best to keep everyone safe and calm.

  • PF Mom November 2, 2023 (1:01 pm)

    Do we have any information on how long it took the police to arrive on site after the 911 call? 

    • WSB November 2, 2023 (1:12 pm)

      Chief said within 7 minutes.

      • Flora November 2, 2023 (1:22 pm)

        7 minutes is a very long time.

        • PigeonPointer November 2, 2023 (2:05 pm)

          I agree 100% that 7 minutes seems long given the distance of the SW precinct.

          • WSB November 2, 2023 (2:12 pm)

            The chief said within 7 minutes. I don’t know the exact time. I heard the initial dispatch – I will go back into the audio archive when I can to see how much time elapsed between that and the arrival. That aside, officers seldom respond from the precinct unless they were all just there for roll call – they go from incident to incident most of the time. Extra officers also were dispatched from elsewhere in the city, and the SWAT team, which also responded, comes from outside the area – TR

          • WSB November 3, 2023 (1:11 am)

            To close this loop:
            I just played back the Broadcastify archive of dispatches during that time frame.
            On that recording, the dispatcher sends the first officer at 1 minute, 13 seconds into that clip (they break up the archives into half-hour recordings).
            He radioes that he is arriving at 6 minutes, 15 seconds into the clip. So that’s 5 minutes. – TR

  • Flora November 2, 2023 (1:05 pm)

    I believe the parents were not immediately notified as staff was busy with securing the ground and working with police. They had to check all the surrounding areas around the school as well. I am fine with that but finding out there is a possible situation at our kids school from the tv (breaking news) is not ideal. Otherwise I wouldn’t have known for a while until later when the school text was sent. It seems a lot of people only found out through the wsb. The school acted as they should have though and I appreciate the staff for that. This will weigh heavy on staff and teachers as well as parents and students. I am telling my kiddo that they did exactly what they should have done given the few facts that we have and telling them we can talk about it anytime. 

    • Russell November 2, 2023 (1:27 pm)

      Yeah, I’m upset about that too. Some of my friends who are Pathfinder parents say they haven’t received even a first text message about the situation, much less one about the school closure and student pickup process. However, sending out the first message should have been the District’s job so that Pathfinder staff could focus on the situation itself.

  • WSresident November 2, 2023 (1:11 pm)

    Pathfinder parent here, today was handled, in my opinion as best it possibly could be while prioritizing the kids safety. The pick up was organized. Dr. Holmes had a clear plan, grateful everyone is ok. I’m sure it was a prank, I’m so curious who is a “passerby” at Pathfinder when it’s so out of the way. 

  • Dean November 2, 2023 (1:22 pm)

    Hello all, As a concerned community member, care giver and cc licensed gun owner I just want to emphasize to any other such folk that..””It is unlawful for a person to knowingly carry onto, or to possess on, public or private elementary or secondary school premises, school-provided transportation, areas of facilities while being used exclusively by public or private schools, or areas of facilities while being used for official meetings of a school district board of directors:(a) Any firearm;(b) Any other dangerous weapon as defined in RCW 9.41.250″”Many people today are new to carrying firearms and are pretty clueless as to the “whys and responsibilities involved.Be responsible. Be mature, beware of your impact or possible impact on those around you. KNOW THE LAW! Carrying a weapon is a BIG responsibility and comes with expectations of MATURITY. Dont “flash your weapon” just to show how “tough” or “ready” you are. I know that sounds bad but more than a few new gun owners today do just that. WE can do better. And what YOU do reflects on ALL of US.And to be honest, some of us should not be allowed to carry IMO.Oh the times we live in… Glad everyone is ok and please dont let your kids be the parent, everyone is ok and parents need to reflect calm and security to their children..Thanks allDean

    • PF parent November 2, 2023 (2:16 pm)

      Please read the entirety of RCW 9.41.280(3) Subsection (1) of this section does not apply to:(e) Any person in possession of a pistol who has been issued a license under RCW 9.41.070, or is exempt from the licensing requirement by RCW 9.41.060, while:(i) Picking up or dropping off a student;

      • Pete November 2, 2023 (2:31 pm)

        That is insane. 

        • stew November 3, 2023 (3:44 pm)

          while it may be insane, it means it is likely there are many, possibly 100s, of guns carried legally into Seattle schools during drop off and pick up every single day.

          i do not know of any actual problem caused by these legal guns.

          wsb, do you recall any reports over the years of unlawful incidents caused by the guns carried legally onto school grounds during drop off or pick up?

  • Passerby November 2, 2023 (2:02 pm)

    The original description of the person a passerby said they saw was “unknown-race male, 5’5″ to 6’0″, medium build, red puffy coat.””the original caller, who was apparently on their way off-peninsula when they called in the report.”…”passerby” of a school on a dead end surrounded by forest on three sides ? Could tell the sex but not the race/complexion with an otherwise ambiguous description? Close enough to see them  “walking into the school.”?If you’re close enough to see someone walking into Pathfinder at that hour, you’d be associated with the school and not a “passerby” head “off peninsula”.It would not be surprising if the call came from on campus. 911 doesn’t let you go from calls like that unless you willingly hang up.

    • WSB November 2, 2023 (2:15 pm)

      To be exact, when they initially called the person back – according to what dispatch told officers – hoping to arrange to talk with her in person, she was “on I-5.” I believe I heard that later she was returning to meet with them in person but I don’t know how that turned out. Also, “walking in” was not described as “into the entrance” – they said “west side” of the school.

    • Pathfinder alum November 2, 2023 (8:57 pm)

      Totally agree. 8 years of drop off and pick up every single day including only a couple lockdowns (vs Garfield with multiple lockdowns per year) and nothing about the description makes sense yet!

  • HF November 2, 2023 (2:15 pm)

    I’m a parent of two kids at Pathfinder, and i just want to give a huge shout-out to the staff at the school (and all schools in the US, while I’m at it), the first responders, and ALSO to the community support groups that were there to help out, handing out tissues, checking in with people to make sure they are ok! 

  • SalmonDad November 2, 2023 (2:51 pm)

    Do we know who the second call came from? Is that person also being looked into? “The second one, which has come up in comment discussion below, was a 911 call claiming there was a “school shooting” somewhere – no location given.” 

  • Lauren November 2, 2023 (4:13 pm)

    Everyone should download the app: talking points. That’s how we communicate with our pathfinder teacher and the school itself. So thankful to the staff and teachers keeping our child calm and safe during this stressful time. 

    • PigeonPointer November 2, 2023 (5:25 pm)

      I received only 2 Talking Points messages regarding today. My kiddo text me at 10:28 that she was on lockdown.  At 11:08 (before admin’s email) TP advised parents NOT to pick up their kids. The WSB at 11:45 posted school was closing and to pick up your kids. Kiddo was texting me at 11:50 saying school was closing and she needed to be picked up. The conflicting information was not acceptable. By the time I arrived at the school at 12:10, the line to pick up students was atrocious. It took over 45 minutes to get kiddo.  I received no other updates in TP until nearly 2pm. 

      • Pathfinder parent November 2, 2023 (6:51 pm)

        @PigeonPointer – Take note that ALL of those parents in line ahead of you also had not received notice to pick up their kid yet they were there. Let’s quit pointing fingers and start being grateful. The school and police force did what they do best – protect our kids and help them feel safe. As much as us parents were terrified on the drive to the school and standing outside the school, imagine how the staff felt inside the school. This was traumatizing for us all and we all deal with trauma in different ways. We can be trained all we want on shooter drills, but when it actually happens we are only HUMAN. I am so grateful for all of the staff at Pathfinder. I am so grateful for the cops, the K9s, the support staff standing there guiding us and holding Kleenex boxes. They are my heroes today. I am so grateful for that 45 minutes of waiting because at the end of the day, my kiddo came home safe with me. There are many parents in the world today that can’t say the same.

  • Parent November 2, 2023 (8:45 pm)

    We are eager to hear a more complete story, but wearing a puffy red coat would be an odd choice.

  • Anony Moose November 3, 2023 (7:27 am)

    Pathfinder teacher here.  At the end of the day we heard from a parent who talked with the police down on Delridge.  He said that they found a man dressed in a puffy red jacket doing exercises with a barbel in front of Delridge community center.  The “passerby “ 911 call said “Cooper School” which was actually Youngstown.  This miscommunication could have saved us a lot of stress.  This is hearsay and could be true or false.  

    • WSB November 3, 2023 (9:27 am)

      I heard part of that on the police radio later in the morning – about possibly finding a person matching the description near Delridge CC – but SPD would not confirm it. (I’m repeating the query this morning.) Didn’t hear any mention of “Cooper,” though, and you’d have to be an extreme oldtimer or historian to refer to Youngstown as Cooper (closed in 1989 but the current site of Pathfinder later held Cooper Elementary until 2009). And they did try very hard to get the original caller back so they could find out more about what she saw – apparently she had gone to work some distance away – I listened back to the audio archives again early today and officers asked repeatedly for the status on her return to the site. – TR

  • J November 3, 2023 (9:22 am)

    Is there any update this morning from SPD on the validity of the 911 call and the possible suspect?  ​We are hoping for clarity about what really happened.

    • pathfinder parent November 3, 2023 (9:48 am)

      I second this. It would put my mind at ease. Also getting more info from/on the original caller would be helpful to ease anxiety. Someone making a prank call of that nature is scary to me itself. It would be nice to know that no one had ill intentions of any kind and it was all just a gross misunderstanding. 

    • Flora November 3, 2023 (10:30 am)

      This was my thought yesterday as well. If you saw what you perceived as a real threat who would keep on driving to work and call in a vague description? Not to mention the school being tucked out of the way. So this was a “passerby” on Delridge most likely. I see mentally unwell people at the bus stops down there all the time, with their shopping carts. A huge amount of stress created and I hope the caller gets a talking to. I am glad for the police response although there is definitely room for improvement there in the response time. I hope this is looked at as a way to improve and learn upon for all sps so something comes out of a lot of unneeded stress and anxiety. 

    • Laura November 5, 2023 (3:47 pm)

      I agree. It would be super helpful to know exactly what is known or not known. 

  • Pathfinder staff/parent November 3, 2023 (9:39 am)

    Dear West Seattle Blog, As a staff member in the school, we thank you for your updates to our situation. Our admin and staff were busy with protocols and keeping us all safe so were unable to give us any info on what was happening in the moment. We were constantly checking your updates during our time of fear and uncertainty. I am both a staff member and a parent at the school and I felt that the school protocols, the SPD response, the parents who came to help in the aftermath and who gave positive messages online, the community members who stepped up to help, and the staff all kept us informed and safe. It was a terrifying hour and we are so thankful to you all. This morning, community teams from the West Seattle YMCA and Community Passageways came to our school to stand guard at our school while kids were arriving. As I pulled up and saw these strong men and women standing guard my heart was filled with so much gratefulness and love. Thank you for being there for all of us to feel comfort and safety this morning after such a harrowing day yesterday. Again, thank you, all of you. We felt your care and presence yesterday and today. This community is a beautiful people. 

  • pathfinder seventh grader November 3, 2023 (9:57 am)

    Hi, these are students at pathfinder writing about how Seattle public schools are not doing enough to keep their schools safe, sps could have installed security cameras years ago! also the locks a pathfinder are on the outside of the classroom doors, so the teachers have to open the doors then lock them, then close them loudly. also as a very techy person and I have looked through the stuff they have set up and whoever budgets their tech department is not very good at their job.Signed, a middle schooler

    • Jana November 7, 2023 (10:17 pm)

      WOW! This is a huge problem. Thank you for posting. 

  • Jon Wright November 3, 2023 (10:05 am)

    If it turns out all of this happened because a “concerned citizen” didn’t know the difference between Youngstown Cultural Center and Pathfinder, that’s going to be sort of frustrating. Kids suffered a lot of stress. Had to piss in buckets. Teacher commended my child: “I do not think I had to remind him once about being as still and quiet as possible.” Evokes images of the last episode of M*A*S*H and the chicken. Heartbreaking that “being still and quiet to hide from active shooters” has to be part of the contemporary school curriculum. BUT, having said that, the upside is that Pathfinder had the chance to practice. Now all of us need to hold the Pathfinder administration and Seattle Public Schools accountable for conducting a detailed review of what went down, learning from the experience, and implementing any needed improvements. 

  • Pete November 3, 2023 (10:34 am)

    Could the puffer jacket guy have entered through the main gate and exited by the back gate which leads to the green belt? They just passed through the school grounds? I would’ve thought a hoaxer would not have left contact details, so maybe the person calling was well intentioned but incorrect about what they saw.

  • PF Parent November 3, 2023 (10:45 am)

    As I drove up to Pathfinder past the Delridge skate park, I saw multiple police questioning a man in a red jacket, the man was rotating his body with his arms in a rowing motion like one would when stretching/working out. Then when I got to school, got my child (through the long lines with other concerned parents), I talked to police on the scene, and they stated there was a guy down near the Delridge Skatepark working out with a barbell that was misinterpreted as a rifle, and mentioned the caller misinterpreted the wrong building for Pathfinder.The 911 caller driving by said it was near Pathfinder, but they were driving past the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center on Delridge Way, that looks like a school, so police responded to Pathfinder when the “suspect” was a half mile away and just working out in a park.That’s what the officer at Pathfinder had told me when I asked if they found the suspect. However another parent told me they were down at the park with the man, that he works out there every day, and did not have a barbell, and did not have any object yesterday other than a bag, though sometimes he works out with a chair, but not yesterday. So the caller apparently got one key piece of information incorrect, Youngstown Cultural Arts Center = Pathfinder. The officer must’ve postulated that the guy working out had a barbell that was misinterpreted as a rifle. Either way police responded quickly to ensure our school was safe, tho resulted in a traumatizing experience for all of us.

    • MikeWS November 3, 2023 (1:17 pm)

      This seems to explain what happened but would be nice if the police would come out and explain the potential misunderstanding or provide a follow up after hopefully having spoken with the caller a second time.

  • PF Parent November 3, 2023 (1:26 pm)

    WSB – Just want to thank you for being such an AMAZING asset to our community. I know during the lockdown that the teachers in their classrooms came here first to get info while admin was busy figuring out what to do so teachers didn’t know what was going on, and parents also came here first because they knew this is where they’d get the actual details of the situation, as live in the moment as possible, while what we were getting from the school and district was sparse and vague. All of my direction yesterday came straight from here. Thank you.

    • stew November 3, 2023 (3:55 pm)

      this, 100%……….thanks wsb

  • Laura November 7, 2023 (12:58 pm)

    Has anyone gone in the direction of a records request with the police to get more info on the 911 call(s)? I’m puzzled that there hasn’t been more info disclosed either to media, to the parents/guardians, etc. Is this the right process? The form is here and requires uploading an ID. https://www.seattle.gov/police/information-and-data/public-disclosure-requests/records-request-center

    • Jana November 7, 2023 (10:10 pm)

      Laura, You can make a public records request by emailing the public records officer at publicrecords@seattleschools.org and should not need to submit your ID.I think that from what I read on SPS website; it would be helpful to review:1. Emergency Management Plan submitted this fall and last fall2. Verification of principal’s/admins completion of FEMA training; and 3. Security report in accordance with Policy 4040According to the district’s website, anyone can request a security report in accordance with Policy 4040 and Superintendent Procedure 4040SP.The 4040 SP says:

              “Upon request, the District shall make available to any person for inspection and copyingany record or records not legally exempt.Any person wishing to inspect and/or copy public records of the District shall make therequest in person during the District’s normal office hours, or in writing by letter, fax, oremail addressed to the Public Records Officer. The request shall include the followinginformation:A. Name, address, telephone number, and email address of the party requestingdisclosure;B. Detailed specification of the records or types of records requested;C. The date the request is submitted to the District.”

      I send my records requests by email, and it only includes my name, email and the records I am requesting. SPS website also says:

              “Policy 3432 directs all schools to develop a comprehensive all hazard emergency management plan. It is the principal’s responsibility to submit a School Site Emergency Management Plan document to the District’s Safety and Security Office each fall. This includes plans for student/family reunification, a listing of staff assignments and responsibilities during an emergency, location of disaster supplies, verification of principal’s completion of FEMA training, and more.”

    • Jana November 7, 2023 (10:18 pm)

      I have only requested records from the district. I think I misread your comment the first time.

Sorry, comment time is over.