CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Arbor Heights yard-standoff suspect charged

(Reader photo, October 20th)

The man arrested after a standoff in an Arbor Heights yard has pleaded not guilty to two felony charges filed against him. 41-year-old Kenan D. Brown drove a stolen car into a tree in the 10200 block of 31st SW on October 20th but wouldn’t get out of the car, in which police noted he had a gun and a reportedly “aggressive” dog. Officers eventually got the gun and dog out, then took Brown into custody and to jail. The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office subsequently charged Brown with first-degree unlawful gun possession – since he’s a convicted felon already – and “physical control while under the influence,” a type of DUI charge resulting from suspicion that he was under the influence of marijuana at the time. (The car had been stolen in Tacoma, and had a plate stolen in Auburn.) Court documents say he has 20 convictions on his record dating back to age 17. At his arraignment, King County Superior Court Judge Johanna Bender reduced his bail from $75,000 to $15,000, and ordered that if he does make bail, he needs to be on electronic home monitoring while awaiting trial. He’s still in jail tonight, in lieu of $30,000 total bail, also counting $15,000 for another case in which he is charged but not yet tried.

10 Replies to "CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Arbor Heights yard-standoff suspect charged"

  • DemandCurve November 8, 2023 (11:51 pm)

    Of course bail is 10%  up front for bond so he’s walks for $1,500 cash, money order, or bank check. Thanks Johanna!

  • Martha November 9, 2023 (2:16 am)

    What became of the dog? 

  • WiseWoman November 9, 2023 (2:52 am)

    Judge Bender would know regarding this subject well. She is a good judge as well. 

  • Westyone November 9, 2023 (5:45 am)

    Thank you for noting who the judge was. This is a great example of lack of justice.  I urge people to write a letter to this judge complaining of the leniency given the high number of problems with this guy.  Way way too lenient.!

  • Seattlite November 9, 2023 (6:12 am)

    The judge should NOT have reduced Brown’s bail.  Brown is a dangerous-violent recidivist who continues to endanger citizens, carry an “unlawful” gun, and resists arrest.  

  • Facts Matter November 9, 2023 (7:39 am)

    This judge is the problem. Glad that WSB published her name in the story. Wonder if this judge ran unopposed on the ballot to get her seat? The unopposed judges are a huge problem! I noticed unopposed judges on ballots last several election cycles, probably been happening for longer. The judges from the previous 20 convictions should be held accountable. 

  • anonyme November 9, 2023 (8:04 am)

    How would a 41-year-old man be monitored at home, given that he has one?  I’m with Westyone; with 20 convictions on his record, this guy is not likely to be rehabilitated.

  • flimflam November 9, 2023 (8:15 am)

    20 convictions since he was 17 and the judge decides that leniency is the way to go? Wow.

  • orca fan November 9, 2023 (11:12 am)

    Judge Bender was appointed by Inslee, not elected. I sent her email regarding the insanely low bail for this particular menace to society. Even the $75K requested by the prosecuting attorney seems very low given this persons history, and she reduced that by 80%. Bender was appointed to the King County Superior Court bench by Governor Inslee and joined the court on December 1, 2015. She previously served as a King County District Court Judge from 2012 to 2015.”

  • Truearthling November 9, 2023 (1:35 pm)

    If I read this correctly, Kenan Brown, already a felon with a gun, was out on bail at the time of this last incident and not only gets bail AGAIN and it is reduced by judge Johanna Bender. Astonishing.Thank you WSB for including facts on record.

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