WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Robbery/assault in store lot; near-carjacking; stolen pickup

Before the night is out, three more Crime Watch incidents we need to tell you about:

ROBBERY/ASSAULT IN GROCERY-STORE LOT: We just got a call from a longtime reader who wanted to be anonymous, a woman in her 60s who was robbed and assaulted in the Admiral Safeway lot tonight. She says it happened so fast – she was parked in the middle of the lot, around 9:30 pm, and a 4-door white sedan pulled up, with a man getting out of the back seat on the driver’s side, running up and grabbing her purse off her shoulder. He knocked her down, and she fell and hit her head, also banging up a previously injured elbow and replaced hip. The robber got back in the car, and they left via the 42nd SW exit. Her purse – a black Lesac – contained her phone and a red cardholder with her ID as well as debit and credit cards, which she says the robber quickly tried to use at gas stations and a fast-food restaurant. She says she only got a partial description – her glasses were knocked off when she was knocked down – 6′ tall, light to medium complexion, slender, light hoodie, dark pants. She says she screamed and someone called 911; police responded and SFD treated her at the scene. She says police also helped her get home safely and brought her a steering-wheel lock in case the robber came for her car (which is manual transmission, so they likely wouldn’t get far). If you have any information, the incident number is 23-286790.

NEIGHBORHOOD NEAR-CARJACKING. This one also was brought to our attention late tonight. It was caught on video that was provided to us by the camera’s owner, though he wasn’t the near-victim. He says it happened in North Delridge around 3:45 pm Tuesday, on 26th SW between Hudson and Alaska – a delivery driver left his car running when a passerby ran over and jumped in, jumping back out when the driver’s wife – in the car with their baby – screamed:

The camera’s owner says he provided the video to the driver, but didn’t know if the driver had subsequently reported this to police.

STOLEN WHITE PICKUP: Nathaniel reported this to us Tuesday afternoon:

I had my vehicle stolen on 42nd Ave in front of Nikko Teriyaki in the early morning of 9/29/23. It’s a white 1999 Chevy S-10, License plate # C78386Y. Incident # 23-282047

28 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Robbery/assault in store lot; near-carjacking; stolen pickup"

  • Rose October 4, 2023 (6:20 am)

    It is past time to insist that safeway have security in the parkling lot. The other days there were kids joyriding FAST in the parking lot. Make calls folks!

    • TKeller October 4, 2023 (2:53 pm)

      Not going to happen… for liability and other reasons.  Everyone is responsible for their own safety .  Act accordingly and good luck out there!

      • hj October 4, 2023 (3:35 pm)

        I’ve seen security people working the parking lots at the Safeways on Roxbury and in Capitol Hill, so I’m not sure if that answer is accurate.

  • Lola October 4, 2023 (7:29 am)

    It is getting scary to go out anymore to do anything.  I do park on the Rooftop parking when I go to this Sfway.  Sorry to hear that they got her purse.  It is time to not carry one anymore.  

  • Joan October 4, 2023 (7:58 am)

    I always have my purse across my body.  At least it is not easy to grab. This is very disturbing.  Maybe pepper spray is the thing to have handy. I doubt the upper parking lot at that store is any safer. It seems very isolated.

    • Scott October 4, 2023 (8:50 am)

      What happened to that poor woman in the Safeway parking lot makes me furious. I hope she is ok. The assailant needs to be locked up for a long time.

    • 2 Much Whine October 4, 2023 (9:11 am)

      It seems isolated but it’s a lot harder to make a quick getaway from the upper parking area.  Seems like that alone would be a bit of a deterrent.  

    • James October 4, 2023 (12:04 pm)

      Don’t buy pepper spray! If you are downwind of the spray you risk exposure. Tasers meant for the public to use are also risky because they require close range. What you want is an extendable baton (protection stick if you look online). The baton will help you create distance between you and perpetrators as you yell at the top of your lungs to get other people’s attention. (TikTok is a great educational tool!)

      • Justducky October 4, 2023 (3:34 pm)

        No baton if you are female. I worked at a cutlery store and spoke with an officer about self protection devices. He said a baton can easily be grabbed and wrestled away from someone that isn’t as strong and used against them. Self defense classes are the best, and pepper gel, it has a longer range and sticks to the assailant, also doesn’t blow back in your face. 

      • FedUp October 4, 2023 (5:16 pm)

        WA RCW 9.41.270

        It shall be unlawful for any person to carry, exhibit, display, or draw any firearm, dagger, sword, knife or other cutting or stabbing instrument, club, or any other weapon apparently capable of producing bodily harm, in a manner, under circumstances, and at a time and place that either manifests an intent to intimidate another or that warrants alarm for the safety of other persons.

        however: shall not apply to or affect the following:
        (a) Any act committed by a person while in his or her place of abode or fixed place of business;

        (b) Any person who by virtue of his or her office or public employment is vested by law with a duty to preserve public safety, maintain public order, or to make arrests for offenses, while in the performance of such duty;

        (c) Any person acting for the purpose of protecting himself or herself against the use of presently threatened unlawful force by another, or for the purpose of protecting another against the use of such unlawful force by a third person;

        (d) Any person making or assisting in making a lawful arrest for the commission of a felony; or

        (e) Any person engaged in military activities sponsored by the federal or state governments.

        So, you can technically use a retractable baton to protect yourself and others. BUT illegal to have on your person outside of these circumstances. Stick with pepper spray and look for gel types (less splash and blowback) with marking dye. 

      • Rhonda October 4, 2023 (6:32 pm)

        Extendable batons, AKA “Tonya Tappers” are illegal in this state and most others. Pepper gel or bear spray is a very effective alternative. Self defense classes are good as long as the training techniques don’t require an unusual, unrealistic level of fitness or athletic ability. Shop around.

      • ugh October 4, 2023 (6:50 pm)

        Lol this is terrible advice, dont trust tiktok. A baton is easy to be grabbed and most people dont know how to wield it appropriately. Just use pepper gel. 

  • Gina October 4, 2023 (9:17 am)

    I hear joyriding on the upper parking at that Safeway in the evenings along with the lower parking lot.  Considering what goes on at the other south end Safeways corporate must not care.

  • more camera than china, no one cares to actually help October 4, 2023 (10:05 am)

    how many businesses have cameras around this lot, no one cares to look or volunteer footage to an aggregator like the west seattle blog. whats the point of talking about this, we could work together to resolve these issues by catching criminals and holding them accountable but for some reason no one will lift a finger other than to type some empty words. did this car teleport into the lot and then teleport out? it surely went past cameras that would help us isolate the vehicle and possible its occupants. 

    • MW October 4, 2023 (1:25 pm)

      The lax justice system in seattle is what’s at fault, not the lack of shared camera footage etc.   A few decades ago this type of crime was rare in Admiral, despite having way fewer survellience systems then.   Local government was tough on criminals.   Not now.  Now their attitude is it’s up to YOU to protect yourself with cameras, steering locks, alarms, not carrying purses, not parking here or there, not walking alone, not shopping at night, not sitting in your car alone, and constantly being vigilant.  Things that the vast majority of people a few decades ago worried little because their society was relatively safe because criminals were quickly given significant consequences for their crimes.  

    • RS October 4, 2023 (2:34 pm)

      The cars are all stolen. Video of the cars won’t help much, but calling issues in immediately might. If the police respond…

    • Christopher B. October 4, 2023 (7:12 pm)

      The West Seattle Blog is an independent, local news organization, not an “aggregator.” 

    • Matt October 4, 2023 (9:09 pm)

      I don’t think citizen sleuthing is going to do anything other than waste the police’s time with useless “tips.” What do you even expect to do with low resolution footage of a stolen car?

  • HS October 4, 2023 (10:38 am)

    All of these reports are beyond awful but I am so thankful that the family who experienced the attempted carjacking are uninjured. So unbelievably frightening.

    And again, another crime in our area committed by a teenager.

    • Westwood October 4, 2023 (12:03 pm)

      Where in the description does it say “teenager”?

      • CARGUY October 4, 2023 (2:31 pm)

        I dont think the description says anywhere “teenager” but you can make your own assumptions based on the video. I’d rule out “elderly” based on observing the footage. Ive seen/called in multiple sightings of stolen vehicles reported here on WSB. Every one of them has been a teenager / young adult inside.

  • T Rex October 4, 2023 (12:35 pm)

    Eventually one of these crimes is going to end up bad. For the bad guys. And in my opinion, it will be very deserving. And it can’t happen soon enough. 

  • Brandon October 4, 2023 (12:43 pm)

    Imagine how low cowardly these people are that they have to rob elderly women of their purses. Clearly not raised to have any self-respect.

    Better yet, how have we emboldened people enough that they think they can run up and grab a running vehicle just like that? (Rhetorical). Parents must be proud.

  • Terremoto October 4, 2023 (12:47 pm)

    So sorry for woman assaulted and robbed, and glad delivery family is safe.   I wanted to warn people about something which happened at Roxbury Safeway parking lot.  10:30 am Sunday, at end of lot away from store, talking w/friend as we planned our day’s hike.  Had my hatch open for small dog in back. Friend had med.-size dog.  Teen w/phone stood very close obviously observing us.  We looked at him, he looked at us then pretended to look at his phone (not scrolling), but stood there almost 5 minutes.  I believe he may have been trying to figure out whether there was anything of value to grab among the things visible in the hatch.  Or something else. He eventually walked closely past us to the casino across the side street, displaying red underwear.  He stood there a few minutes. Then walked over to the gas station.  In hindsight,  I wonder if he was considering a carjacking or a mugging but changed his mind only because there were 2 of us + the medium-sized dog. Will never know.  Initially I had not wanted to prejudge him + then I decided I didn’t want to be intimidated, but upon reflection, in the future, I would leave immediately.  I don’t need to know what might happen. Things change so quickly, as indicated in reports above.

  • RS October 4, 2023 (2:32 pm)

    This is getting infuriating. Kids getting jumped on California midday, ladies getting assaulted and robbed in the Safeway parking lot, the multiple carjackings, the street robberies, the gunfire, the vandalism…and that’s just *Admiral* this month. At every Admiral neighborhood meeting, the police are incredibly passive and dismissive, “It’s fine; crime is down.” In my 11 years living in this neighborhood, I have never seen it as bad as it has been these last several months.

  • barb October 4, 2023 (4:16 pm)

    maybe if the people doing the crimes were punished instead of a hand slap – maybe some of this would stop.

  • WSN October 4, 2023 (10:32 pm)

    The parking lot of that Safeway is very dangerous at night. I have been there a few times at night, and every time I see something suspicious; at least a couple of times some drug dealing going on, and 4-5 times I see cars with tinted windows with at least 2-3 people in the car in what seems they are waiting for their next victim. 

  • Ann October 5, 2023 (7:22 pm)

    This is so very upsetting and sounds similar to the lady who was held up at gunpoint at the BECU ATM. What has happened to our neighborhood (rhetorical) .:(

    I hope that physically and mentally you recover soon.

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