TRAFFIC ALERT: Emergency response at California/Dawson

Police have reported to dispatch that they’re blocking the northbound and center lanes of California near Dawson right now. What we have heard about the response so far is that it’s related to a person in crisis who needs medical attention.

15 Replies to "TRAFFIC ALERT: Emergency response at California/Dawson"

  • heyalki October 30, 2023 (10:57 am)

    I was there. The guy looked very disheveled and was yelling “I’m sorry, I’m sorry” as he was shuffling down the street away from the cop that was following behind him on foot. Guy’s pants fell down to his ankles so he tripped and fell down. Then another cop car showed up from the opposite direction and they put him in cuffs.

    • WSB October 30, 2023 (11:17 am)

      He also had signs of self-inflicted wounds so it wasn’t just the fall, but thanks.

      (For anyone experiencing thoughts of self-harm, please call the 988 hotline.)

    • Heyjunction October 30, 2023 (11:45 am)

      I was there before the cops arrived. From the 7/11 on California to the rite aid the guy was jumping in front of cars on California yelling “kill me”. SPD happened to be driving there and he jumped in front of the cop car. I’m glad he didn’t get hit and I hope he gets the help he needs. 

  • Jeff October 30, 2023 (12:57 pm)

    So sad. I wish we had the proper response for this sort of thing outside of just “cops” 

    • Heyalki October 30, 2023 (3:08 pm)

      I saw on the news the other day Seattle just started a crisis response team. I think it’s only in the downtown area right now though. Someone who knows more about it please correct me if I’m wrong.

    • CarDriver October 30, 2023 (4:59 pm)

      Jeff. Are you a mental health counselor? If not, are you going to change careers? The reason there are not enough mental health/drug counselors/therapists is because not many people want that as a career. That’s why you have left it up to “cops”. Nobody else to respond. Urging others doesn’t work when you yourself don’t want to do that kind of work. The other problem is that there are not enough inpatient/outpatient facilities. They should be spread around the city. Problem is, all those “caring” people don’t want these facilities next to them it ALWAYS is put them “somewhere, just not in my neighborhood” which is code for nope, they’ll never get built and I’m fine with that..

      • Brian October 30, 2023 (8:24 pm)

        This line of thinking doesn’t sway anyone. It’s just cheap and easy quibbling. Just because someone would like an alternative to cops responding to every adverse issue doesn’t mean they personally need to drop everything and go do that career. 

      • Monica Walters-Perez October 30, 2023 (10:10 pm)

        CarDriver The point you’re making is valid and needs to be said. Thank all gods for cops, the good & the not so good! Where would we be without em??

    • Just wondering October 30, 2023 (7:52 pm)

      Would that be you Jeff?

  • Odd son October 30, 2023 (2:40 pm)

    I drove by as AMR arrived. I thought there was another incident at that apartment complex. Turns out he just landed there.

  • Amanda Lufkin October 30, 2023 (6:56 pm)

    I saw beginning of this go down and the female SPD officer who was first on the scene was amazing.  She stayed calm and spoke to him with respect in a calming voice!  She kept saying “Sir I I’m here to keep you safe” she was great!  Way to go SPD!!

    • ConcernedInAdmiral October 30, 2023 (10:05 pm)

      Nice to hear from an eye witness. THANK UUU SPD!!!

  • Rara October 30, 2023 (8:44 pm)

    Was he by chance in a black hooded jacket? I observed a man acting strangely in the junction by easy Street records earlier. 

  • Joanne October 31, 2023 (2:33 am)

    May this man get the help he needs.

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