FOLLOWUP: Pickleball at Lincoln Park? Here’s where Parks’ plan stands

Our photo shows the spot in Lincoln Park where Seattle Parks says it will convert former tennis courts into new pickleball courts, photographed late in the day last Sunday. In the nine days since we last checked in on the controversy, there’ve been a variety of developments.

First, the backstory: We reported in August that Parks planned to add pickleball striping to three of the six tennis courts at nearby Solstice Park during upcoming resurfacing work. After feedback including tennis players’ opposition, Parks changed its mind, announcing – though not widely – that it would keep Solstice tennis-only while creating a pickleball-only site in Lincoln Park.

This did not go over well with the pickleball community, whose leaders say they had no warning the Solstice plans – months in the works – were being reconsidered, nor with a community of Lincoln Park devotees who are worried pickleball will be too noisy and disruptive for wildlife and peace-loving parkgoers. Both of those groups are represented in online petition drives; local wildlife biologist/advocate Kersti Muul started this one voicing opposition to the Lincoln Park pickleball plan (and potential off-leash area), with more than 1,200 signatures as of this morning, while the Seattle Metro Pickleball Association‘s petition, approaching 500 signatures at last check, asks the city to stick to the Solstice-striping plan.

Right now, though, Parks is standing firm. Its decision has been made, and it’s not reopening the discussion, according to what spokesperson Rachel Schulkin told us when we asked. She says the department’s position remains what she wrote in an email response to opponents of pickleball at Lincoln Park, including:

… This is an existing court, and the work is categorically exempt from SEPA [environmental study] requirements as maintenance of an existing facility. A landscape architect has been assigned to the development [of the] Lincoln Park tennis courts, and they have reviewed the site and will be using best management practices to implement courts here.

We plan to offset bringing another active use to Lincoln Park by relocating the SPR grounds storage facility to the crew headquarter location. This will remove trucks, along with their emissions and traffic, driving in and out of this actively used part of Lincoln Park.

We are committed to communicating our plans for pickleball courts in Lincoln Park frequently. While there are no opportunities for public engagement, we can answer any questions you have and share any concerns you may have with Parks and Recreation leadership. In addition, we’ll install a project sign near the site to share project and contact information.

Parks says it expects to complete the grant-funded conversion by “late fall.” Possible lighting is being considered separately; one reader who asked what was being taken into consideration for that was told, “At this point we are assessing the cost, what work would be needed to be done to install lights, and what type of lighting would be most appropriate for this space.”

All the while, the Solstice Park resurfacing hasn’t happened yet: “There isn’t a date set for Solstice resurfacing. We are still awaiting supplies coming in to the contractor, and then will have to plan for a stretch of drier weather.” Pickleball advocates say that project was at one point expected to be complete by the end of summer. The association’s official position:

Seattle Metro Pickleball Association is supportive of SPR’s plan to build dedicated courts for pickleball. We support the Lincoln Park site selected by SPR. We also believe they should put pickleball lines on the Solstice courts. We understand plans can change, but in this case, there was no visibility into the decision-making process, nor was it known that the Solstice plan was even being reconsidered.

Parks has said the Lincoln Park site was at some point considered when the Outdoor Pickleball Study was under development a few years ago, though that plan landed on Hiawatha as a pickleball-only site, and “public engagement” regarding that proposal is still expected.

178 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Pickleball at Lincoln Park? Here's where Parks' plan stands"

  • Quiz October 4, 2023 (2:21 pm)

    I’m not entirely sure if I agree or disagree with the plan, but I can say that it is great to see someone in city leadership taking a stand behind a decision that has been made and actually getting something done.

    • DC October 4, 2023 (3:37 pm)

      Agreed! No more letting a vocal minority ruin it for everyone else. Hopefully we see more of this decisiveness in making more bike lanes and bus lanes. 

      • TM October 4, 2023 (11:02 pm)

        In this case the vocal minority appears to be the pickleball group, in concert with Seattle Parks. The whole thing has an off feeling to it. If it was so well and broadly supported, why was it pushed through essentially behind closed doors? The Parks’ own website’s dedicated “outdoor pickleball planning” page still does not include Lincoln Park. 

        Tbh I think this is a load of crap. I don’t have anything against pickleball. There’s just no imperative to place it in Lincoln Park, and plenty of reasons why not to. Yet the public wasn’t included in this process, until plans had been set. While publicly showing upcoming plans that included urban locations only.

        • Teri Ensley October 15, 2023 (3:58 pm)

          The Seattle Parks Department refuses to hold a public hearing for comments, citing the it’s already an existing court…. albeit it has been utilized as such for years and years.  Why  is SPD concerned about a public hearing? Are they worried that people who don’t want the pickleball court installed/upgraded/etc., , might show up with facts and data?   I’m disgusted with them.

    • Tyler October 4, 2023 (3:43 pm)

      Agreed, pretty much any decision is going to upset someone and although there may be other options to consider, it’s better to get something done rather than nothing.  Thank you Parks for giving us more recreational options 🙏

    • Erik October 4, 2023 (4:03 pm)

      Right? Only in Seattle do people complain endlessly for no reason when the city says they’re gonna give them a new place to play a sport 🙄

      I thought their comment was the nice firm way of saying “grow up and accept that your city can plan what it wants to do with its lands”.

      • Rhonda October 4, 2023 (5:44 pm)

        Erik, I’m glad you like Authoritarianism, but we don’t live in Cuba or North Korea here. Lincoln Park belongs to Seattle taxpayers. Parks Department administrators work for us, as well, and are under the direction of elected officials who we vote for/against. It’s to no one’s benefit for these officials to ignore those who fund them. Would you be ok with the Parks Dept turning Lincoln Park into a half-golf course/half-gun range without public input?

        • Alki resident October 4, 2023 (8:00 pm)

          With that said, a lot of people wanted this and now we’re getting it. We grew up going to the wading pool and baseball field right by this site. It’s never been anything but a concrete slab used to store park vehicles and supplies. I’m excited for this new entertainment for our community. 

          • IheartLP October 5, 2023 (6:06 am)

            The “concrete slab” used to be tennis courts. They were funded by the Forward Thrust initiatives around 1970.  I’m not sure why it was turned into an industrial zone.

        • Jackson K October 4, 2023 (8:31 pm)

          Yay! Pickleball in Lincoln Park! Honestly, I’m excited for the new court. What a beautiful setting. 

          • TM October 4, 2023 (11:24 pm)

            It would be a great setting for many things- maybe an outdoor restaurant, tennis courts, a mixed martial arts ring/s. Anyone would love the location and views, because of the natural setting. Which is great, because it’s natural, expansive, and to a degree peaceful. Vs. what it would be with pickleball or any of these other ideas dropped into it. Sure it is already surfaced, but it hasn’t been a hub of activity (tennis last) for several decades. Over which time Seattle has exploded in population, and density.

             The pickleball folks don’t seem to care if it’s Lincoln, they just say they want more. Including Solstice again. There are thousands of folks who use and cherish Lincoln Park for what it is now. It’s not lacking in its present state. Find a better solution.

          • Teri October 19, 2023 (3:52 pm)

            Well said Tim.  Do use of the solstice tennis courts makes far more sense for many reasons. It saves on resources and does not impact the serenity a Lincoln Park.

        • Observer October 4, 2023 (8:42 pm)

          Would you be ok with a drum circle space and a tiny home village?

        • Lee Trevino October 4, 2023 (10:23 pm)

          A golf course at Lincoln Park would be a great idea.

        • RUREAL October 5, 2023 (3:12 am)

          This comment is so comically naive and drenched with victim-hood, I am surprised nobody pointed it out the absurdity of it. The ‘authoritarianism’ that here is that a group of people lobbied a local agency to get a court for a sport built. This person feels like they are in North Korea because nobody personally called her on the phone to ask if it was ok with her.

          • Rhonda October 5, 2023 (3:04 pm)

            RUREAL, if the proposed pickle ball courts were, instead, being replaced with something you think does not belong in a wooded park you’d be signing petitions, complaining on the WSB, and wanting to hold Seattle Parks accountable. We have an established system of governing here that Seattle Parks officials are thumbing their noses while you encourage their contempt for Seattle taxpayers. 

          • Alki resident October 5, 2023 (4:28 pm)

            Instead of saying that just say you’re angry you didn’t get your way. This very OLD slab is being put back to use. Very exciting. Seattle loves reusable stuff remember? 

          • RUREAL October 7, 2023 (12:27 am)

            If something was going into to Lincoln park that I didn’t agree with, I’d not be signing petitions or writing comments on the west Seattle blog or comparing the local government to North Korea as I am not nearly that naive. 

        • Teri Ensley October 15, 2023 (4:00 pm)

          Well stated Rhonda

    • Sarah October 4, 2023 (5:09 pm)

      Same here. It’s an existing court that was being used for non-optimal purposes being reclaimed for recreation. It’s absolutely reasonable, in my opinion, to just move forward with that plan. 

    • 1994 October 4, 2023 (9:10 pm)

      Go Seattle Parks!

  • Sammy October 4, 2023 (2:26 pm)

    In my opinion the park department is going to do what they want and in reality community input and involvement doesn’t really matter. They will listen to people concerns about not wanting a pickle ball court or wanting a pickle ball courts but in the end the park department has already made up their mind and is just going along with the protocols. It’s sort of like work when you are asked to give your input on a decision but in reality the company you work for has already made a decision and is in reality just playing a game to think that your personal input really matters when it’s doesn’t because a decision has already been made. 

    • Correct October 4, 2023 (5:06 pm)

      You are absolutely correct.   They won’t care about our input.  They’ll move forward even if they find endangered spotted owls nesting on the existing courts…..simply NC they don’t have to file a SEPA.

      • Jackson K October 4, 2023 (8:33 pm)

        But what about my input? I was in favor of the court at Lincoln Park as are 10+ other players I know. We all wrote letters in support of this court. So I feel you comments aren’t reflective of a large number of us that look forward to playing there. 

        • Denise October 5, 2023 (5:33 am)

          Why do you and your friends want Lincoln? What’s wrong the other courts in West Seattle? 

          • Alki resident October 5, 2023 (4:36 pm)

            Here’s why I why I want Lincoln. Plenty of parking, bus access, taco truck and gas station , reusable piece of concert that’s been sitting there for many years so no construction trucks involved, beautiful view, fresh smell of ocean air, my childhood stomping grounds, easy to walk to and a much better chance of local families to stop on their walk and watch the players and eventually get into the sport themselves. 

  • Alayna October 4, 2023 (2:26 pm)

    Wow, why is the Parks Department so tone deaf?  It sounds like no one wants pickleball courts in Lincoln Park. I walk in Lincoln Park every day with my noise-sensitive dog (we can’t walk him on the street, he’s too scared), I doubt we’ll be able to walk him there with loud pickleball happening.  It’s such a serene space, why are they ruining it?

    • Tyler October 4, 2023 (3:45 pm)

      To say no one wants this is wrong.  I do respect your desire to have a quiet place to walk your dog, especially with your dogs condition, and I hope that the park is big enough that there still plenty of area for you to walk your dog in peace.

    • Alki resident October 4, 2023 (4:03 pm)

      It sounded to me like a lot of people want it installed. If you build it, they’ll come. This will be great for children to learn the sport too. I’m pretty sure we won’t be seeing the wildlife dropping dead because of it.  Lincoln Park is a very large park and this small designated area for pickle ball will certainly not prevent people from enjoying it. 

    • Observer October 4, 2023 (7:43 pm)

      “Loud” pickleball???? 

    • Alki resident October 4, 2023 (8:03 pm)

      Did you know the ferry going back and forth is MUCH louder than any pickle ball game? 

      • Me on 28th Ave SW October 5, 2023 (8:55 pm)

        I hear trains whistles, traffic, football games, ferry horns (in fog) and pickle ball from my home and the pickle ball is the most noticeable because it is CONSTANT.  We never heard tennis playing from our yard.  I chose to buy a home near two schools worth of teenagers and an athletic complex, but I can understand by the desire to keep it out of Lincoln Park:

    • Jackson K October 4, 2023 (8:34 pm)

      I want it! 

  • dhg October 4, 2023 (2:40 pm)

    If they are not taking out any existing trees and they do not wire it for lights, then the disruption of quiet enjoyment of the park should be minimal.        

  • BLK October 4, 2023 (2:55 pm)

    Why the heck is “Parks” “committed to communicating” plans for pickleball courts when they’re NOT “reopening the discussion.” Apparently there was NO discussion — just another poor decision by bureaucrats who probably don’t even live in West Seattle.

    • Hope Barker October 21, 2023 (7:47 pm)

      Actually the tennis players were able to defend their turf and keep the courts that they wanted, so what makes input from tennis players more important than input from immediate neighbors?  If Seattle Parks had made their decision without public input, then the decision to put the pickleball courts at Soltice Park would still be their plan.  Obviously some citizens have connections and they can use their connections to get what they want.  This is not democracy in action, this is favoritism. The only fair way forward is to have public meetings and follow the Washington state laws and do a SEPA review.  This is not proceeding with the same tennis courts that used to be here, this is a brand new project and as such requires that the public have input.

  • Actually Mike October 4, 2023 (3:10 pm)

    Why is the city so hell-bent on destroying this gem of an urban natural area and paving over where it used to be? There’s nothing else like Lincoln Park anywhere near here, and once it’s turned into another parking lot it won’t come back anytime soon. Bad idea, folks–remember, mistakes made in haste are repented at leisure.

    • SeaWalk October 4, 2023 (3:52 pm)

      Or better yet, let’s take one of the already too many parking lots in Lincoln Park and convert those over to pickle ball courts. And those that claim, “noisy and disruptive for wildlife,” like you mean more so than the non-stop traffic on Fontleroy? The continuous traffic noise is even deafening at 5a.m.

    • Alki resident October 4, 2023 (3:59 pm)

      Discovery Park is very much like Lincoln Park. It’s not far from here. 

      • Joan October 4, 2023 (5:37 pm)

        Discovery is a huge hassle to get to from here.

        • WS Classy October 4, 2023 (7:07 pm)

          Take the bus. Lots of options to bus there. It helps the environment too. Godspeed.

        • Alki resident October 4, 2023 (8:57 pm)

          You can bus it there. Less hassle for you. It’s beautiful and lovely this time of year. 

      • Actually Mike October 5, 2023 (7:26 am)

        Discovery Park may be the park most similar to Lincoln Park, though it’s not close or easy to get to for older folks or those with mobility issues. But if you want to go play pickleball up there? Go right ahead, more power to you.

    • Spike October 4, 2023 (4:33 pm)

      This is about converting an existing set of tennis courts into pickleball courts, not some big new paving project. I, too, would probably prefer not to have courts there at all, but acting like this is a big structural change to the park that’s the start of it being turned into a “parking lot” seems very alarmist.

      • nopicklesinlincolnplease October 4, 2023 (11:48 pm)

        No, that was the plan (to covert Solstice Park tennis courts) and then it was moved to a net new area in Lincoln Park that is NOT a court. New asphalt and talk of lighting. Not good for hte environment. Paved paradise, put in a pickleball court.

        • Spike October 5, 2023 (3:52 pm)

          I believe you are incorrect. The photo at the top of the post of the spot in question shows that the area is already paved, and the statement from the Parks department spokesperson clearly says “This is an existing court, and the work is categorically exempt from SEPA [environmental study] requirements as maintenance of an existing facility.“ I don’t think it’s currently being used for tennis, and I’m sure it will need to be resurfaced, but this is not a case of paving over an untouched patch of grass.

    • Erik October 4, 2023 (4:54 pm)

      Westcrest park is pretty undeveloped and has nice quiet walking trails. Plus has an actual off leash dog park. Maybe try there someday?

    • Resident October 6, 2023 (4:29 pm)

      Oh stop.  This is not a sanctuary.  It is a public park with an existing court.

  • IHeartBPP October 4, 2023 (3:26 pm)

    I am deeply disappointed with Parks & Rec response to community opposition.  They have been polite but completely dismissive.  Point of correction – per Rachel Schulkin – the funding is not a grant but a private donation.  Parks would not release any info on who donated and whether that funding could have been used for more pressing matters.  If you oppose this unpopular decision, please email Seattle Parks & Rec Superintendant AP Diaz directly to express opposition at  

    • Alki resident October 4, 2023 (8:07 pm)

      The concrete slab is already there. Seems you don’t even know where it’s located by your comment. That slab has been there forever,

      • IHeartBPP October 5, 2023 (8:09 am)

        Alki resident, your assumption is wrong.  My home is three blocks from the park and I am very familiar with the space in question.   How’s Alki these days?  Lots of issues there I hear. 

        • Alki resident October 5, 2023 (4:40 pm)

          I wouldn’t know how Alki is. Haven’t gone there in two years. 

    • Alki Resident that actually lives there October 6, 2023 (6:13 am)

      Dear Mr. Diaz,As a long time resident of West Seattle, and user of Lincoln Park, I strongly oppose the administrative decision to construct Pickle Ball courts in Lincoln Park. At best it’s a short sighted decision uninformed by public input. I would also be interested in the source of the private donation that will be used for this project, as well as whether the potential installation of new lighting would indeed be exempt from SEPA requirements, as Rachel Schulkin indicated the “existing court” would be exempt from SEPA requirements in her form response to inquiries on this matter. As I’m sure you are aware this “existing court” has not been used as such for years and years. Nor has the surrounding area been exposed to the continuously high decibel levels produced by the playing of Pickle Ball. This impact should be fully evaluated. At the very least re-open this decision for public discussion, which I feel has not been appropriately vetted within the larger community. Indeed, Rachel Schulkin wrote in her response to me that “as you are aware, we selected Lincoln Park as an alternative to the dual striping at Solstice Park after we heard from both tennis and pickleball players that separate courts were preferred, and we found an opportunity to make that happen”. This is not the larger community impacted by this decision. Please reconsider the city’s original commitment of adding stripes to half the courts at Solstice Park instead, which is preferentially supported by the Seattle Metro Pickleball AssociationThis decision has been poorly vetted and administrated to date. 

  • p-addled October 4, 2023 (3:29 pm)


    For once I agree with Parks.  
    I hope they will hold to this plan.  It does not remove any “natural area.”  
    It re-utilizes tennis courts and lights that have been there for most of a century.  
    Despite the false insistence of many including the petition sponsors and signers,  they are in an active use area of the sprawling Lincoln Park near other facilities like children’s play area, picnic tables, picnic barbecue shelters, restrooms, a wadding pool and a large athletic field 
    It is already serviced by multiple park trails and will require virtually no destruction of nature.

    • JH October 4, 2023 (5:31 pm)

      Your response is not factual. Please dig in with some research before commenting. Start with the fact that these not active courts and there is no lighting in place. 

      • WS Classy October 4, 2023 (7:09 pm)

        It is factual. Pls cite your studies to the contrary. I will be curious to see your data because it sounds like just another person not wanting a different element in the park/

    • Alki resident October 4, 2023 (8:09 pm)


    • nopicklesinlincolnplease October 4, 2023 (11:51 pm)

      No there is no current court there or lights in Lincoln Park. You are incorrect and confusing it with the original plan to convert the Solstice Park courts.. which was a good idea (see here: 

      • Alki resident October 5, 2023 (4:42 pm)

        Yes there IS a current court there. It’s a slab that’s been there since the 70’s. We used to play on it. It’s been used most recently for parks supplies and vehicles. 

  • Jay October 4, 2023 (3:32 pm)

    Several times during the week I take a nice quite walk through the park, oftennear where the proposed PB courts would go. I can only imagine how awfulIt would be to hear the sound of pickleball.  Obviously I would not go the park any more.What a loss for me and many others who use the park for an easily accessiblequite walk in the middle of the day.I encourage anyone to walk through the park and image what it would belike to hear the loud noise of pickleball.

  • Odd son October 4, 2023 (3:33 pm)

    Does anyone know when the space in question ceased being a tennis court? I’m just curious. I’ve been to Lincoln Park as early as 1999 and I always thought that area was a staging area for the parks department. There always seemed to be piles of dirt, gravel, etc. Never knew it was a tennis court until this controversy started.

    • TM October 4, 2023 (10:42 pm)

      Yes, when was it last used as a tennis court?

    • Denise October 5, 2023 (9:29 am)

      The tennis courts were made into compost storage couple of years before the zipline fiasco, which would put it around 2009 or 2010. It could have been as early as 2008.  I know because I personally wrote to the city asking what they were doing. Prior to that, the tennis court was rarely used, and they weren’t that well maintained. There were no lights. I know that because my husband was one of the few people that did play there.The courts have essentially been used lightly or not all for a long time—enough time for wildlife to move in and use the area. They have NEVER been used for a high-impact activity such as pickleball.

      • Denise October 5, 2023 (9:44 am)

        Okay, I found the email correspondence with Parks. In April 2009, I wrote asking why Parks was dumping compost in the courts. They had also put in the road leading across the meadow, from the trail to the courts at that time. In July, 2010, I finally got a reply from Parks—they said that they had used the area for compost for ‘many years’, and that they were trying to ‘minimize’ their use of it. I have the emails to back this up. That area was NEVER  used for high-impact active sports.

        • Alki resident October 5, 2023 (4:48 pm)

          Yes it was. We used to have our pee wee baseball practice and games there on the field. There was also a bathroom facility and not too far was the wading pool. That location once was very active. In fact in the 80’s that area would be very packed with corporate summer family picnics/ bbqs. Like hundreds of people. 

  • Alki resident October 4, 2023 (3:33 pm)

    So much drama is Kersti’s petition. Light pollution? Really? This park right off of Fauntleroy and next to a gas station, both with steer lights and traffic lights and light poles. If she was so concerned about the s as Mount if traffic coming into the park, she should’ve petitioned the troll. I’ve got friends coming from England and Norway this week to see all of the trolls while they’re here. People are coming from all over the world to see these trolls, where is her protest? I grew up going to Lincoln Park. Nothing has changed in the area where a pickle ball court will go, in all of these years. If you’re not interested in such sports then stay away but those that want a local facility like this should have just that. Why do we need to another community to enjoy ourselves. I’m very curious who all of these people are who signed her petition. Are they West Seattleites who ever go to Lincoln Park or are they just followers who’ve been influenced by Kersti’s presence in our neighborhood. I’m looking forward to a pickle ball court in Lincoln Park. Besides installing lighting, it would be pretty cool to have local art installed as well. Maybe even something from Desmond Hanson. 

    • Sarah October 4, 2023 (5:26 pm)

      At least some of the petition signatures came from misleading tactics. The petition was posted to social media by an anti-clearcutting page (headed by Kersti), which obviously implied trees would be cleared to build the courts. Then alarmist fliers advertising the petition were posted strategically in the deep-wood trails of the park, far from the actual court location, again implying the plan would remove those portions of the park. I was neutral on this at the start but the manipulative tactics by Kersti et al. really put me off.

    • nopicklesinlincolnplease October 5, 2023 (12:00 am)

      Isn’t your name “Alki Resident”? I am a Lincoln Park area resident and am there all the time. I signed the petition. Learn about light pollution.

      • Alki resident October 5, 2023 (1:28 pm)

        I used to live on Alki. I grew up on Kenyon all of my life if that really matters. I use Lincoln Park all the time and haven’t been to Alki in at least two years if that matters either. I also frequent Burien a lot and love taking the ferry across the water. I like good food and sunsets and quiet naps with my cat. Let me know if I should add anything to this. 

  • TTBG October 4, 2023 (3:41 pm)

    Honest question – can the City / Parks dept be sued over this? What type of organized group of citizens would need to form to launch a suit?

    • sue sue sue October 4, 2023 (6:42 pm)

      Can they be sued?  I suppose you could try.  But I doubt you’d be successful, as it seems perfectly reasonable they are turning wasted, paved space into enjoyable used space in a city park.  Look: this is a park for people, and it is in a city for people.  Is that unfair to the animals that want to live in Lincoln Park?  Maybe.  But in the long term big picture, one of the best things for the environment is to have people live in dense urban centers.  And those include having spaces for recreation. 

      • Denise October 4, 2023 (9:06 pm)

        There are far more people currently using Lincoln Park, including the area that would be impacted by pickleball, than there are pickleballers. Passive recreation is by far the most popular recreation mode in Seattle Parks. If courts are put in, fewer people will be served. It’s going to drive people out, and that’s not fair. 

        • sue sue sue October 5, 2023 (7:03 am)

          I don’t understand why you (and others) wouldn’t extend this exact argument to the wading pool, playground, etc.  And that’s why I find it a disturbing tactic–shouldn’t the park have something for everyone, not just those who are seeking quiet and nature (especially given those people often drive to that quiet and nature, which is a large irony in and of itself!).  If you’re okay with the playground and the parking lots and the kept trails and the playfields and the paved roads I’m pretty sure you can stomach a small area for people whose jam is pickleball.   

          • Denise October 5, 2023 (2:29 pm)

            It’s really quite simple. We don’t mind the established uses. We don’t mind the uses that are compatible with the current uses—both people and wildlife. Pickleball and off/leash are neither of those things. They both would drive out (or fence out) current users. Passive use areas need to stay that way because they are the most popular, and the most accessible to the most people. Access to nature is especially important for urban life . And it can’t be found just anywhere. We have all we’re going to have, and we need to keep it. Pickleball or off leash does not need to be in Lincoln Park. There is already a huge OLA in Westcrest and West Seattle is full of pickleball courts that are often empty. So my question to you, why do you persist in this when you have other options that will not negatively impact so many people? Don’t you understand how important Lincoln Park is to this community? 

          • sue sue sue October 5, 2023 (3:59 pm)

            This just reads as if you have yours and don’t want change.  Which, I mean, I understand, but also that’s the definition of selfishness.  You argue that passive use areas (which I take to mean excludes playgrounds, swimming, wading, grilling, soccer, disc games & baseball) are the most popular, but I see two main issues with that: first, without data I find that hard to believe. second, saying something else is more popular seems a weird argument about not including something else.  I mean, how do you know pickle ball wouldn’t be super popular in Lincoln Park?  You’re saying the other stuff is more popular than pickle ball, but not realizing that might be because we don’t have pickle ball there? 

            To answer your questions:  I persist in this because I think you’re being kinda mean and selfish.  I do think Lincoln Park is important to the community–and, personally, I think it would be even more important if it evolved to also include this inexplicably popular sport (for the record I despise pickle ball, but that’s just because I hate all exercise!).

          • Denise October 5, 2023 (4:29 pm)

            I’d prefer to continue without namecalling and personal insults, but go ahead if want. The facts about passive use are from Parks own survey data, available online to anyone. And as far as the “I have mine and don’t want anyone else to have theirs”, that makes no sense, since we all share passive use areas equally. Anyone can use them, no one is excluded. And as long as what they do is low impact to other users, they can do whatever they want. When you start looking at land use in terms of sharing, passive use is the most equitable and accessible. In contrast, pickleball and off leash are only usable to those people who play or have dogs. There is a space for those activities, but it shouldn’t come at the expense of current users, especially in one of our best parks. Me selfish? We ALL already share these places in Lincoln Park. What you want is your OWN space for your OWN single-use activity. I’d say the pot is calling the kettle selfish here. 

  • Kathy October 4, 2023 (3:54 pm)

    Lowman Beach had a tennis court and it was removed. They need to restore a court in that park. Make it dual use. Find the money. Sure we have large nature reserves, but this side of West Seattle is under served for recreational sports facilities. We also need an actual community center in Alki. Back in the day you could take all kinds of classes, pottery, dog obedience classes, community events, roller skating. Since then Alki has gotten much denser, but all we have had for years is after school child care in the building formerly known as Alki Community Center. The bathhouse used to be an art studio with part time staffing. Now it is mostly closed and empty except for private events or annual art fairs.  Meanwhile neighborhoods like Montlake have a  recently remodeled facility and vibrant programs in a “quiet neighborhood” that is mostly expensive single family homes on large lots.  

  • dinkpaddle October 4, 2023 (3:59 pm)

    I am excited for this great use of public space.

  • Kathy October 4, 2023 (4:01 pm)

    Google maps still describes Lowman Beach as “a tiny beachside park with tennis courts”.

  • LB October 4, 2023 (4:07 pm)

    LIGHTS? In the middle of the natural, forested part of the park? And they think adding LIGHTS doesn’t trigger SEPA? Do they have ANY idea the opposition to lights because of the degradation of quality of wildlife habitat and the impacts to passive recreation? WHO is making these terrible decisions at Seattle Parks Dept?? The new super? We should sue them. This must go through SEPA. 

    • P-Addled October 4, 2023 (5:51 pm)

      Obviously LB has never been to this section of Lincoln Park
      (or even looked at the photos).  
      It is not in the middle of the forested area.  
      It is adjacent to a large grass sports field and restrooms structure.  
      Lights have existed there for the fifty years that I have been going there.

      • GBH October 4, 2023 (8:24 pm)

        There are no court lights there. No lights on the ball fields either. These are unlit fields.  Quit spreading misinfo. There eagles, owls and about 40 other species of birds in this area of the park though. 

    • Bob October 4, 2023 (6:12 pm)

      Is this satire?

      • AMC October 5, 2023 (12:02 am)

        Right? Pretty sure it could write itself at this point.

  • I. Ponder October 4, 2023 (4:11 pm)

    I think this is just great. Sad that Seattleites have been trained & conditioned to believe that community input and consensus is required for anything to be done. I am also a neighbor and I support the parks department making a decision and moving ahead despite it not making everyone happy. The idea that this will destroy Lincoln Park and nature is absurd.

  • Vlad October 4, 2023 (4:14 pm)

    As usual, Parks dodges and vacillates rather than providing much needed pickleball facilities.  The Solstice Park tennis courts are practically empty most of the time and efficiency would be gained if they could also accommodate pickleball, which could be done at close to zero cost and completed practically overnight.  Dumping the pickleball courts deep into Lincoln Park makes no sense.  They will be situated a way from easy access and who knows when/if they can be delivered and at what cost?  

    • runningsucks October 5, 2023 (11:31 am)

      I run by the solstice courts 4 times a week, every week. They are almost ALWAYS in use.

  • Flaunt-Leroy October 4, 2023 (4:24 pm)

    Providing the public and community with free outdoor facilities for recreation is a staple of urban parks. I hope one way or another we gain more sports related recreation in this space , the name of the sport in unimportant.

  • Mike October 4, 2023 (4:30 pm)

    I contacted the Mayor’s office to ask his office to considering reviewing this decision by the Parks Department.   Hopefully if enough people contact the Mayor there will be more light shed on how this decision was reached.   

    • WS Classy October 4, 2023 (7:11 pm)

      Nah – we’re good. Move on with your life. I promise you will find something else to be mad about in a few weeks.

      • TM October 5, 2023 (4:40 pm)

        You’re good alright. Good and condescending. Mike’s request is reasonable. I’d also like to know how this came about, and where the funding came from.

        I’m in support of matching that funding, and getting a more appropriate new place for pickleball in WS.

    • Alki resident October 4, 2023 (8:22 pm)

      Mike so because you didn’t get your way you want to call on the Mayor? How is an existing concrete slab in the north end of the park bothered you in the past? Did you even know it existed? 

    • IHeartBPP October 5, 2023 (1:55 pm)

      I called the Mayor’s office as well asking they review the P&R decision.  

  • Laura October 4, 2023 (4:45 pm)

    It would be great if the pickleball community/association refused Lincoln Park as a location. They could say “we won’t play there so don’t build it.” I would imagine plenty of the players are also opposed to disrupting the rare peace of this park (for humans and animals) and unfortunately their refusal to use it may be our only hope. Parks Dept must have some money burning a hole in its pocket to insist on doing this – it’s very strange prioritization. 

    • Denise October 4, 2023 (6:43 pm)

      See the statement they put out above. They are the ones behind this.

  • Kt October 4, 2023 (5:29 pm)

    Some brainiac is going to make millions coming up with a plan to sound proof these pickleball courts.  Lots of news stories about other cities where residents are suing due to the constant pop-pop-pop all day long.  Glad I don’t live bt Lincoln Park!

    • nopicklesinlincolnplease October 5, 2023 (12:02 am)

      Indeed KT. I’ve heard those stories as well. Imagine you are animal with their extra keen hearing. Why can’t we just have nice things… like nature??

  • KB1000 October 4, 2023 (5:47 pm)

    Terrible idea. Pickleball and the people that play it are loud. Ever been to the courts at Walt Hundley? Not only is the game play itself very loud and annoying but the players also deem fit to blast music whilst they play. Now, doing this is a busy activity focused park like Walk Hundley is one thing but Pickleball in Lincoln Park is a travesty. These courts will create tons of noise pollution, ruin the sanctity the this peaceful place and tramples on everyone’s right to peace and quiet as the first order. 

    • Alki resident October 4, 2023 (8:26 pm)

      Pretty sure all of that ungodly noise you think they’ll make will be tuned out by the ferry system. These games don’t last all nite, it does get dark and people have lives. It’s not that dramatic 

      • TM October 5, 2023 (3:08 pm)

        When did the ferry system start running nonstop? Alki Resident, you must be hearing things. From miles away.

  • Come on October 4, 2023 (6:00 pm)

    To all the people complaining about the noise and lights. Do you want them to remove the baseball field because the ping of the balls on bats is too loud for the birds and squirrels? What about the play toys for kids? Are they to be removed as well because the children’s laughter and screams are too loud and cause too much noise pollution for the birds and squirrels? What’s next? Remove all of the street lights because they make the bats upset at night? And no more cars or trucks because they make wayyyy too much noise and leak all sorts of bad things that hurt and kill all the animals. Come on people they are repurposing an unused tennis court. Not building a nuclear missile silo. There are way bigger things to worry about in this life than this. 😂

  • grannylin October 4, 2023 (6:09 pm)

    There is not enough parking as it is and Lincoln Park is already being
    loved to death. I would prefer that the Parks Department finish 
    projects like the south playground that has been in disrepair for years,
    as well as repair of trails, fences and other and updating signage.  It
    would also be great if Parks would spend some money and energy
    enforcing rules such as leash laws and no dogs on the beach. I walk the
    park most days and there is zero enforcement.  People and dogs are being
    attacked and the few entitled dog owners who flaunt the rules are
    ruining this beautiful place for other dog walkers.  Lincoln Park is
    a treasure, there is nothing like it! Let’s preserve what we have.

    • Alki resident October 4, 2023 (9:05 pm)

      When was the last time someone was attacked in Lincoln Park? It’s perfectly ok to have more than one project go on in the park at once. The concrete slab for pickle ball has sat there for many many years and won’t take much to fix it up. I’ve never heard of a park bring loved to death, what does that mean? You pay taxes for that park and should be thrilled it’s being used. I’ve past that park everyday since the 80’s and it’s a rarity you can’t find parking. Many locals walk and bus to the park as well. Seems you’re looking for every excuse to avoid the use of a court that already exists that our tax dollars paid for moons ago. 

  • aa October 4, 2023 (6:14 pm)

    I was part of a group that opposed a parks department overhaul of a place that meant a lot to the people who went there and we stopped them.  It takes a lot of involvement from people at all levels, community, local politicians, you have to go to the city council meetings, dig deep into who’s involved and challenge their motivation. Push back and let them know how important it is to you.  Petitions can be ignored, showing up at their meetings can’t.  We were lied to, plans were done in secret, it was about to be a hostile takeover and we stopped them.  I think they pick places where they don’t think anyone is paying attention.  

    • Alki resident October 4, 2023 (8:32 pm)

      That’s pretty dramatic over a concrete slab that’s been there longer than you’ve probably even lived in West Seattle. Sounds like you’ve come up with some conspiracy theory over sweet money and meetings over a place that once was a tennis court in the 70’s and 80’s. Pure comedy

    • Jackson K October 4, 2023 (8:46 pm)

      I was part of the group that supports the new court. It’s not a conspiracy. The decision was made ever after King 5 News ran a story on it. The court is moving forward. So should we! 

      • Krist October 4, 2023 (10:14 pm)

        What happened with the Pickleball courts that were approved at Lowman beach?  Instead of replacing the tennis court with another tennis court, they decided to replace it with multiple Pickleball courts.  Anyone know the status of those?  And wouldn’t those suffice instead of one court in the park?

  • Bob October 4, 2023 (6:17 pm)

    Woohoo!!! Thrilled to see the parks department moving forward with this. Can’t wait for the courts and great to see something available for all ages at Lincoln.

  • Mrs. Myrtle October 4, 2023 (6:25 pm)

    I’m pretty sure the typical BBQ at Lincoln Park or even the kids play areas are louder than a picklebar court. 

  • Denise October 4, 2023 (6:26 pm)

    Private donation? Parks has put our irreplaceable park up for grabs. Has anyone done a PDR?

  • Kim October 4, 2023 (6:44 pm)

    It’s amazing how fast Parks can move when they have cash in hand (private donation) but it has taken years to replace the South end play field (tax funded). Why is it they can unilaterally deploy resources to something there is a great deal of conflict over but dither for years on tax funded projects. Rings of the same playbook they used when trying to bring in a private zip line with zero community input. 

    • WS Res October 4, 2023 (9:37 pm)

      The play field has been held up by a shortage of equipment available (maybe you’ve heard about the pandemic supply chain issues?) and contractors willing to bid for the work.  Striping work can be done by Parks employees and there is plenty of paint.

  • burglerbustindad October 4, 2023 (6:56 pm)

    Please shine a light on gun violence, car theft and crime in Lincoln Park.
    Pickleball rocks!

  • Jeannie October 4, 2023 (8:37 pm)

    Oh, goody! In addition, we’ll install a project sign near the site to share project and contact information.” Is that supposed to mollify us? With all due respect to Parks and Wreck’s Rachel Schulkin (whose expertise happens to be in special ed, not Parks), she is simply robo-responding with the same talking points over and over – on TV news, in response to our emails, here on the Blog, etc. – without addressing our concerns. It’s pretty much “You don’t like it? Well, f— you!” We pay their salary; they’re supposed to be public servants. 

  • sgs October 4, 2023 (8:42 pm)

    I’m for letting the space continue to grow wild, but if they must, put the recreational area in but NO LIGHTS.  Keep Lincoln Park as wild as possible. 

  • GBH October 4, 2023 (8:45 pm)

    The statement from Parks is odd. They say this would be existing use. I guess just painting lines on concrete would. But the courts that were there many years ago do not have court lights. The lights used for courts are a significant impact and I can’t see how this would not trigger a SEPA checklist. It seems they are using the “existing use” provision to avoid SEPA and see this as some sort of loophole to reserve the right to add lights without SEPA review.  

  • Daniel T October 4, 2023 (8:49 pm)

    Outstanding comprehensive report on this topic, WSB! This sounds like it could be the plot of a Parks and Recreation episode. 

  • Mr. Gatewood October 4, 2023 (10:52 pm)

    Hopefully we can get them to reconsider this plan and restore the Lincoln Park courts to tennis only! Pickleball is a fad.

  • Chrissy D October 4, 2023 (11:09 pm)

    Pickleball courts is going to be a huge improvement over what is there now (sorry kids, you’ll have to find a new place for the spodie’s), especially now that I know trucks have been coming and going from that location, spewing emissions all over the wildlife. 

    • Keven October 5, 2023 (8:57 pm)

      My dog chases rabbits around there. Also squirrels. 

    • Alayna October 6, 2023 (11:24 am)

      The trucks rarely drive around there.  It’s a big lot full of mulch.  We go there every day and maybe once a month  we see them driving a truck to that spot. 

  • nopicklesinlincolnplease October 4, 2023 (11:25 pm)

    Go Kersti! Mighty warrior for nature and wildlife. We love you.  I play pickleball and even I know the sound is annnnnoooyyying. I can’t imagine that non-stop sound right next to that big beautiful meadow. Poor animals have to listen to that torture all day. Don’t even get me started on the lighting which is so bad for birds and wildlife.  Forty courts are enough for the city. Pickleball is better indoors anyway – Highpoint Community Center is a great place to play and it’s easy to get court time year round. This move to Lincoln Park makes no sense.

  • anonyme October 5, 2023 (6:23 am)

    Another vote for Kersti and against a pickleball court in Lincoln Park.  There are PLENTY of options to play sports in Seattle, as well as plenty of options for the location of this pickleball court.  What there are few and diminishing locations for are places to enjoy nature, sustain wildlife, and just be QUIET.  The need to unplug and connect with nature is of infinitely more value than a pickleball court.  We can’t just build another Lincoln Park.

  • Actually Mike October 5, 2023 (7:46 am)

    Just to be clear? Nobody’s trying to stop anybody from playing pickleball in West Seattle. But Lincoln Park is the WRONG place for pickleball courts together with the noise and light pollution sure to accompany them. There are other nearby options for pickleball now and in the future–but there is no equivalent public natural area in this part of the city. Both wildlife and humans need places of respite from the noise, light pollution and general chaos of urban environments. Lincoln Park provides such a haven for large numbers of us right now, in its present form. Whatever enticements the city has been offered to stuff pickleball courts here won’t be worth the environmental harm they would cause. Don’t let it happen here.

  • ACG October 5, 2023 (8:22 am)

    Re:the noise. I see some commenters laughing about people being concerned with the “noise” associated with pickle ball. I kind of eye-rolled that too until I had to sit next to tennis courts (converted to pickle ball) while at a soccer field the was right next to them. It is WAY louder than tennis!!!  The paddles and ball are hard, so every time someone strikes the ball or the ball strikes the ground, it gives off a (surprisingly!) loud sharp sound. Plus the courts are smaller than tennis, so the ball has to travel a shorter distance before being whacked during play- so a lot more strikes of the ball per minute compared to tennis . And… it looked like you can fit at least two pickleball games onto one tennis court, so instead of maybe two people playing tennis on a court, you have 8 pickleball people striking the hard ball with their paddles. I wish they could pad the paddles or something. It was surprisingly loud!!!  I don’t have an opinion one way on the Lincoln Park thing, just wanted to offer my observation. 

    • TM October 5, 2023 (12:01 pm)

      I’ve had the same experience, watching my kids’ soccer practice next to pickleball courts. I was surprised by how loud it was. Feels like indoor solutions would be ideal.Doing some googling this seems to be happening around the country over the last few years. This video frames it more in the context of neighboring houses, but gives a good overview of what to expect:

  • snowskier October 5, 2023 (9:30 am)

    Seattle Parks waffled on their original plan to paint some lines on the Solstice Tennis courts.  They’re now behind their deadline to complete a project and have ticked a number of groups off by waffling then pretending to listen to interested parties.  In the meanwhile, it’s been 6+ years since they tore out a playground and are using a weak pandemic supply issue excuse instead of the actual, “we suck and can’t get anything done” reality.  Both projects are now late and more people are angry.

    • WS Res October 5, 2023 (12:35 pm)

      using a weak pandemic supply issue excuse” – do you have a source for industrial-grade playground equipment and trained installers with the insurance to cover their work who will work on a small job like this? if so, you might want to look into bidding for the replacement job with Parks. Maybe they’d take your bid.

  • Sarah October 5, 2023 (10:30 am)

    Can Kersti and team please stop littering the park with their fliers? Or speak up to discourage others from doing it if it’s not directly her work? Every day this week there are new fliers taped or stapled to trees in Lincoln Park. This is littering. Even the fliers for Jim Price are only posted on park bulletin boards and restroom buildings. 

  • Donna October 5, 2023 (11:25 am)

    The petition to Parks conflates two projects that must be evaluated separately. Adding a new off-leash dog park raises serious environmental concerns. Refurbishing old tennis courts does not – an existing hardscape will be repurposed to support a compatible use.

    The petition muddies the water by presenting the two projects as if their impacts were the same. They are not.

    • Sarah October 5, 2023 (12:08 pm)

      Yes; great point! I’m fairly neutral on the pickleball stuff, but mostly against the OLA. I’m not signing the petition because I’m not against both things, and I’m not happy with how the petition organizer(s) are misleading those not familiar with the proposed pickleball site.

    • TM October 5, 2023 (12:10 pm)

      “compatible” is what’s in question here. Feels more like “convenient”, with a strong special interests push behind it.

  • P-addled October 5, 2023 (11:48 am)

    I walked through Lincoln Park this mourning and was dismayed to find an alarmist misleading  paper flyer  inside a Staples plastic file taped along the trail with plastic shipping tape. 
    This is littering plastic and illegally posting on Park Property.  
    Shame on whoever is doing this. 
    But I suspect the self appointed experts, consultant and keyboard activists signing petitions they neither read nor undestand, can justify their actions.  

    • Denise October 5, 2023 (1:13 pm)

      People deserve to know. Whoever is doing it is doing the community a service.

    • Alki resident October 5, 2023 (1:17 pm)

      I hope they all get taken down. What a harassing way to make a point of fake information. Pretty desperate to say the least. Luckily the good people of West Seattle prevailed and are getting a deserved pickle ball court . 

    • Sarah October 5, 2023 (1:17 pm)

      Yep, it’s really gross and I’ve found them every day this week. Every day I tear down any that aren’t on the park bulletin board, and the next day there are more. A few photos… note one was *stapled*! (I was so disgusted by that I ripped it off before getting the pic of it stapled, but it was on one of the trees on the northbound path from the main parking lot (toward the baseball diamond). 

      • TM October 5, 2023 (2:16 pm)

        Agreed, It stinks when a natural space is unnecessarily defiled with human impact. Right? Luckily these leaflets are only very short term.

        • P-addled October 5, 2023 (4:13 pm)

          Short term? Plastic is forever.

      • aRF October 5, 2023 (3:58 pm)

        These photos reminded me to sign the petition. 

        • Alki resident October 5, 2023 (8:43 pm)

          Why would anyone sign a petition with so much false pretenses? Obviously the petition did no good and we’ll get a pickle ball court in the near future. 

        • Sarah October 5, 2023 (9:14 pm)


  • Jeff B. October 5, 2023 (2:03 pm)

    This is a horrible idea to put a pickle ball court in one of the last habitats that is suitable for birds and other native creatures to survive and reproduce in West Seattle.  Due to the developers taking every piece of green space they get their hands on and removing some of the most significant trees we have, many of the species I used to see around my yard 20 years ago have vanished or become very infrequent. Opponents of this project need to email the  mayor and parks director as much as one can, this needs to be stopped.  Lincoln Park should remain as it is for the other species we occupy this earth with, can anyone say; White Privilege!

  • TM October 5, 2023 (3:45 pm)

    There are some user guides pickleball groups publish to help steer “overcoming community objections”


     You will hear, most likely, ‘pickleball is loud and distracting, people can’t cope with the constant noise’, I would say in response that I understand this is a concern as pickleball can be very enthusiastic and move on.”

  • TM October 5, 2023 (3:56 pm)

    Interesting idea- if the “private funding” behind this is from or earmarked for the pickleball community- what about generating a matching amount to fund developing courts somewhere else that’s more appropriate? It would be a win-win, I know I’d be all-in. 

    • Denise October 5, 2023 (4:39 pm)

      It seems they don’t really want to be elsewhere, because there are plenty of courts in West Seattle already. They want Lincoln, probably for the same reason the dog people want Lincoln even though they already have Westcrest. Because Lincoln is so much nicer. It’s the one of the nicest parks in the city, probably in the whole country. Who wouldn’t want it for their own special use? And they don’t seem to mind who else they impact. 

      • Neighbor October 5, 2023 (4:59 pm)

        You are the definition of NIMBY in these comments. Holy cow.

        • Alayna October 6, 2023 (11:21 am)

          I don’t want pickleball in Lincoln Park, but I am totally fine with it at Solstice.  Pickleball is loud and disruptive to nature.  I live REALLY close to Solstice, I can hear it all the time, it’s loud already, people are having fun, etc.  That’s fine.  I don’t mind it at all.     Keep loud stuff outside of the nature park. 

      • TM October 5, 2023 (5:06 pm)

        Agreed. Lincoln is a gem. I can tell you understand that, and many WS residents do. And out of town visitors are always impressed. It’s beautiful, I’m heading down there now for a walk with my dog.

        But the pickleballers don’t need a natural park to play the game, so I say we partner with them, match their funding, and work with Parks and Rec to find a better place. I like the Jack Block park idea. I’m struck by the clandestine manner and rush with the current plan- taking a little more time to organize a better solution would be very reasonable. 

    • Neighbor October 5, 2023 (4:49 pm)

      I wonder if Jack Block Park has been considered.  Lots of pavement, parking, away from residential.

  • Vlad October 5, 2023 (6:22 pm)

    On the issue of pickleball noise, I suggest that the city consider installing construction sound blankets that are made to be attached to fences of different sizes. This is one of the products available:

    CCSB-2 (

    This solution should be considered for all court locations adjacent to residential areas.  They would also serve as useful wind shields for game play.  It would work very well at the Solstice Park location, I don’t think that Lincoln Park is a good location for a number of reasons already described.

  • mary October 5, 2023 (8:31 pm)

    How do we protest this… tragic.

  • Sh October 5, 2023 (9:14 pm)

    I retreat to Lincoln Park weekly to walk, think, clear my head and decompress in nature and get as far away as possible the crush of noise….NOISE LIKE PICKLEBALL. Park’s accepts private monies to bring that obnoxious high decibel high pitched plastic ball smacking with players constantly yelling on 6 courts all at the same time from sun up to beyond sun down by installing blinding bright lights in the middle of Lincoln Park? Please gawd, No.  If pickleball goes through my visits will  be changed from peaceful restoration to sitting on the sidelines screaming STFU through a bullhorn from sun up to sun down, and I’ll make sure my decibels don’t exceed the the loudest possible pickleball smack, lol

    • Alki resident October 6, 2023 (2:17 pm)

      WOW could you be more dramatic? This location is not in the “ middle” of the park, secondly where are you during all of other events that happen all year round? Kids screaming at the playgrounds and pools or on the beach is way louder than any pickle ball I’ve ever seen. 

      • Dd October 7, 2023 (10:25 am)

        Alki Resident, I wanted to bring to your attention a matter regarding your TWENTY-TWO COMMENTS on this thread (wow, could YOU be more dramatic?). While I understand that discussions can become heated at times, it is also important to maintain a respectful tone towards your neighbors.I have noticed that your comments have been characterized by repeated rudeness towards other participants . Additionally, your remarks appear to demonstrate a lack of willingness to consider alternative viewpoints or educate yourself on the issues at hand.

  • Alki guy October 6, 2023 (8:41 am)

    PICKLEGATE 2023 lol 

  • whataboutthecreedence October 6, 2023 (9:20 am)

    I just enjoy how the city will skirt the environmental review process when they find it convenient to do so. Not even the bridge repair escaped weeks and weeks of review and waffling. But pickleball, oh boy yeah, by all means!

  • Juan October 6, 2023 (9:29 am)

    What about the courts at Riverview park?
    Those courts are always empty.

    • Sarah October 6, 2023 (10:34 am)

      3.5 miles away? Not comparable. 

      • Juan October 6, 2023 (1:50 pm)

        How is it not comparable? It is in West Seattle.

  • Alki resident who actually lives there October 6, 2023 (12:12 pm)

    Dear Mr. Diaz, As a long time resident of West Seattle, and user of Lincoln Park, I strongly oppose the administrative decision to construct Pickle Ball courts in Lincoln Park. At best it’s a short sighted decision uninformed by public input.  I would also be interested in the source of the private donation that will be used for this project, as well as whether the potential installation of new lighting would indeed be exempt from SEPA requirements, as Rachel Schulkin indicated the “existing court” would be exempt from SEPA requirements in her form response to inquiries on this matter.  As I’m sure you are aware this “existing court” has not been used as such for years and years. Nor has the surrounding area been exposed to the continuously high decibel levels produced by the playing of Pickle Ball. This impact should be fully evaluated.  At the very least re-open this decision for public discussion, which I feel has not been appropriately vetted within the larger community. Indeed, Rachel Schulkin wrote in her response to me that “as you are aware, we selected Lincoln Park as an alternative to the dual striping at Solstice Park after we heard from both tennis and pickleball players that separate courts were preferred, and we found an opportunity to make that happen”.  This is not the larger community impacted by this decision.  Please reconsider the city’s original commitment of adding stripes to half the courts at Solstice Park instead, which is preferentially supported by the Seattle Metro Pickleball Association.  This decision has been poorly vetted and administrated to date.  

    • Alki resident October 6, 2023 (2:12 pm)

      That’s a lot of wording to simply say” we’re a poor sport and can’t handle the decisions that others made “. And get out of town with the false pretense that this is a high decibel sport. If the court was across the street you’d be happier, don’t tell me birds and animals don’t hang over there or at the solstice park. 

      • Alki resident who actually lives there October 8, 2023 (10:55 am)

        Being called a “poor sport” by someone who has shown an utter disdain for differing options – through 22 posts in this one thread alone (counted by someone else) – is quite ironic and trollworthy. 

  • Neighbor 2 October 6, 2023 (12:31 pm)

    I saw a concrete slab missing a bench in the park today. It’s really nice that the bench is gone so we don’t have people disrupting the wildlife. Seattle Parks better not consider installing a new bench there! I’m going to start a petition just in case.

    • Neighbor 2 October 6, 2023 (12:55 pm)

      Please sign my petition:
      This took a lot of strength to create, as I hate change but the most popular petition site is But I believe the goal of reducing overall human activity in the park is worthwhile.

      • Bob October 6, 2023 (3:15 pm)

        Thank you for your bravery and service to our community, Neighbor 2

  • sam-c October 6, 2023 (1:18 pm)

    In all my walks near Delridge CC, there’s been folks playing pickleball all the time. I’ve never noticed them to be particularly noisy, but just normal conversational sounds with cheers here and there, and no louder than the kids always playing on the playground.  When I went by today, I was going to see if the pickleball players were making a racket, but the court was empty.

  • Scarlett October 6, 2023 (1:34 pm)

    This notion that wildlife suffers due to the promixity to people and/or noise is an environmental myth.  The reverse is true, actually.   Truly wild areas can be relative dead zones compared to urban-wild interfaces.  Look around you,  eagles nesting close to the high-span bridge,  peregrines nesting on the bridge itself, osprey’s nesting on cell towers, and the list of fauna, large and small, that is flourishing goes on and on and on. 

    • Jeff B. October 6, 2023 (3:45 pm)

      Then why do we have the Endangered Species Act if wildlife is flourishing where people live?  Humans have destroyed the very habitats that many native species need to live and the plants and animals that used to live there are extinct. With your thinking we should remove all the forests and fill in the wetlands and there will be an Eagle and Peregrine on every bridge and an Osprey on every cell tower and beautiful  ivy growing on all of it. Your entire thesis presented here is an environmental myth or it’s satire…..

      • P-addled October 6, 2023 (8:35 pm)

        On the other hand, we could just eliminate all human interaction in our parks.  
        Banning people from using parks is the logical extension of these petition activists. 

      • Scarlett October 6, 2023 (9:02 pm)

        I’m describing objective reality, you’re engaging in argumentum absurdum.  Despite the supposed danger that humans pose to local wildlife, countless species have not only survived but have prospered in close proximity to people.  The idea that the natural world hums along in harmonious equilibrium and will not suffer extinction events, in the absence of human intervention, is not borne out by what we know about the Background Extinction Rate. 

  • Halve the baby October 7, 2023 (8:38 am)

    Light matters. Noise matters. Focus the lights DOWN onto the pickleball courts. Screen the fences with sound-reducing fabric that isolates the lit areas. Minimizing the impact matters. Maximizing the benefit matters. We can live together, learn to be nice and still have our separate loves. Who says pickleballers don’t also want peaceful and natural park areas to quiet their soul? We can have it all and come together on reasonable terms. Why can’t we be Seattle again, resurface the mulch dump, and support a flourishing sport that nourishes health through invigorating cardio? Cooler heads prevail. 

  • KN October 7, 2023 (12:51 pm)

    I am glad Solstice Park is tennis only, I grew up playing tennis there.  Let the pickle ballers have the old tennis courts in Lincoln Park. And yes, Jimmy, they did have tennis courts there. So deal with the “noise”! 

  • Sarah October 9, 2023 (12:59 pm)

    Kersti, stop littering the park with your petition ads! For anyone doubting whether it’s truly Kersti/supporters doing it, here’s a picture from her own Instagram feed.

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