FOLLOWUP: Chief Sealth IHS rally against sexual harassment/violence after texting incident

(WSB photos/video)

More than 150 Chief Sealth International High School students walked off the campus just before noon today in a protest demanding action against sexual harassment and violence.

Staffers joined them in support.

As reported here last night, this was sparked by text messages described as “graphic … group text messages” that “encourage sexual violence.” The students involved were reported to be football players; the principal’s message only alluded to “athletic” involvement

After walking out, students gathered on the Southwest Athletic Complex field across the street. School officials would not allow media crews into the stadium to hear the speeches (which were inaudible from the street because of a TV chopper hovering overhead).

The student who sent word last night about today’s rally said this has been an ongoing situation without much action from school administrators. We asked principal Ray Morales today if anyone had been suspended and he said he could not comment. We asked the district media office the same question, and others, and received only a statement similar to what the principal sent to the school community Thursday; this one was attributed to district chief of staff Bev Redmond:

SPS takes the safety and wellbeing of students very seriously. We respect student voices and listen to our students’ concerns. SPS condemns any form of sexual abuse, assault, and violence, and we are dedicated to providing a nurturing and safe educational environment for all students.

On Wednesday, Oct. 18, concerns were brought to the attention of Chief Sealth International school leaders. The concerns were related to group text messages written by several Chief Sealth students. The content was graphic and extremely inappropriate. Chief Sealth International staff and SPS leaders do not condone this type of communication in any format.

Chief Sealth International school leaders took immediate action, including:
-SPS and Chief Sealth International leadership will continue to evaluate appropriate discipline and corrective action
-Outreach by school social workers and school leaders to offer direct support to each student who was the subject of these messages

The school’s leadership is actively taking steps to be sure students approach their peers and community members with respect. This includes a plan by athletic leaders to promote gender equity, prevent sexual harassment, and help our students better understand what behaviors are expected of students and student athletes.

The district did not answer our question about whether police had been contacted.

78 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Chief Sealth IHS rally against sexual harassment/violence after texting incident"

  • WS Res October 20, 2023 (2:14 pm)

    Good on you, students who took action.  Shame on the school officials who haven’t. 

  • Alum October 20, 2023 (2:24 pm)

    I have been informed that the football players have been removed from the team. HAVING SAID THAT, this is not just a football team/player issue. Please don’t make this just about football (or any sports) players. Many reports over the years of harassment and assault by students of all walks of life have not been taken seriously enough. Don’t even get me started on the band kids..

    • KW October 20, 2023 (3:27 pm)

      Specifically the band kids at this school or just in general?  Just curious because we are going to have to make high school decisions in for our kids in a few years, and I want to understand the climate and culture of the schools.  I was a band kid back in my day (another state), and  we were innocent enough I think.  

      • KT October 20, 2023 (5:42 pm)

        The band kids at my high school were super smart and creative and my gang.  I could not play an instrument to save my soul, so joined the drill tram so I could go with the band to march in the Victoria Day parade.  That trip to Canada with all my wonderful band “mates” was a highlight of my teenage years.

      • Student @ Sealth October 24, 2023 (12:17 pm)

        As someone who has experienced harassment from the football team and from the band kids, I agree with this. Of course this is a district/school wide/world wide problem, but the accusations against anyone at this school are never taken seriously. I have always been deflected by staff when I bring up a concern about someone who I don’t feel safe around. It’s not fair to us students who still have to walk around our assaulters in the hallway. This is just one experience – not the only one.

    • Lagartija Nick October 20, 2023 (4:02 pm)

      Your comment is just gross. Band kids? Really? There is so much more I’d like to say here but the blog would never post it. All I can think is that you’re the parent of one of these football players for you to deflect so hard from them. Do better.

      • Danimal October 20, 2023 (5:36 pm)

        L. Nick – I think you’re the one who needs to do better here. You don’t have the first idea of what might or might not have been said by band kids. I happen to know band and choir kids who were scoundrels and extremely arrogant and judgmental. “Locker room talk” happens with them too. Playing an instrument or singing in an organized group doesn’t automatically equate to being angels. You can take my word for that. Maybe you have a bias against football players? I don’t know. Sure organized sports can be misogynistic but don’t exclude performance arts just because you have an opinion not based in fact. 

        • Lagartija Nick October 21, 2023 (4:49 am)

          Danimal, I can’t believe this has to be spelled out for you. The band kids didn’t write these texts and they didn’t assault the students protesting, THE FOOTBALL PLAYERS did! Take your pathetic attempt at deflection elsewhere.

          • Danimal October 21, 2023 (2:53 pm)

            L. Nick – I’m not deflecting anything. What the football players did cannot be tolerated and it galls me as much as it would any other compassionate and conscientious person. What I’m doing here is defending someone against YOUR borderline personal attack, and calling attention to the fact this isn’t limited to football players, guaranteed. If we focus on FOOTBALL PLAYERS ONLY as you’re doing with apparent malice and bias, then we risk ignoring the behavior of many other kids and enabling adults who say the same sh*t, who aren’t football players or authority figures. Big picture. It can’t be tolerated anywhere coming from anyone. Not to mention, your bullying attitude calls into question all of the moral outrage you’re trying to project. 

    • Jbl October 20, 2023 (8:25 pm)

      Super proud of the students! If you want or need support from the community, let me know. I’d love to help in any way I can. 

      • Ts October 22, 2023 (11:44 am)

        I’m willing to be there too. So tired of these things still not being felt with in a timely manner. As the parent of a teen and a former Seattle school attendee I can say it’s been happening and not being felt with by staff for long enough. 

  • Tired of the BS October 20, 2023 (3:04 pm)

    I’m hoping that the students who were victimized contacted the police so they can investigate and arrest as appropriate.  I think there have been plenty of examples which have shown that schools (primary, secondary and post-secondary) are pretty bad at policing themselves and worse with accountability.  And if the school does get involved, the consequences are usually minor.

  • Title IX enters the chat October 20, 2023 (3:09 pm)

    Kids – good for you for speaking out. If you feel unsafe at school due to your gender document everything and get an attorney.I’m a Gen X woman.  We stayed silent for too long in the 80s and 90s in Seattle.   I’d naively hoped that after all the Take Back the Night marches, protests and me too, that things would be better for this generation.  30 years later it doesn’t sound like much has changed.Here’s what I do know.   Non addressed threats to your personal safety at school may be a Title IX violation.   SPS responds much more thoroughly to lawsuits than protests.   

    • Revilo October 20, 2023 (7:10 pm)

      Yes, you should sue. Keep the attorneys busy. Go after the schools, not the actual offenders. It’s ok everyone, your mistakes are some one else’s fault. 

      • Ts October 22, 2023 (11:53 am)

        How about both? It was not my abusers fault that he saw/was taught the things he was but it was absolutely the school staffs fault that me/we were told to move to a different area and to stay away from him day after day, week after week for THREE YEARS. It was their fault for not notifying my/our families that these things were happening to me/us. It was their fault for not calling CPS to get him out of that home. It was the staff and  districts fault that I didn’t bother to report random pinching/slapping/harassment at Madison or west Seattle because I don’t believe anything would happen. It is their fault that my teen still has to March in protest so that she and others can be heard that we need staff to help our students be/feel safe. Why was the principal unaware of what was happening in coaches and other staff were told by students? Is this not something that needs to be addressed?

  • Parent October 20, 2023 (3:21 pm)

    There was a fight that broke out at the end, my daughter got punched in the face by a football player and his mom also tried to attack her!  

    • neighbor October 20, 2023 (3:36 pm)

      Please, please file a police report if you haven’t already. We cannot allow violence and assault to become normalized or acceptable.

    • Punch = assault October 20, 2023 (3:37 pm)

      I probably don’t have to tell you this… but I really hope someone called the cops and filed a report.   

    • Sealth Parent October 20, 2023 (3:45 pm)

      That kid is not a football player. He doesn’t even go to a Chief Sealth. 

      • L October 20, 2023 (5:21 pm)

        it was a sealth student he’s in my grade and i saw the video.

      • Beeve October 20, 2023 (5:50 pm)

        After reading the different comments and views it makes seems like there is investigation already in full swing. If it was a student, football player, doesn’t go to the school, a mom trying to attack a teen, and all the accusations. Sounds like full investigation to me. Now, how will you measure the progress from the school and the police? Make sure you keep the pressure!!

      • FactSupporter October 24, 2023 (6:51 pm)

        He is a Sealth student

    • Lagartija Nick October 20, 2023 (4:06 pm)

      I would strongly encourage you to contact the police for this assault on your daughter. I’m truly sorry she was victimized again.

      • LafyetteParent October 20, 2023 (4:25 pm)

        Please do not exacerbate the school-to-prison pipeline by calling the police on juveniles. The school can handle punishment, if any is appropriate. 

        • Rhonda October 20, 2023 (5:36 pm)

          LafayetteParent, schools are notorious for not holding students who commit violence accountable. Any male student who assaults a female student absolutely belongs behind bars. #ENOUGH #MeToo

        • CarDriver October 20, 2023 (5:36 pm)

          Lafayetteparent. So you’re saying if the threats in the texts were followed through on the kids involved should not face any consequences?? If YOUR child is a victim you’d tell them not to say anything so that the perpetrator doesn’t get in trouble?

        • Danimal October 20, 2023 (5:40 pm)

          Lafayette – lol.  Do you really think the schools are going to enact punishment that makes the kids honestly rethink their behavior? Sometimes law enforcement is required. In an assault case, it absolutely is. Period.

        • Odd son October 20, 2023 (5:51 pm)

          Disagree LP Lafayette Parent not Lafyette . Even though police can’t do much with juveniles, the school district is even more hands off. Or if they were to kick off a player from a team, does that equal justice for physical assault? Not in my world. Prison to pipeline as you call it might be derailed by getting police involved at an early age. Any juvenile “known to police” that ends up in jail is making that choice to not be a productive member of society.

        • Derp October 20, 2023 (6:06 pm)

          Um, yes,  call the police.  That is assault and they should be held accountable,  along with the parent that was there too. If you haven’t noticed,  that most of not all car thefts, car jackings,  muggings, house breaks, are all teenagers, under 18. They know nothing can happen,  so why not.  This needs to stop,  step up as a parent and start to get after these so called parents who let their kids do anything they want.  Why did this start in the first place ? School ? Home ? Crazy you are ok with kids assaulting other kids and parents and not hold them accountable. 

          • Revilo October 20, 2023 (7:15 pm)

            Most, if not all….are juvenile.  You are way out to lunch, inform yourself. That is very mistaken.  

        • Alki resident October 20, 2023 (6:11 pm)

          The football player (s) and the mom who attacked the daughter, and other girls via text, are not the victims here. There needs to be consequences for violent behavior towards others. Period. It is attitudes like yours that have caused the huge increase in violent crimes, many or mostly, by teenagers in our neighborhoods. They think they can get away with it, because they do. The lax laws and enforcement are exactly the problem. Shame on you for telling the victim and her parents she can’t stand up for herself! 

          • Ktrapp October 20, 2023 (7:05 pm)

            Suggesting punishment should be left to the school in a comment thread about a protest over the lack of punishment issued by the school is certainly an interesting take.

        • Jeff October 20, 2023 (6:16 pm)

          Another way to not exacerbate the school to prison pipeline is for students NOT TO COMMIT ASSAULTS!!    Jesus…  literally blaming the victim.

        • R2 October 20, 2023 (6:46 pm)

          Big tough guy punched a girl and you’re saying let the school handle it? If he gets away with that now, why would he stop? 

        • WW Resident October 20, 2023 (8:39 pm)

          Here’s a thought. Maybe if you’re so concerned about the *school to prison pipeline”, then maybe tell the kid not to do school to prison pipeline ×bleep×? Stop making the criminal the victim

        • Also a Lafayette Parent October 21, 2023 (9:21 am)

          Absolute garbage. This kid and his parent need to be punished to the full extent of the law. Laws don’t get to be ignored because you are in a school.

  • Sealth Parent October 20, 2023 (3:48 pm)

    My daughter is at Sealth. She said her friend on the volleyball team was told athletes would be kicked off the team if they attended the walkout. Proud of her for walking out today and disappointed in the response of school leaders. I recognize that information about the discipline of individual students is not appropriate to share, but the bland statements about taking safety serious without any apparent plan to recognize and address the impact on directly and indirectly targeted contributes to the normalization of the behavior they say they’re condemning. Why and how should any impacted student feel better or safer going to school on Monday?

    • Ubn22 October 20, 2023 (9:51 pm)

      This is not true at all, no athletes were discouraged in any way from attending the walkout. 

      • Furious at Sealth October 20, 2023 (10:44 pm)

        They absolutely were. I saw the texts of coaches saying so. Until pressure was put on those people when others found out that girls were being silenced. 

        • Fish sticks October 22, 2023 (9:36 pm)

          That is a lie for sure. I saw an email and text sent to the volleyball players saying that all athletes have their rights to go to the Walk out. That is their right. The Coaches shared the concern of being safe. Can you show your friends text message. This was also shared by our AD to all Coaches. So all Coaches know. the district supports students’ rights to express their views in a peaceful manner, including assembly and peaceful protest. Please refer to the School Walkouts attachment as needed. Thank you.

          • Furious at Sealth October 24, 2023 (8:59 pm)

            @fish sticks: oh yeah. I got the email from her team too offering all the “you have a right to attend” stuff. That was a day after the text saying they “needed to be good girls and go to class” and that they better not being found attending the walk out”. Their email came after they had a ton of backlash. But that damage of being silenced was already done. Both things happened. But the crappy messaging and threats came first. And no, I said elsewhere I do not have my students permission to share because they are still afraid if I do that they will be targeted or their team punished 

      • FactSupporter October 24, 2023 (6:58 pm)

        @Sealth Parent and @Furious at Sealth are completely accurate. Messages from the girls’ volleyball and cheer coaches to not participate or they’d be kicked off the team were seen by multiple adults and there was a text thread between the team parents and coaches.  @UBN22 and @Fish Sticks the messages you saw supporting the students’ right to protest came after multiple adults reported to SPS Title IX  and SPS Office of Student Civil Rights representatives.

  • Seattlite October 20, 2023 (4:39 pm)

    Where do you think these teenage males are learning to be violent against their fellow female students?  Why have school officials neglected immediate action by involving police to start investigations into the allegations?  Did the female students tell their parents about the sexual abuse going on  at Chief Sealth by male classmates?  If I were a parent and was told of this sexual abuse, there is nothing that would stop me from confronting school officials from the principle, teachers, coaches.  And, reporting to local police and media.

  • WS Res October 20, 2023 (4:58 pm)

    The way we treat football players like gods is a scourge on this country. And shameful.

    • florida October 20, 2023 (6:50 pm)

      At Alabama the star bball player aided and abetted killing of a girl. The coaches covered for him of course — he’s the star. They said he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. A coach at a different school said: “there is no such thing as ” wrong place wrong time’. Good for him. Anyway it’s all about violence against women. Good luck with your protest. To the hs admin:Try putting something anything ahead of football. 

  • L October 20, 2023 (5:16 pm)

    this student punched another student in the face and his FAMILY was there defending him for allegedly assaulting a girl who spoke out. his mom, and his sister were starting beef. what is wrong with these people?? and the teachers didn’t even stop him they were just following slowly behind like wtf????? istg if they don’t expell this kid cuz he was already causing drama last year as well. the teachers don’t protect anyone they don’t do anything till students push forward.

    • WSMom October 20, 2023 (8:46 pm)

      Saw a video of it. Hopefully the police were called and she presses charges 

  • ws resident October 20, 2023 (6:07 pm)

    Students might not have directly taken part in that specific chat with the football players, that doesn’t mean they’re not aware of how other students on the team (and the school in general) talk about sex, girls and LGBTQ people.The principal, coaches, teachers and staff and students, all need to take the issue of sexual harassment, assault, misogyny, rape culture and anti LGBTQ sentiments seriously. Many students do not feel that they are being listened to and that the students like those who took part in that group chat make the school environment unwelcoming for others around them. It’s not only the players on the football team who talk that way about girls and LGBTQ people. It is a school wide problem. That character building by the team coaches isn’t effective enough. They need to work on informing students to not sexually harass, abuse, assault or bully anyone and not to ignore when they see their classmates taking part in that behavior.

    • D-Mom October 21, 2023 (9:52 am)

      Well said!  I’m disappointed also that media was not allowed on the field to hear the speeches. Is the school trying to silence the kids in that way?  These kids should be held up for standing up for a safe environment and their words blasted across the city. 

  • w s resident October 20, 2023 (7:11 pm)

    They need to work on informing students to not sexually harass, abuse, assault or bully anyone and not to ignore when they see classmates taking part in that type of behavior. That character building by the team coaches isn’t effective enough.Students might not have directly taken part in that specific chat with the football players, that doesn’t mean they’re not aware of how other students on the team (and the school in general) talk about sex, girls and LGBTQ people.The principal, coaches, teachers and staff and students, all need to take the issue of sexual harassment, assault, misogyny, rape culture and anti LGBTQ sentiments seriously. Many students do not feel that they are being listened to and that the students like those who took part in that group chat make the school environment unwelcoming for others around them. It’s not only the players on the football team who talk that way about girls and LGBTQ people. It is a school wide problem. 

  • K October 20, 2023 (7:31 pm)

    Southwest Teen Life Center across the street from Chief Sealth has a new group for LGBTQI+ and allied students (You Are You) starting up next week on Thursday, October 26th from 4:00-5:30pm. I think this meeting will provide a place for queer or female identifying students that have been affected by this situation to discuss what supports and resources they would like to see outside of school as they deal with this traumatic experience and explore next steps for youth-led action to stop hate and violence against women and the LGBTQI+ community. 

    • A October 20, 2023 (10:19 pm)

      Do you have a link or contact info? My Sealth teen might be interested. 

      • K October 20, 2023 (10:54 pm)

        I saw a flyer about it hanging up there, I’ll see if I can get contact info for you.

  • Sfm October 20, 2023 (8:45 pm)

    This is so terrible:(.  I became a teacher over 30 years ago so I would be able to have children and work the same hours that they were in school but after awhile decided not to have children based upon our society.  It’s refreshing that these kids felt safe enough to stand up for themselves and hope it made a difference…

  • Sealth Football Player Mom October 21, 2023 (7:56 am)

    So.. all the kids involved have been punished and expelled. The whole football team does not need to be penalized for the actions of other teammates.  My son was encouraged to join and spoke out at the rally that he supports all the ladies that were violated thru text and social media. He will not take the fall or blame just because he’s on the football team that isn’t how life works and that isn’t fair.  The assault at the rally, there were guidelines in which the students were to follow: If everyone is there in support of protecting what’s right why stand up and start making allegations against others who had absolutely nothing to do with the text message social media thread? There’s a time and a place to get things done but certain said people at the rally only wanted to cause drama and make new problems. This whole thing is ridiculous and instead of making progress and healing begin for the ladies there will be a whole new problem to deal with. What was really accomplished yesterday who knows because all the things mentioned and all the compassion showed is now outstaged by the pointless fight at the end.  FyiThe kid whose family came to support him since he was the random topic that certain people wanted to talk about is NOT on this years football team. To many pointless wrong facts coming out of the comments.  We need to support the girls mentioned and at this point I will support ALL the football players not involved that are confused and hurting after being wrongfully blamed and now targeted for the actions of others. That is all. 

    • L October 21, 2023 (9:46 am)

      i really hope they did get expelled. thats the best thing to do and what needs to be done at least. and right, the kid who was fighting wasn’t a football player he didn’t have anything to do with the football team, he was just another creep.

    • Jethro Marx October 21, 2023 (12:46 pm)

      People are saying a bunch of different things about what the consequences were for the responsible parties; where did you get your information about expulsion? Or are you just saying that? The students believe the only repercussions were 3-day suspensions. The Athletic Director (also the football coach) texted fall athletes and told them they would be removed from their teams if they walked out. It seems like he should have known how that would be received and also that it would not stay confidential. But then I doubt any of us think these threatening texts were a new thing. This is a peek into an existing culture and it’s nearly impossible the coaches never heard players talking like this.

      • Sealth Coach October 21, 2023 (12:56 pm)

        Do you have that text from the athletic Director or coach? Or is that just something someone told you? Because I can assure you that no such text exists and players were actually encouraged to attend in solidarity with the victims. Many of the players to speak and show their support were actually football players, who were encouraged to go there by their coaches.

        • CarDriver October 21, 2023 (2:10 pm)

          Sealth coach. The COMPLETE lack of transparency from SPS and the Sealth administrators and coaches as to who was involved and what CLEAR disciplinary action was-or wasn’t taken shows a COMPLETE failure on their part. The less they say publicly makes it more apparent they want to cover up and wait for anger to “go away” so they can go back to business as usual. 

        • Furious at Sealth October 21, 2023 (4:50 pm)

          Yes. I do have the text. Clearly stating that the players were “to be good girls” and go to class. And that she better not hear of any of them attending. And to let admin take care of it and to not beg involved.  And that is just one team and the one I have personal witnessing of. Other friends of my child were made to unfollow the page made got the walkout The backlash to such pathetic silencing must have been so strong that they changed their tune. But by then fear of repercussions afdd was already in place. So yes. There were coaches silencing. 

        • Furious at Sealth October 21, 2023 (8:31 pm)

          @seattle coach: Yes, I do have text thread screenshots of a Sealth coach telling their players “to be good girls” and go to class and let admin deal with it. And to stay out of it all. And telling them they better not be found participating in walk out. That was a thread my child showed me. And I imagine that the backlash was immense and the coaches then backpedaled. But by then the fear had been instilled and silencing has begun. My student is still nervous they will be punished. And that is only what I have directly seen. Friends of theirs on another team were at least initially forced to “unlike” the walkout info page that was made. So various athletic teams were ABSOLUTELY threatening students-athletes about walkout. 

          • WS Dad October 21, 2023 (9:40 pm)

            @Furious – your comment did not have any connection to what @Sealth Coach said. You’re saying other sports discouraged a walkout but people are upset about the football coach? BTW the football coach is not the AD, another falsehood. If you have the text share it and be transparent instead of all this misinformation.  A lot of people are grouping all the football kids together on this rape culture and it’s just as bad to associate this behavior with students who had nothing to do with this. Please share the text string. Also please explain how football in general has more sexual assaults than say the Catholic Church or the music industry.

          • Furious at Sealth October 21, 2023 (10:43 pm)

            @ws dad: No, I’m saying many other sports were initially threatened by coaches re:attendance. That sense of freedom to do so came from somewhere. Usually the culture or the environment given it was not at all isolated. I never mentioned the ftbl coaches or any of my opinions of football culture in general. Any info I’ve said at any point in this is accurate and fact based, not my opinions. My points all along have been: that I have seen both coaching texts and the texts in the original football players chat. And 1) some coaches were initially 100% threatening with their teams and 2) the ftbl texts that are not at all up for debate, were HORRIFICALLY graphic & violent. And I will add that, sure, many players were not on the group text but it is ignorant to think they were unaware of the threats and kind of talk happening. And this level of intended and planned violence should have been directly to police just as if someone was threatening someone with a gun. But that did not happen and people were initially silenced and felt more unsafe.  And no, I don’t at this point have permission from my student to share the text where the coach was threatening because they are afraid of being retaliated against or having their team be punished as a result.  And no comment about church or entertainment. It’s not what this is about nor did I ever bring it up. It’s not about who is worse. It’s that this was horrific and women identifying students don’t feel safe or supported. 

          • Fish Stick October 22, 2023 (9:59 pm)

            WS Dad I totally agree with you about this. Furious at Sealth please show the text.

          • Furious at Sealth October 24, 2023 (9:05 pm)

            @fish sticks: you read comment, so you know I don’t have consent to share. But it said “I better not hear anything about you all getting involved”. And then “you guys better not skip class for the walk out. Just let the staff handle the football team and you all be good girls and go to class”BE GOOD GIRLS AND GO TO CLASS! WTAF?!? This is what originally told to do in the face of standing up against extreme violence against women and girls? 

      • Sealth Football Player Mom October 21, 2023 (1:41 pm)

        My son was encouraged by the coaches and athletic director to attend the walk out so I highly doubt other Sealth sports teams were discouraged from attending. I don’t work for the Seattle School District and I will trust that whatever punishment they deem necessary is appropriate. We as outsiders do NOT get to judge how the school district penalizes things. If anyone has issues by all means go work for the School District. The coaches of the football team and the players still there have done NOTHING wrong and they are pretty traumatized from this whole thing as well and hopefully they can heal and move forward in the upcoming days. 

    • Anywhere but here October 21, 2023 (3:29 pm)

      This rally was NOT JUST ABOUT the texts. It was to speak out about the culture of how unsafe girls and lgbtq kids feel in school. She did not call out the boy that harassed her to “cause more drama.” There isn’t a time and place. THIS WAS the time and place. And the fact that you blame her is exactly why the students held this rally. Because of administration and parents like you who blame the victims when they speak out for themselves.  The boy showed who he really was when he showed up with his famiy to bully and harass her further. Shame on you for even posting this comment. 

  • CS Parent October 21, 2023 (4:29 pm)

    Those involved are kids. They are being delt with at home and at school therefore it is no one’s business at all to know the names of these minor children and their exact punishment. The girls in the messages all know. It was wrong, they made a horrible mistake but to put their names out there could potentially make them a target and ruin their life. Some players suspended said nothing at all about assaulting women but stated slightly inappropriate things. Should they all be condemned for being immature? Absolutely not, that is for their parents and school officials to take care of. Not our business. 

    • CarDriver October 22, 2023 (7:08 am)

      CS Parent. Your comment reinforces my belief that what too many people involved in this simply want everything swept under the rug and the intended victims to remember boys will be boys-no harm no foul.

      • CS Parent October 22, 2023 (11:29 am)

        That is absolutely not what I saying.  Those involved are being punished but the fact they are minors doesn’t allow for everyone else to know their name and business. Juvenile court processings are not open to the public for a reason.  These boys all made a huge mistake some more than others and when all is said and done I am hoping all the boys learn from this and make the wise decision to never ever ever talk and act like that again. 

    • Parent October 22, 2023 (8:27 am)

      If parents were present and doing what they should have been doing in the first place this wouldn’t be happening.

      • Ts October 22, 2023 (11:59 am)

        If staff didn’t fail to report to parents what their kids did or what they were subjected to then the parents could deal with it in a timely manner. If staff/coaches reported it to the principal in a timely manner then maybe it would have been handled in a way that didn’t make other youth feel that their safety didn’t matter. Going to school/work every day not knowing if you are going to be sexually assaulted or harassed is PTSD causing. It needs to stop

    • WS Dad October 22, 2023 (11:12 am)

      @CS parent. Agree.  There are different levels of involvement which should be dealt with differently, and it if you’re not a victim, you should not need to know the minor’s information. As far as I know there was not enough done to file actual police charges, so for the school to put out that information is illegal.

  • EndRapeCulture October 21, 2023 (9:21 pm)


  • Ws prayers October 22, 2023 (12:50 pm)

    Not having students permission to share text messages seems odd… who are the adults again? For truth to be upheld instead of rumors (hearsay) I believe those text messages need to be published and/or at the least, turned into the police AND the school. This whole situation is ridiculous! Seems to encourage an environment of gossip, division, violence and anger. If coaches sent messages literally to students (like what parents say they have seen)  encouraging silence of sexual harassment of any kind- need to be removed. Period. I have attended mandatory sexual harassment training in every form of employment I’ve had over last 25 years come on! If those texts are real than every single anyone including students needs some dam training and the ones who participated in silencing need to be fired the students expelled consequences ….ugh seems we live in a culture more and more that is just sickening …right is right wrong is wrong! Sexual harassment, threats of rape, physical violence, threats from people in any form of power OVER minors Is consequential! What a spotlight of shame for the adults involved …grow up! Take leadership over these kids SERIOUSLY! Including parents! Their lives are depending on it!

  • Chief Sealth Student October 23, 2023 (2:27 pm)

    I am one of the Chief Sealth students who attended the protest and was a speaker there. What has been going on at our school for years is disgusting. The only reason there was a walkout is because the screenshots from the group chat got leaked, but this same violence has been happening at Sealth, and all other schools in the SPS district for that matter, for a very long time. I’m proud that Sealth finally had the student leaders and bravery to do something about this (shoutout to our sophomore class, they are amazing activists,) and I hope that other SPS schools will follow in our footsteps. Our voices will not be silenced, and we will keep speaking our mind until appropriate district-wide action is taken to correct these major issues.

    • New Sealth Parent October 24, 2023 (10:41 am)

      Thank you for your bravery and standing up for your and others’ safety. We are a new Sealth family, and I appreciate how messed up it that you have to deal with threats of sexual violence at a place that exists for you to be learning. It is terribly, tragically, profoundly wrong. 

  • Parent October 24, 2023 (10:24 am)

    If my son came to support a walk out and women’s rights and he was accused yet inncocent of sexually assaulting someone you better believe I would of been up there to. You cannot just get up in front of hundreds of people and start calling out every boy you don’t like and try to ruin their reputation and not expect a fight or something worse to happen. That is absolutely not the way to address things or try to make change. 

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