West Seattle light-rail skeptics to launch ‘Rethink the Link’ campaign with community walk

Seven years after voters approved ST3, four years before Sound Transit expects to start building the West Seattle light rail line, some of your neighbors want to reconsider it. They say we need more transit – but not necessarily this kind of transit. They’re launching what they call Rethink the Link, with a community walk in two weeks – here’s their announcement:

When we say “Rethink the Link,” we are acknowledging that a lot has happened in the 7 years since voters decided to approve ST 3.
-A global pandemic.
-The 2 1/2 year closure of the West Seattle Bridge.
-The work-from-home phenomenon.

In light of those events, it’s time to take a fresh look at our transit options and insure that we have efficient, safe, and sustainable connections to the places we want to go.

Starting with Link Light Rail.

West Seattle residents have been asking Sound Transit to walk the proposed route with us so we can get a better idea of what the future will look like if light rail comes to our community. They’ve promised many times to “get back to us,” but never have. We have lots of questions. Maybe you do, too. So we’ve decided to host our own walk.

Using the information Sound Transit has made public about its preferred “alternatives,” and knowledge from residents who have served on transportation advisory panels, we are going to walk the eastern portion of the route between the proposed locations for the Delridge and Avalon stations. We’ll walk the rest of the route, between the Avalon and the Junction stations, in the near future.

On this walk, you will learn about the proposed route; physical dimensions of the infrastructure; businesses that will be displaced; the effect the project will have on the Duwamish greenbelt, wildlife, and salmon habitat; and how light rail will affect the residential area.

We believe that when our neighbors have a chance to see what light rail will mean for our community, they will be better able to make up their minds about what should come next.

The walk will leave Ounces (3809 Delridge Way SW) at 11 am September 17th. They’re specifically advocating for the “no-build alternative,” which is one of the options featured in this section of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (see page 73). It “includes the transportation system and environment as they would exist in 2042 without the proposed project, and it provides a baseline condition for comparing impacts of the Build Alternatives and design options.” That section also says “No Build Alternative improvements include transit, roadway, and other transportation actions by state, regional, and local agencies that are currently funded or committed, and those that are likely to be implemented based on approved and committed funding.” Theoretically, the Sound Transit Board could decide on this option, rather than light rail, when making its final commitment to “the project to be built” at some point after the Final Environmental Impact Report comes out next year.

148 Replies to "West Seattle light-rail skeptics to launch 'Rethink the Link' campaign with community walk"

  • Jeff September 1, 2023 (4:40 pm)

    Yes again, the losing voters feign good faith to try and get their (non democratic, minority opinion) way.     It should be half built by now.

    • Alki resident September 1, 2023 (7:14 pm)

      Not everyone has to agree with your ideas. And certainly many don’t. This project specifically will effect my friends who work in West Seattle and live where their entire block would have to get demolished for the rail. This not only will interrupt their lives but their long standing relationships they have with their neighbors. West Seattle is not big enough to even have a rail and it certainly doesn’t make sense to build one at this point. Take a bus if you don’t want to drive or Uber. Our peninsula will be great without this project. 

      • Jeff September 1, 2023 (7:49 pm)

        Everything you said would have been just as true when we collectively voted on this.  Do you believe your opposition is somehow special, and means you get your way despite the vote in favor of rail?    I often don’t get my way in election, but the results stand nonetheless.  

      • heartless September 1, 2023 (8:11 pm)

        That’s true, Alki Resident, not everyone has to agree, and a lot of people have different opinions.  If only we could somehow measure those opinions…  Wouldn’t it be neat if people could put out a proposal and, I dunno, somehow each person in Seattle could say if they thought it was a good idea or not?  That way we could decide if something should move forward or not.  We could call it “voting.”  Oh, oh, wait–we already did that.  And your opinion lost.  Move on (just not via gondola).

        • Alki resident September 1, 2023 (9:54 pm)

          How did my opinion lose? I don’t see a light rail, what are you talking about? It’s never going to happen here. Move on

      • Neighbor September 1, 2023 (8:25 pm)

        In a democracy nobody gets everything they want.  Your friends get a rough deal.  The city will compensate them.  It is for the greater good.  West Seattle is the largest residential neighborhood in Seattle.  Arguably this should have been the first line.  We already had rail in the past.  What do you think the “junctions” reference?

        • WSresident September 2, 2023 (1:00 pm)

          Yes they will be compensated but likely priced out of West Seattle as they weren’t planning on moving and maybe they aren’t in position to get another mortgage! They should be guaranteeing housing placement for those displaced, especially those of us who are local business owners with kids in schools that will have to switch. Business’ suffer, the traffic is going to be a nightmare with Avalon/35th closed for 3+years for construction. I’ll be retired before it even happens but it’s sucks for the people in the area. 

      • Amy T September 1, 2023 (9:00 pm)

        I completely agree our community has been disrupted enough with all the new buildings that don’t provide parking we’ve spent tons of $$$ on our rapid lines how about we put in hubs in areas that don’t disrupt our neighborhoods that we could just take our already rapid rides to get you where you  want & to deter the homeless camps why not build light rail starting on those areas everyone can take a rapid ride to get there and not disturb residences or business this over population is becoming ridiculous 

      • xtopher September 2, 2023 (1:14 am)

        but it’s not just your peninsula, is it?

      • n September 6, 2023 (9:58 am)

        what about the many cities smaller than seattle that have larger rail systems? Why is Seattle special?

  • Ben September 1, 2023 (4:51 pm)

    I sure hope the board ignores these people.. and that we get light rail ahead of schedule. 

  • M September 1, 2023 (4:52 pm)

    They took a lesson on graphic design from the West Seattle SkyLink group.

    • Shufflerunner September 1, 2023 (5:48 pm)

      Oh, it’s the same group. They sent out a news letter and it came from the cable car crowd. 

      • M September 1, 2023 (9:03 pm)


  • nim-bee September 1, 2023 (5:03 pm)

    This seems to be the newest trend.  Like last months tree “gratitude” action which was actually a protest.  Here we have unknown people launching a “Rethink the Link.”   “We believe that when our neighbors have a chance to see what light rail will mean for our community, they will be better able to make up their minds about what should come next.”  “Our neighbors” being only those whose interests lie in the proposed route.  This begs the question about the what these people getting their way will mean for the rest and majority of West Seattle.

  • Jort September 1, 2023 (5:04 pm)

    I almost don’t even know what to say about this, other than to let these anti-environmentalists know of the disdain and contempt that their children and grandchildren will hold them in for their short-sighted NIMBYism. What a stunning display of intransigence, but certainly what you can expect from this city’s aging, wealthy residents. At least they’re not even pretending to be boosting a silly, fantasy “gondola” project anymore. They’re just outrightly hostile to the notion of progress, itself. A truly remarkable display of self-serving selfishness. The light rail will be built. And people will read about this group’s futile efforts in museum displays and shake, shake, shake their heads at how sad they were. 

    • Joe September 1, 2023 (6:35 pm)

      Absolutely right. 

    • Danimal September 1, 2023 (10:48 pm)

      This is the first and probably last time I will ever agree with something Jort posts. Light rail was voted on. It won handily. West Seattle is a massive destination for the rest of the city. I have firsthand knowledge of this. Not to mention, a significant percentage of the city’s population lives here and needs truly rapid and truly timely and truly consistent transportation options, and the need for such is keeping us (by desire due to necessity) in our car culture. I wish I had kept track of the number of times I’ve heard complaints of egregious intransigent behavior by bus drivers that service our neighborhood. With light rail, they can’t get away with this.  It’s high time, and I will welcome the infrastructure and view changes in a CITY where any view is ALWAYS subject to change and/or revision. Get over it. Light rail is coming, and far too late for my taste.

      • Jim September 2, 2023 (12:23 am)

        And voting for something doesn’t mean it’s set in stone forever. If it negatively impacts the community in future residents don’t want it it can and should be overturned

        • WS Res September 2, 2023 (8:39 am)

          I’m a resident. I want it. Can’t come fast enough. We took the ferry to Southworth a couple of weekends ago with friends from NYC, and I pointed out the house nearby that had both a “SkyLink” and “In this house…” sign out front. When I explained the significance of the “SkyLink” sign, and the campaign to prevent light rail, they found it as hysterical and appalling  as my partner and I do. 

        • Mellow Kitty September 2, 2023 (9:36 am)

          That’s a dangerous, slippery slope to start down. Who gets to decide what stays and what goes? Your comment hints that you don’t believe it’s the voters. Infrastructure should not be decided on by an elite committee that has no regard for the will of the voters. 

    • Jethro Marx September 2, 2023 (9:50 am)

      Just for some relatively unbiased reframing here, I’d like to remind Jort and the rest of you readers/writers that we are talking about people taking a walk around a neighborhood and talking about how they think it should be. Of course they’re probably not going to get the traction needed to meaningfully sway public opinion, and one can make a compelling argument that they’re trying to gum up the already slow progress of public projects. But they’re definitely not rich oil barons burning the planet or whatever villain Jort describes. The scale of global climate boggles the mind, not to mention the complexity of the problem. Seattle could have banned cars a decade ago and the impact would be meaningless unless half of the world’s cities did the same. I think we’re going to have to knock off some of this meaningless categorization of people into anti-planet/pro-planet camps if we want to truly make progress on the issue.

  • TreeHouse September 1, 2023 (5:15 pm)

    *sigh* As a millennial, I really struggle to understand the backwards thinking that comes with this me me me all about me nimby movement. I’m also not sure how anyone could proudly walk in this parade – especially during a time where the world is on fire and hurricanes are destroying our coasts. Sad!

  • Lagartija Nick September 1, 2023 (6:13 pm)

    I’ll be there, proudly waiving my “Pro Link” and “Build It Now” signs. You should too!

    • Winn September 2, 2023 (8:16 am)

      100% agree, actually it would be great if there could be an organized pro-transit counter-protest, I would gladly join in! I will probably be there either way, but would love to see a community response to shut down this nonsense.

  • Hcm September 1, 2023 (6:52 pm)

    The number of businesses that would be destroyed is shocking, and certainly wasn’t made clear during the many proposal phases.

    • Shocking September 1, 2023 (7:31 pm)

      It’s so shocking that you can’t include how many it is? Cause I’m not sure how to represent the word shocking as a number. If you have a conversion chart for me that would be awesome. Thanks

    • Danimal September 1, 2023 (10:49 pm)

      I want the names of those businesses. I’m being serious. Post them for us. It’s good information, if it’s true.

    • Info September 2, 2023 (8:27 pm)

      @Shocking & @Danimal, it is easily looked up: https://www.whereiamnow.net/post/how-many-west-seattle-businesses-will-we-lose-because-of-sound-transit-light-rail looks to be about 20-ish. honestly, tearing down businesses and residents for infrastructure is an icky decision. i wish we could instead cede some of the huge amount of car infrastructure we have located in the same area to the light rail instead of needing more property used for transportation right of way. we need to be able to densify for a sustainable future, and that’s impossible if we’re destined to keep at least what is already around…

  • Kbro September 1, 2023 (6:57 pm)

    I bet it took a lot of drafts to pry the word “gondola” out of this group’s press release. I hope this ultimately ends up being the final impetuous needed to get our light rail cemented into actual construction. So thanks to dissenters for galvanizing our resolve to finally getting this done! 

  • jeepster September 1, 2023 (7:08 pm)

    I still have my Seattle monorail project opening day ticket dated December 15, 2007…..

    • Vee September 1, 2023 (8:30 pm)

      I remember that I’ll planned disaster, charged more on car tabs to pay for it and when it fell apart,  we never got our money back and they told down businesses,  it was a mess 

  • Mojo September 1, 2023 (7:09 pm)

    The light rail as it is already built is a disaster. Constant delays,  breakdowns and generally poor service. Unfortunately I have to take it to work daily. 

    • Brad Knife September 2, 2023 (7:53 pm)

      You “have to”?

    • Katrina September 3, 2023 (9:41 am)

      I take it to work several times a week and haven’t found that to be true, except when there are planned delays due to construction or maintenance. I’ve been impressed with how dependable it generally is. Whereas a bus commute home for me could take anywhere from 40 mins to 1.5 hrs before the UW Stadium station opened, on light rail I can depend on a 30 minute commute (except during the planned delays as mentioned above). Sometimes less. 

  • TJ September 1, 2023 (7:59 pm)

    Sound Transit will go down as the biggest boondoggle in history. It is by far the largest special taxing district project in US history at $54 billion. Their numbers show approximately 1.2 million people in the ST tax district, which comes out to $45,000 per person. That doesn’t count the 2 previous Sound Transit projects. How anyone is ok with that is behind me. I am in a great spot financially, but I did all I could to avoid paying for this. I sold my house and other property here and am here part time now, but knew I never would use this ever if I was here whenever it is done. My kids wouldn’t. It benefits only someone who lives right around it and whose destination is along it. This 1800’s fixed rail technology will be best out by other technology coming up. Cars are going to be the main mode of transportation for most still, and all the cries about pollution are being alleviated by electrification of vehicles. The good thing is politicians know Sound Transit has lost the trust of the people and is dead, so any ideas on a ST4 are a no start.

    • heartless September 1, 2023 (8:18 pm)

      I love that your solution to our transportation woes is cars. 

    • Alki resident September 1, 2023 (8:25 pm)


    • MartinP September 1, 2023 (8:39 pm)

      Not everybody will be able to afford a car or able to drive one. Electric vehicles still take up a ton of space, take rare metals for batteries (mostly from China), and tire and break emissions still pollute our environment and kill salmon.Nevertheless, why do we build light rail? To speed up transit? Most people will still need to take a bus to get to the station, the transfer will INCREASE travel time.To save our environment? The DEIS states that light rail construction will generate 614,000 tons of carbon and estimates 400 more riders per day. It would take hundreds of years before we would see any benefits.We would gain many more rider if we would reinstate the bus lines we lost in West Seattle and increase frequency to make those lines more attractive such as turning the 21 into a RapidRide line. Btw, ST3 had also promised to make improvements to the C line, may be we should start with that.

    • West Seattle Mad Sci Guy September 1, 2023 (8:45 pm)

      Person who would prefer to drive over taking transit complains about being taxed for something they don’t use. That’s life. That said taking transit is great. I have a car and rarely drive if I’m going somewhere in Seattle. Soon to say the same for many places on the east side as well.

      • Lagartija Nick September 2, 2023 (9:41 am)

        The best part of TJ’s rant is that he has admitted multiple times that he registers his vehicles outside of the ST tax district to avoid paying this tax. Then he has the temerity to come on here and complain about a tax he DOESN’T pay. Unfreakingbelievable.

    • Mellow Kitty September 2, 2023 (9:48 am)

      Translation: I don’t want it because will bring my property values down.

    • Brad Knife September 2, 2023 (8:03 pm)

      Not sure how you get away living in the 18th largest city in the country without having to pay taxes, but open to your hot tips!

    • James September 3, 2023 (2:40 pm)

      Cars are never the answer 

    • n September 6, 2023 (10:03 am)

      You say everyone should drive, yet you probably complain about traffic. Are pollution from tires or noise pollution solved by EVs? (Hint: EVs are heavier and make these types of pollution worse)

  • RS September 1, 2023 (8:28 pm)

    The people spoke.  The election is over.  More people understand WS will always be changing, and growing. The light rail doesn’t take away any other modes of transportation. It simply add to the mix.  Will businesses be effected, absolutely.  Only when you figure out how to stop time can you stop change.  When the Alki Lumber’s triangle gets redeveloped, businesses will be impacted. Just like when Jack Miller redeveloped his properties on California.  Ever stop to think things might get better?  I personally prefer the current vitality of Alaska and Fauntleroy, to the 2 gas stations, 2 car sales lots, an out of tool rental business, and a janky fabric store in an obsolete grocery store that used to be completely void of pedestrians.

  • JVP September 1, 2023 (8:37 pm)

    Wait, wait, I know what we should do instead, let’s put in a chairlift! Bwahaahaa!  :)

    • Ares Doggo September 3, 2023 (12:28 am)

      Really… Chairlifts?! Everyone knows that is outdated technology… The future IS: Blimps tethered to a moving cable!!! 🤣😂🤣

  • Morgan September 1, 2023 (8:58 pm)

    I like rail in many great cities—Seattle is so slow and behind, that I’m most persuaded by skeptics who foresee improvements in electric and autonomous taxis and telecommuting making the cost obsolete.For $54bn we could do a lot else to make us carbon neutral, or work on housing issues…

  • SpencerGT September 1, 2023 (9:03 pm)

    If anything, I think that the closure of the WSB would be an argument in favor of this.

    • West Seattle Mad Sci Guy September 1, 2023 (10:28 pm)

      I read this as closure of west seattle blog and thought ‘YOU MONSTER!!’ 😂 haha

  • Scarlett September 1, 2023 (9:21 pm)

    I come at this as a pro public transportation advocate, a lifetime bus rider, who sees this link as simply a bad idea, some of the reasons mentioned in the above response.   I’ve hashed this out before and have no intention of doing so again, but I’ll only say that the cost benefit does not pencil out.    Reconsidering this link is the responsible thing to do.  

    • 99126res September 2, 2023 (3:44 pm)

      Agree 100%.  This is a bad idea for West Seattle. 

  • al September 1, 2023 (9:38 pm)

    Seattle has backed out of making transit progress so many times, it should be obvious that some would try to cancel again, it’s just their nature. Will this be the time we break the pattern and actually do something helpful? Or will we continue to let perfect be the enemy of good?

  • Jon Wright September 1, 2023 (9:50 pm)

    This explains why the gondola people went away so quietly. They didn’t give up, they were just busy rebranding. Let’s start a pool to see who can predict what Act III for them is going to be after this scheme fizzles out!

    • Trevor F September 2, 2023 (3:31 pm)

      I suspect that the next thing this group will advocate for will be autonomous flying taxi stations on top of existing buildings.

  • Another One September 1, 2023 (10:17 pm)

    New York Alki, people. The traffic was prophesied. More cars isn’t going to work unless we build double and triple decker highways, or take out a bunch of houses and businesses for more lanes. Think ahead. 

    • Alki resident September 1, 2023 (11:33 pm)

      Think ahead? You must be new to the area. This started in like 2007. And what are New York Alki people?

      • Read a book September 2, 2023 (6:18 am)

        Learn your city’s history. When Denny landed at Alki point he proclaimed it to be New York one day, that’s where the name Alki comes from. You’re literally going against the prophecy espoused from the founder of Seattle.Do you really like 800 cars fuming bumper to bumper on Alki Ave and every adjacent street every day for the rest of eternity?

    • Jim September 2, 2023 (12:26 am)

      Or we could just maybe stop with this Urban density stuff and packing more people into this city then it was designed for. Seattle is full!

      • Amy T September 2, 2023 (8:38 am)

        I agree stop packing more and more people into a small space and I do use public transit to go downtown and the light rail to the airport but I don’t find it feasible for a trip to the grocery store 

        • heartless September 3, 2023 (7:00 pm)

          Jim, Amy: Ok but density is one of the best things we can do for the environment.  I mean, sorry you live in a city and don’t like crowds, but having dense urban centers really helps the world…

  • Why September 1, 2023 (11:39 pm)

    This is a no-brainer.  We, as in urban USA and Seattle in particular, are so far behind the rest of the world in transportation systems.  We will never get out of our cars until we have rapid mass transit, and Seattle’s geography is ideal for a comprehensive system.  Change is hard, and it often hurts.  My grandparents’ business in the Eastlake district was torn down for the freeway, back in the day…..  I believe parties are still compensated for their losses in eminent domain situations; in fact I think that compensation is constitutionally protected.  Let’s get light rail, and start to join the rest of the world.

  • Alki resident September 1, 2023 (11:46 pm)

    Let’s recap some of the many businesses we’d lose to the rail and not to mention all of the lost employment and years of interruption 

    • K September 2, 2023 (12:12 am)

      Building I-5 required the acquisition of some 4000 tax parcels downtown, displacing thousands of businesses and tens of thousands of homes.  I have empathy for those who will be displaced, but mass transit will always have less of an impact on people, businesses, and the environment than car infrastructure.  

      • Niko September 2, 2023 (12:20 am)

        Yes and that decision was poorly made because now I-5 can’t be widened and in the meantime people in a low income area were dispersed and basically pushed out of the city

        • Rankles September 3, 2023 (4:18 pm)

          Widening highways just creates induced demand. I-5’s routing was a mistake for many reasons, but not being able to widen it isn’t one. 

    • Conjunction Junction September 2, 2023 (8:25 am)

      You forgot to say “if rail is above ground”.  Yes, some of these business may have to move, but many on this list are safe when the line is underground. 

    • Winn September 2, 2023 (8:47 am)

      “May be lost” sounds like someone just made a list of every business near the route, rather than this being an actual list of the businesses that will need to be demolished according to the construction plan.

    • Mellow Kitty September 2, 2023 (9:56 am)

      Nice cut/paste list from a website that’s no longer available. 

      • Alki resident September 2, 2023 (10:40 am)

        If it’s no longer available, how was I able to find it on a whim last nite? This even mentioned all of the apartments that would be affected too. Do your own research like I did. It’s not difficult. 

    • Trevor F September 2, 2023 (3:52 pm)

      Hi, I’m trying to find where this list of effected businesses came from and have had no luck. Do you happen to have the link handy? I tried going to the url in the screenshot but it doesn’t work for me. Thanks!

      • MartinP September 2, 2023 (8:01 pm)

        Sound Transit provided: West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions Draft Environmental Impact Statement (soundtransit.org)The exact list won’t be available until the Board decides on the final route.

      • heartless September 3, 2023 (7:35 am)

        That posted list came from an anti-light rail blogger.  What’s more, not only does the list combine possibly affected properties from all possible routes, obviously to make it look like more businesses will be lost, it seems to lie to pad the list.  For example, it includes Pecos BBQ–but that address, 4400 35th, does not seem to be on any of the Sound Transit lists.  Bad form, random anti-transit blogger, and bad form, Alki Resident.

        • Alki resident September 4, 2023 (5:37 pm)

          An anti lite rail blogger? I simply googled “ what businesses will be affected if West Seattle were to get lite rail”. Don’t try to minimize how bad this could get and it’s not that simple to just relocate businesses like you’d like to believe. 

    • James September 3, 2023 (2:41 pm)

      Now recap all the businesses that will be gained and thriving from lightrail like we saw with Roosevelt station 

      • GoodFaith September 3, 2023 (5:01 pm)

        do you have a source on any info on impact of Roosevelt station on the neighborhood? if this is verifiable, i want to be able to to share something with anti-transit people to try and convince.

  • Niko September 2, 2023 (12:19 am)

    Can we just halt everything with sound transit until we can get an audit of their spending?! It seems to me like they’re consistently over budget with the heads of the organization being very highly paid with little accountability

    • Mojo September 2, 2023 (6:54 am)

      Yes this! How many people commenting here actually take the light rail now? Every station I’ve been to has constantly broken elevators and escalators. Trash and graffiti. Trains just don’t show up at times- but at least they’ve now developed a system to let you know it is running 30 minutes behind. It isn’t that old and already huge amounts of repair work has to be done – currently a month of service work is in progress causing delayed trains during this period. Get ready for a $50,000 assessment on your tax bill for this? Make the bus system better and more people will benefit. 

      • V September 2, 2023 (6:39 pm)

        Yes I currently take the light rail daily with a connection via the Rapid C line downtown. I’m not sure what repair work you are currently talking about as I have not seen any notice of such a thing. It was inconvenient when they single tracked for the SoDo repairs about 2 weeks ago. Since there are only two arteries running through downtown, one in each direction, of course the wait times were long for that week. Otherwise I’ve had nothing, but timely service and get to my destination in the time estimated +/- a few minutes and much faster than any bus service navigating downtown Seattle to my final destination. Regarding trash and graffiti, I’ve not seen that and I pass through many stations along my route. Perhaps you are focused on the Westlake station, but that area above ground has its own host of problems given the transient population in the immediate area.  It seems like you are making blanket statements regarding the light rail service and condition so I imagine you are not a frequent rider. I moved to Seattle from NYC several years ago and was impressed at how fast the service was on the light rail. The stations and trains were MUCH cleaner and brighter than the centuries old NYC subway system. There are pros and cons of each cities public transit systems that I will not get into here, but the KC Metro bus system is lacking and also frequently gets jammed up on the WSB with commuter traffic even with bus lanes. Running more lines is not going to ease the congestion because everyone in this metro area prefers to sit in their own vehicles and are too inconvenienced and privileged to ride public transit. I often get asked by co-workers why I choose to ride transit and it’s because it is much faster and for the most part far more reliable. The alternative is dealing with the traffic congestion in the downtown corridor and I5 exits in the vicinity or dodging the atrocious driving skills of your fellow car commuters. Most people in the greater Seattle area aren’t willing to sacrifice the planning or commitment of public transit because they want the instant gratification of getting to their final destination.Say what you will, but offering more transportation alternatives to the public is to the benefit of car commuters and easing traffic along the highway which so many people complain about constantly. 

        • Foop September 2, 2023 (11:06 pm)

          Ill happily spend 20 extra minutes reading my book to a 30 minutes drive in stop and go traffic having to be constantly vigilant and just waiting for my day to be rear-ended.The stress alone is worth taking transit I just wish we had more options on nights and weekends when I wanna go off peninsula for some drinks, hell or even in peninsula. Getting from delridge to junction or Alki suuucks…parking in either is also a pain.

  • Patty September 2, 2023 (12:19 am)

    I live close to the proposed Avalon station and on the same street as a couple of those leading this. They clearly haven’t stepped outside during a work day or else they’d notice that almost every car typically parked on the street has been driven to work. A street that is typically difficult to find parking on is completely empty during the workday, but they want to claim WFH is a reason to not build? These people don’t use public transit and never will, but like to hide behind the guise of claiming the current transportation system is perfect. They won’t even walk from Avalon to the proposed Junction station, but are probably the same ones saying to remove the Avalon station because it’s “not that far of a walk” to the others. A waste of everyone’s time just like the gondolas. 

  • Gondola September 2, 2023 (3:18 am)

    Sky train to SoDo ? Yes please ! Start a capital campaign today and we’ll be riding gondolas before Sound Transit breaks ground For newbies not familiar  check it out https://www.westseattleskylink.org/And increase & utilize water taxis to get us to downtown and the waterfront park 

  • Elizabeth September 2, 2023 (7:31 am)

    So, you are telling me that the plan is , to tear down all these business and homes and some of them are only 1-6 years old? Why were they allowed to get permits to be built?  Why wasn’t zoning in place ?  ? Why were they allowed to be built if the city knows they need to come down?! What the H? 

  • Deb September 2, 2023 (7:55 am)

    It’s my understanding that the cut/cover tunnel to the Avalon station and tunnel to the Junction station would protect and preserve many businesses along that segment of the line as well as the newly-built apartments above these businesses. Properties along the above-ground rail and around the stations, would become eminent domain.

    • Keith Kyle September 3, 2023 (7:56 am)

      Yes, that’s correct.  The list that’s being shared includes all businesses that might be effected by all of the alternatives.  The current preferred alternative is the medium tunnel that had fewer impacts and is really pretty good as these things go.  

  • MarFaun September 2, 2023 (8:12 am)

    Facts: CID-W Seattle light rail will carry no more passengers in 20 years than current transit does  now (Metro Transit pre-COVID number = ST 2042 number:  27,000).  Today’s options include H (120) & C Rapid Ride Lines, 21, 118, & 50 bus lines, and ride share, vanpool, micro-transit, etc.Taxpayers will pay nearly double now for CID-WS light rail ($1.7B estimated 2016, $3-4B now).  So payoff date moves out for your children or grandchildren to handle, and they’ll get no better transit than you have now.WSLE will release 614,000 tons of carbon (DEIS), plus carbon & pollution from 5-7 years of traffic congestion (not calculated in DEIS) during construction.  Ballard-WS carbon output:- 3 million tons.  Seattle’s goal is to be carbon neutral by 2035.  Sound Transit is helping keep Seattle (& the three-county area) from becoming CO2-neutral.  ST’s mitigation plan for CID-WS?  Take 400 cars /day off WS bridge (DEIS).  That’s 4 pounds of carbon reduction per day, 73 tons per year.   Light rail will take centuries to mitigate its own construction carbon footprint.ST3 passed by 54%, not “handily.”  Pierce County rejected it; King & Sno passed it.Trees are an important defense against climate change.  Sound Transit has cut nearly 20,000 to build light rail so far (source:  TreePac).  Seattle has lost 255 acres of forest canopy since 2017, WS has lost 3% of its forest area (source:  City of Seattle).  ST will cut 2-3 more acres of WS forest and green space for WSLE (DEIS).  This doesn’t look like NIMBY-ism.  This looks like natural, economic & housing disasters  we can avoid.

    • Scarlett September 2, 2023 (9:48 am)

      Correct.   What link proponents are proposing is a massive infrastructure investment that will result in comparatively little benefit, something that could be accomplished with upgraded bus transit, for example.  I have no explanation for the refusal for some to see this other than they’ve simply become besotted with the idea of a train taking them from point A to point B.   Once an idea has taken root, however impractical and irrational, forget about employing facts and reasonable projections to convince anyone otherwise.   When this link opens to grand speeches from politicians and all the hoopla, sadly, it will already be D.O.A.  

    • CAM September 2, 2023 (12:06 pm)

      I love that you point out that Pierce county rejected ST3. Tacoma has light rail. They didn’t reject light rail, they voted down the connection to Seattle. Which is hilarious because anyone I know who makes that commute daily does nothing but complain about having to drive in it and buses won’t help with that because when I have to make that drive I see them get stuck in the same traffic jams I do when there’s an accident or people are cheating the HOV lane. You know what would help? A train that doesn’t have to sit in traffic. Anyone arguing that they can’t tell the difference between commuting on a train vs commuting on a bus is being deliberately obtuse. 

      • Marfaun September 4, 2023 (8:16 am)

        Tacoma got light rail in ST 1 & ST2, not ST3.  Pierce rejected ST3.

  • M September 2, 2023 (9:07 am)

    I personally won’t use it. As long as drugs are allowed to be smoked, etc on public transit, I will never use public transit, bus or lightrail, again.

  • You Lost September 2, 2023 (12:03 pm)

    I’m sorry that you lost.  But you lost.  A majority of voters want this project to move forward.  You can cry all you want like an immature 12 year old, stomp your feet, be mad at the world, feel sorry for all of the businesses that will be impacted (even though you’ve never set foot in most of them), maybe join the “election was stollen” & “fraudulent voting machines” movement … because that worked out really well.  Bottom line, you lost.

    • Alki resident September 2, 2023 (2:45 pm)

      You do not sound mature enough to even vote. Your assumptions about everyone are so far fetched it’s pure comedy. 

    • Mel September 2, 2023 (8:05 pm)

      Wrong for some of us. I shop at Trader Joe’s, workout at LA fitness, stop at taco time and jones bbq…oh and my kids go to daycare at alki beach academy. So yes this would be extremely impactful for some of us. 

  • Rhonda September 2, 2023 (12:05 pm)

    Good on the “Rethink the Link” group. I’m glad they’re taking the initiative to organize opposition and plan a community walk. Sound Transit is on a level corruption this region has never seen before. The amount of crime that’s being allowed to flourish on the light rail trains is staggering. Add to that zero fare enforcement and the regressive taxation on vehicle owners and it’s easy to see why the opposition to Sound Transit is building momentum throughout the region. 

    • bill September 2, 2023 (12:31 pm)

      How is the MVET (motor vehicle excise tax) regressive? If anything, it slams wealthy folks. Our RV is not a commuter vehicle, not a daily driver, does not contribute to local traffic congestion. We use it to get out of Dodge once or twice a month. Yet it is taxed at the same rate as a conventional car, and being quite expensive, generates a crazy tax bill.

      • Rhonda September 2, 2023 (4:19 pm)

        It’s simple mathematics. A person living in the RTA zone making $38,000 a year paying  $365 a year to register their vehicle is paying a FAR higher percentage for tabs than someone making $180,000 and paying  $430 per year.

      • KBear September 2, 2023 (4:41 pm)

        Unless you park your RV outside the city, it certainly contributes to traffic congestion on the days you use it, not to mention more than its share of air pollution. If every resident owned an RV I think you’d notice the difference in traffic congestion. You probably should be paying more tax on it, not less.

  • anonymouse September 2, 2023 (1:53 pm)

    A protest walk?! Count me in!Oh wait, I have trouble walking. I know, I’ll take the bus! Look another long bus ride of having to beg people to move out of the disabled seating during rush hours. How fun to be knocked around in Rapid Ride busses that tear apart our streets while trying to stay standing! There must be something we can do to help.For real though, I’ve been to/lived in other cities with exceptionally wonderful transit systems, both busses and trains/rails. I rarely had trouble using them. They either went exactly where I needed to go, or there were swift and helpful transfers. Boston and the T were right behind the NYC Subway. I pray that I will be able to see this city to have helpful, non headache and motion sickness inducing rides in my lifetime, but all I can really do is pray my kid will have it in theirs.

  • Yes! September 2, 2023 (2:00 pm)

    I get this “No Build Alternative” proposal! Thank you, Rethink the Link people, for digging through Sound Transit’s DEIS to find this.  No Build does not mean “do nothing.” It does mean maintaining and continuing to improve what we have like making improvements on our existing transit system and roadways. The roads and bus routes are in place. Make them better. No need to bulldoze our homes, businesses and environmental habit to deliver a 4.5-mile rail system that only goes to SODO.

  • Wseattleite September 2, 2023 (2:11 pm)

    It’s too bad ideology affects reasoning. From an biased perspective, this project makes no sense at all. 

    • Wseattleite September 3, 2023 (8:14 am)

      Meant to say unbiased. 

      • Debagg September 5, 2023 (3:31 pm)

        The Freudian slip says it all. 

  • Drew September 2, 2023 (3:15 pm)

    I voted for ST, every time.  But I’m ambivalent on the WS line.  If I need to get downtown, the RapidRide C works pretty well.  The train might be “nicer”, but whether the juice is worth the squeeze remains to be seen.  (What would be awesome, though, would be to bring back the direct bus to SeaTac.)

  • Trevor F September 2, 2023 (3:40 pm)

    I live near the Delridge station and I’m looking forward to the day when I can take a train instead of sitting on a bus stuck in traffic.I moved to West Seattle a few months before the monorail was cancelled and it felt like a bait and switch. I truly hope that we can get ‘er done this time.

  • Jill Loblaw September 2, 2023 (3:41 pm)

    These rethink people had several opportunities to weigh in during the planning phase. Looks to me like they’re sore losers and can’t let it go.

    • Scarlett September 2, 2023 (4:55 pm)

      Sure, that must be it.  We’re all sore losers, Jill.  Because there is no reason to rethink a plan that is going to rip up West Seattle, dislocate many businesses, dispense massive amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere that won’t be recouped for decades.   After all, it’s just not democratic to recall a politician, or a product, or a public infrastructure plan after its been voted on.   

      • K September 2, 2023 (5:28 pm)

        Yes, sore losers.  You’ve been “rethinking” it for years.  And years.  And years.  There’s no new facts to consider, only the same tired arguments that have been trotted out before (which you listed in your post).  You have been told by board after board, agency after agency, and commenter after commenter here that not everyone agrees with you on this and doesn’t see these things as problematic as you do.  Asking AGAIN to have the same minority opinion be given a chance to weigh in, in hopes of getting your way after being told “no” over and over is the definition of being a sore loser.  

        • Scarlett September 2, 2023 (7:40 pm)

          Nah,  you and others just can’t admit that you were swayed by pie-in-the-sky cool idea of being whisked around by a choo-choo train.  Now, you are  upset because someone might take the train away from you, like a child at Xmas who’s been told that their toy is going to be returned.   Your overreaction to a rethink of an immensely costly and disruptive piece of infrastructure is telling, frankly.   

          • K September 3, 2023 (7:14 am)

            Still waiting for those new ideas that haven’t been argued to death already.

          • WS Res September 3, 2023 (8:17 pm)

            Anybody who describes light rail as if it’s the Disneyland Express is a deeply unserious person.

      • Alki resident September 2, 2023 (7:04 pm)

        WELL  said Scarlett. The name calling is pure comedy and immature. 

        • heartless September 2, 2023 (7:43 pm)

          I mean, you literally just called someone immature and then said their “assumptions about everyone are so far fetched it’s pure comedy.”  Now you’re saying that name calling is immature?  Even aside from politics your disconnect from reality is insane.  

          • Danimal September 4, 2023 (10:00 am)

            Heartless- hahahahaha! Well said. Scarlett is not in the right on this one. 

  • Marie September 2, 2023 (5:12 pm)

    For those of you who have had trouble accessing the blog post about businesses that will be lost, here is the link. https://www.whereiamnow.net/post/how-many-west-seattle-businesses-will-we-lose-because-of-sound-transit-light-rail  Note that over 3,500 people have read it. 3,000 of them read it within the first 36 hours it was live. Believe me, a lot of people care. At the time, ST was planning to build an elevated guideway into the Junction, which accounted for many of the businesses that would be lost. This blog post appeared  during the DEIS comment period and apparently a lot of people wrote to complain. Sound Transit has now changed their “preferred” alternative to a tunnel option for the Junction. Which is great, on one hand, because it saves businesses, but on the other hand, the tunnel option means adding a staggering amount of CO2 emissions. Look at their chart. The low cost extension that would destroy lots of businesses was bad enough. But the now-preferred  high cost option is huge.Fans of light rail insist that once the system is running it will more than compensate for emissions during construction. But look at their projections on that subject.Note the difference between no build and build options. No difference between the two in 2032. Ten years later, the difference will not be that great. I think you can do the math. At the rate of just 10,941 fewer tons of CO2 emitted each year, it will take 56 years to mitigate 614,000+ tons of CO2 with West Seattle light rail. I know a lot of people vote for light rail because they feel it is a moral imperative. They have been convinced that they are saving the planet. Even if they never use it, they feel better because they voted for it. But is this really what you want?

    • Alki Resident September 2, 2023 (7:01 pm)

      Thank you for this. This is just one more reason to vote “NO”, I’m very happy with my decision. 

    • heartless September 3, 2023 (7:45 am)

      Hi, I’m curious about how that list was put together.  I randomly chose Pecos Pit BBQ from your list, and checked it with the Sound Transit source you posted.  Pecos Pit BBQ (4400 35th Ave SW) does not show up as in danger on any of the official documents–so why is it on your list?  How many other businesses were added to that list in the same manner?  Thanks.

      • Deb September 3, 2023 (12:15 pm)

        I believe Pecos BBQ is adversely impacted by the Avalon Station.

        • heartless September 3, 2023 (12:59 pm)

          That’s all I can think of too, but I can’t seem to find this actually indicated anywhere–I mean, it’s not on the Sound Transit documents for any of the possible alternatives, so…? 

          • Jodee September 3, 2023 (2:08 pm)

            Yes, Pecos Pit shows up in the ST documents with the address of 4402 35th Avenue SW,

          • heartless September 3, 2023 (2:42 pm)

            Yeah, I guess I’m just confused about their address, given I’ve mostly seen it as 4400 35th.  Thanks!

  • Steve September 2, 2023 (7:33 pm)

    Folks!  I live in Delridge and take light rail to work, every single day!  Do you know that there is a light rail station in Beacon Hill, and it’s exactly 4 minutes from the Delridge WS Bridge on ramp to the light rail station!  Trust me, when my wife recommended that I take light rail to work I thought she was insane. I most definitely didn’t want to go to SODO station and stand outside in the rain.  But alas, the quiet Beacon Hill station is amazing, and a super short drive, even at rush hour(the Beacon Hill lane is the middle lane on bridge, and never backs up like 99 and 5). The only small issue is parking at station easily solvable with a fraction of what a WS station will cost.  So how’s this, take 2 percent of the station budget and put in fast mini buses running around WS directly to the Beacon station. Done.  No new station and a more convenient and flexible mass transit system for like almost zero dollars when thinking about the cost of station building.  You are all welcome.

    • Mel September 2, 2023 (8:10 pm)

      You’ve got my vote!

    • Marie September 2, 2023 (8:23 pm)

      If the WS Blog could give me a “thumbs up” button, I’d use it for this Steve. The mini-bus idea is great! Thanks. 

    • Erin September 2, 2023 (9:45 pm)

      4 minutes? How fast you driving, Steve?

    • anonyme September 4, 2023 (12:15 pm)

      Steve, I’ve always thought that it would be a better all-around option to just have a station on the other side of the bridge and bump up shuttle service to and from the Junction, etc.   Cheaper, more efficient, less disruption, faster implementation.  Win-win all the way around.  However, my vote didn’t matter then and doesn’t matter now.  By the time any of this happens, I’ll be dead, the technology will be obsolete, and life on earth (what’s left of it) will have far greater problems than light rail.  Meanwhile, millions will be squandered on bureaucrats and focus groups planning, re-planning, and spinning in circles while accomplishing – nothing.  It’s almost funny.  Almost.

  • Brad Knife September 2, 2023 (8:05 pm)

    Everyone mad about ST3 and public transportation has had 7 years to leave, so…

  • Keenan September 3, 2023 (11:04 am)

    The “Seattle process” needs to die.  We aren’t rethinking anything.  We already voted for ST3 and it’s going to be built.

    • Scarlett September 3, 2023 (12:48 pm)

      Not so fast.  We are going to rethink it and we’re doing so presently.   The is perhaps one salutary aspect of the “Seattle process,” which, I agree, can be slow and labyrinthine. 

      • Danimal September 4, 2023 (10:02 am)

        No, we’re not. People like you are up against people like me, the majority, and I will fight you tooth and nail (figuratively) to prevent you from killing light rail to West Seattle. I’ve been in many major cities across the world and light rail’s efficiency and timeliness and rapidity and frequency and connectivity is the bee’s knees. We’re getting it, and you are not going to get what you want.

  • Dow's legacy September 3, 2023 (11:17 am)

    Captain ST3 aka “YIMBY. . . Will, more like NIMBY- not is his backyard but someone else’s.  He will want the destruction to begin by the end of his term to literally cement his legacy. His grandstand speech will go something like this. “In 2016 I sold West Seattle voters on a light rail project that cost $1.3 billion and now 16+ years later the cost has ballooned to over $4 billion and still not done.” 

  • Scarlett September 3, 2023 (12:44 pm)

    This was a massive public infrastructure, economic stimulus package, sold under the guise of a transportation “fix” or partial fix.  It is tax payer money redirected to a handful of  companies and state employees who will build it and manage it but the rest of us will see no benefit.  I really don’t blame anyone who was taken in by the hype and the idea of a sexy, slinky train whisking them around, but if they had bothered to look at the actual versus the hype, and other regions where light rail has been an expensive flop, they might have arrived a more realistic conclusion. C’est la vie.   

    • K September 3, 2023 (1:38 pm)

      “taxpayer money redirected to a handful of companies and state employees who will build and manage it” is describes almost everything governments pay for.  Are you and I getting any use out of those jails and prisons that keep getting built?  I haven’t committed a crime in ages!  Let’s rethink incarceration because only a percentage of Washingtonians ever need it and the people who work there are state employees.  

      • Scarlett September 3, 2023 (9:14 pm)

        You deflected with an irrelevant argument about some other piece of public infrastructure instead of addressing the one at hand.  In other words, you presented a straw man argument that, because I am opposed to this link, I’m opposed to a road in The Middle of Nowhere because I don’t use it, but someone else might.    By the way, believe it or not, but ‘m actually a fan of trains, and do some trainspotting on occasion. But I don’t let a fascination with a mode of transportation run away with common sense and therefore believe that a rail line should be in every neighborhood.   

        • K September 4, 2023 (4:44 pm)

          You make a lot of assumptions about those who are in favor of the light rail, and have yet to provide any new information that hasn’t already been argued to death in order to support your desire to debate the light rail yet again, so please spare me your grandstanding about the rules of engagement here.  Your argument made no sense and I called it out and you don’t like it.  Your favorite transit plan got voted down and you don’t like it.  Things are going to happen in life sometimes that you just don’t like.  That doesn’t mean your arguments have basis in fact, it doesn’t mean you’re right, and it doesn’t mean you’re entitled to a do-over.  Millions of people don’t get their way every day, and they move on.  Learn from them.

  • snowskier September 3, 2023 (1:30 pm)

    Two things here crack me up:  1) They included the ‘impact on salmon habitat’ in a list of potential negatives for a project which removes thousands of daily car trips.  Seems all of the exhaust, brake dust and tire rubber that stays off of the road would be a positive impact.   2) They are perturbed that Sound Transit has declined their offer of a route walk after spending years gathering public input and can’t grasp the answer of ‘thanks for the input but we’re going a different direction’.

    • Honey September 4, 2023 (9:08 am)

      Sound Transit’s gathering of input allows us 30 seconds to two minutes at committee meetings , if we were lucky, to make a comment.  No discussion, no questions answered; often an immediate vote.   Their West Seattle outreach entails setting up booths at farmers markets and giving away cheap merchandise.   Sound Transit’s next West Seattle Link Extension  outreach “event”will be at the SODO Flea Market on September 9th.  

  • Admiral-2009 September 3, 2023 (4:16 pm)

    It’s past time to build the WS LR line.  One caveat leave half of the nearby street parking available for anyone to use.  It’s absurd that all the street parking near the Beacon Hill LR is restricted; when I drive by there is ample spaces to open up half of it for others to use!

  • SN September 3, 2023 (5:30 pm)

    I spent the entire Saturday sick in bed after stupidly not realizing there were two tweakers on the Link smoking crack behind me. Yeah, it can be convenient if you don’t mind local neighborhoods demolished, the second hand crack smoke, and the irrate homeless threatening to stab you. 

    • WS Res September 3, 2023 (9:59 pm)

      Effects of smoking crack cocaine last 5-15 minutes. I don’t know what put you in bed but it wasn’t “tweakers”* who were “smoking crack.”  (*BTW “tweaker” is slang for “meth user.”)

      • Alki resident September 3, 2023 (10:43 pm)

        They were obviously smoking drugs regardless and and can make you very sick. Why make this sound less than important like you’re doing? 

  • Oakley34 September 4, 2023 (1:05 pm)

    Just leave west Seattle already you blasted anti democracy anti transit anti progress anti everything doomsayers. Please. Build the rail we voted for, double time.

    • Scarlett September 4, 2023 (3:15 pm)

      No, it’s exactly the same process we might use to recall a politician after he/she has been elected.  As WSB  noted, one of the options voted on was one that did not include light rail.  This is a chance to reconsider a very expensive and disruptive piece of infrastructure and the cost benefit.  If the project goes ahead, so be it.   Seems to me most of the hysterical doomsday vitriol is coming from the pro-link people. 

    • Preserve West Seattle September 4, 2023 (4:07 pm)

      I think you’re 180 degrees off in your assessment.

Sorry, comment time is over.