The Boeing Employees Choir, which rehearses in West Seattle, is inviting potential new members to come to their rehearsals starting later this month. Thie choir has a big trip planned, too. Here’s the announcement sent to us to share with you:
We are planning a 2-week concert tour of Greece in late September 2024 and are recruiting new members from the West Seattle area. Come to an open rehearsal at the American Legion Hall on 3618 SW Alaska Street on Tuesday evenings (6:30 – 9:00 pm) to see if you’d like to join and schedule an easy audition. Open rehearsals run Tuesday 9/12/23 through 10/10/23. Historically made up of Boeing employees and their families, we have opened membership to the public, sharing our love of music and cheer in numerous concerts throughout the year, especially during the Christmas holidays. Suggested dues are $150/semester. Sign up in September to ensure your spot on our tour! For questions, email
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