REMINDER: Beach fire season is over

With the weekend in view, a reminder – Alki Beach’s fire rings have been picked up and taken away because beach-fire season ended on Labor Day. (Thanks to Guy for the nudge to remind you.)

13 Replies to "REMINDER: Beach fire season is over"

  • Ed September 7, 2023 (4:42 pm)

    This is so lame. This is the best time to have a fire on the beach and besides, you couldn’t even have a fire on the beach for a lot of the summer due to the burn ban. 

    • Jess September 8, 2023 (6:00 am)

      Agree! The fire rings were closed for the season weeks ago, despite the burn ban being lifted right before Labor Day. Parks’ Alki Beach page suggested fires would be allowed last weekend but no one bothered to come unlock the pits. Seriously, why would a burn ban be in effect on Alki beach anyway? What a manipulative way to control policy. And why can’t we have use of the fire pits in the fall? Such a beautiful time of year for it. 

  • Mike September 7, 2023 (7:31 pm)

    Right on, Ed.  I am not a beach fire aficionado but Parks has always had a silly policy.

  • Kyle September 7, 2023 (9:00 pm)

    Didn’t the pits used to be out all year long? I thought it was a COVID thing why they were removed? Did Seattle Parks pull a sneaky policy change?

  • KWest Seattle September 8, 2023 (5:36 am)

    Is there somewhere we can make a formal complaint? I agree that this is a stupid policy!

  • anonyme September 8, 2023 (6:09 am)

    Ban them permanently.

  • Jay September 8, 2023 (9:11 am)

    The fire ring removal is a covid measure. They did do a sneaky policy change. There’s currently MASSIVE blowback on this. Please share your opinions with the parks department. It looks like Seattle residents may be able to reverse this policy choice. They’ve said it’s a priority to discuss the outrage in their weekly meeting next week. Make sure you’re as loud as possible. Losing fires at Alki really sucked during covid when we were stuck inside, I think the public reaction this year will determine if that change is permanent. Warm fires during cold nights on the beach is a West Seattle tradition. I have so many good memories going out there with my propane fire pit. (And they’ve also stated that they have a new policy that propane fire pits are now banned, which has never been the case before this week. That’s something I’ve spoken with parks dept and SFD in the past, I even sat on the beach talking with a SFD crew over my propane fire pit one night after they had a false 911 call.)

    • KWest Seattle September 8, 2023 (2:34 pm)

      This policy needs to be changed! How do we complain? Is e-mail best?

  • Rob September 8, 2023 (9:14 am)

    A small bon fire in the winter makes more sense. It’s more fun when it’s cold out. Keeps everyone nice an warm. Plus it’s less crowded. 

  • April September 8, 2023 (10:00 am)

    Boooooo! Winter is the best time for bon fires! Its a tradition!

  • Alki parent September 8, 2023 (10:52 pm)

    So fires are permitted during the months we are most likely to have burn bans?  Bizarre.Winter  bonfires are a lovely tradition. I would have thought the parks department would want people to get use out of the parks.

  • D-Mom September 9, 2023 (7:17 am)

    There’s a phone number and email address for general info (complaints) here. I’d say use both.

  • Westy September 9, 2023 (7:34 am)

    I hope they change their minds! It’s a nice activity for upcoming cooler months.

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