UPDATE: Power outage in West Seattle, after pole fire on Avalon

4:38 PM: Almost 3,300 customers are out of power as of moments ago in north West Seattle. We’re working to find out if this is related to police blocking off Avalon Way between Charlestown and Yancy, where SFD has an hour-old “wires down” call.

4:55 PM: We’re getting reports of restoration, at least for some. (added) The map shows it’s down to 483 homes/businesses.

5:07 PM: Those still out are close to the original “wires down” call on Avalon, where the southbound direction is about to reopen, while northbound remains closed. (added) SFD tells us at the scene that the “wires down” were the result of a pole fire; SCL is bringing in a new pole, so the northbound side of Avalon will likely remain closed at least a few hours.

(Reader photo – pole delivery)

8:03 PM: We went through the work zone (since uphill on Avalon, aka southbound, remains open), and the crews are still working with the new and replacement poles. Also note that the continuing outage has lights dark at the Avalon/Spokane/Harbor intersection, which means it’s an all-way stop.

(Reader photo from Melissa)

8:28 PM: Other lights on Avalon are affected too – commenter KD says 35th/Avalon is still out.

11:07 PM: Not restored yet.

1:30 AM: Still out, and public-safety personnel just told dispatch that the SCL crew told them it might take another two hours.

5:30 AM: Commenters report power was restored just after 2:30.

ADDED 1 PM TUESDAY: As promised, we asked SCL about the cause. The reply from spokesperson Jenn Strang: “The cause was the center wire came loose from its head pin. When it came down, it contacted the cross arm and started the fire. We received a report of a smoking wire from Seattle Fire and were responding prior to the outage occurring. Our operations staff was able to quickly reduce the outage down to the smaller number affected. The crew deemed it necessary to replace the entire pole.”

56 Replies to "UPDATE: Power outage in West Seattle, after pole fire on Avalon"

  • Kerrie Schurr September 4, 2023 (4:49 pm)

    The power outage interrupted movie showings at the Admiral Theater just now. 

    • WSB September 4, 2023 (4:53 pm)

      Thanks. We’re told Metropolitan Market was affected as well.

      • Annessa September 4, 2023 (4:54 pm)

        Affecting Safeway as well

      • VC September 4, 2023 (4:55 pm)

        The power is back on

  • Powerless September 4, 2023 (4:51 pm)

    I can’t believe there’s another outage. Just looking through old posts to confirm it, and this seems crazy, but if I’m reading things right this is the *ninth* outage since June, NOT including one that happened due to a car accident. Can that be right? What is going on with our power grid? 

  • Mike September 4, 2023 (4:51 pm)

    Back on above T5.

  • Too Often September 4, 2023 (4:52 pm)

    I’ve lived in West Seattle for several years now. Is there any particular reason why this area has power outages so frequently??? I’ve lived in other cities and hardly ever experienced outages outside storm weather.Is the utility company just pocketing the money for service and not doing any maintenance on these power grids? Are they working to be capable of providing for the extra strain due to more AC units and rentals? Has the lack of oversight on the Parks N Rec people (or whoever is responsible for maintaining public trees) contributed to the outage frequency? There are so many trees that need to be trimmed due to spilling out over the sidewalk, roads, power lines, etc.. Has SCL made any indication for trying to figure out how to prevent outages from happening, on average, once ever 3 months??? This is downright ridiculous considering the wealth of the actual city and the technology/knowledge available to us.

  • North Admiral September 4, 2023 (4:52 pm)

    Power just restored in the impacted Admiral area. Thanks for sharing the update.

  • Mon September 4, 2023 (4:53 pm)

    Just got power back on around College/Cal

  • peter September 4, 2023 (4:53 pm)

    Admiral Junction restored power at 4:50

  • Susanna September 4, 2023 (4:54 pm)

    No problem up on Pigeon Point (20th & Geneses)

  • Mike September 4, 2023 (4:54 pm)

    Back up at California and Walnut

  • BusGirl21 September 4, 2023 (4:56 pm)

    Power back on at 1300 Harbor Ave (4:45ish) 

  • Avalonian September 4, 2023 (4:56 pm)

    Neighbors are saying someone saw a power pole smoking near the Bradford bus stop. I didn’t verify, but that’s the word. Glad someone shut it down in that case.

  • N in Seattle September 4, 2023 (5:03 pm)

    We were watching Barbie at the Admiral when the power went out. By the time we shuffled out and walked around the block, traffic lights were back in operation.

  • Jen September 4, 2023 (5:05 pm)

    Glad it was so brief for the majority of folks (and hope the rest come back on soon), but good grief, how many is that for WS so far this summer? I’m starting to worry about what this winter will be like…

  • newnative September 4, 2023 (5:05 pm)

    I was nervous I have a pot roast in the crockpot!

    • Hungry September 4, 2023 (5:42 pm)

      When’s dinner ready? Sounds great!

  • Av September 4, 2023 (5:11 pm)

    They are not allowing people into met market.

    • Lynn September 4, 2023 (5:24 pm)

      Yup. They’re saying 20 mins. They’re blocking the entrance to the store right now. 

  • Lynn September 4, 2023 (5:16 pm)

    Met Market is closed. They’re saying could be 30 mins before it reopens (maybe)

    • WSB September 4, 2023 (5:18 pm)

      They should have power back, if the map update is correct.

      • Lynn September 4, 2023 (5:21 pm)

        They’re turning people away and saying it’s going to be another half hour before they’re up and running. 

        • waikikigirl September 4, 2023 (8:33 pm)

          Met Market is probably “temp” checking everything for food safety reasons so be happy they are keeping store closed until all is “OK” 

  • Admiral-2009 September 4, 2023 (6:36 pm)

    Fortunately it was a short outage.  The frequency of outages is concerning.  I’m glad to also have gas to be able to cook with and heat my water.  Oh wait the City wants to eliminate gas as an option yet the electrical grid is becoming less reliable?

    • D September 4, 2023 (7:04 pm)

      Not for almost 500 of your West Seattle neighbors…power’s still out at 7PM!

    • KD September 4, 2023 (9:26 pm)

      Wait until they’ve got all the EVs on the power grid.  

  • Still out September 4, 2023 (6:54 pm)

    Any idea when the power will be back on for the rest of us? 

    • WSB September 4, 2023 (6:59 pm)

      We’re going back down shortly for a look at the pole progress.

      • Echo September 4, 2023 (7:11 pm)

        Thank you! Three hours seems like a long time when you don’t have power. We have not had so much as a blip since the outage.

      • Avalon WY September 4, 2023 (7:31 pm)

        Any news would be greatly appreciated!

        • WSB September 4, 2023 (7:40 pm)

          We just drove by, can’t get close enough on foot to ask (and interrupting electricity-related work is seldom a good idea) but they have both poles there, old & new, a good sign.

          • Avalonian September 4, 2023 (8:13 pm)

            Dinners has been grilled and now the candles are coming out. Go SCL, go like the wind!

          • Echo September 4, 2023 (8:47 pm)

            Power still out for at least a few of us. SCL website originally said 11PM, so I’ll just stow away until then and won’t hold my breath.

    • Heidi Merritt September 4, 2023 (7:46 pm)

      At 5 pm it was said it would take a few hours because they needed a new pole because of the fire… Hopefully soon… It’s being worked on now… 😁😃

  • Scooterista September 4, 2023 (7:13 pm)

    So, PSA for grocery store power outages: with all the cases that rely on refrigeration, they have to start covering up the open ones immediately to preserve the coldness and keep the product safe. They also have to get everyone out of the store and put away all the shopped food that was not bought. They temp-check the food throughout the outage and also before they reopen to ensure it is safe. When a power outage starts, you do not know when it will end. I’ll say that again, because it is important: you don’t know when the power will go back on, no matter what the power company might say on their website. With all the perishables a grocery store has, they have to start their power outage response plan immediately and then they have to undo the steps they’ve taken in order to re-open, and that takes time. It takes time to get a store ready to re-open, even after a brief power outage like this one. Plus, all the equipment has to be rebooted and started up again, which takes time, too. They can’t sell you anything if the registers are not up and running, etc. Those normally are not fully powered off, even at night. Please be patient and kind to the staff – they’ve been in a high stress situation since the power went out and they are working hard to open the store as soon as they can. They are not keeping the store closed for a minute longer than they have to, but they cannot reopen until everything is back to full operational status.

  • Heidi Merritt September 4, 2023 (7:47 pm)

    My neighbor went to the Junction for dinner and he said it’s still there… 😳😲😬

  • KD September 4, 2023 (8:21 pm)

    Avalon + 35th is still out. 

    • WSB September 4, 2023 (8:28 pm)

      Thank you!

  • Taylor September 4, 2023 (8:45 pm)

    Any update on when we can expect power back?

    • D September 4, 2023 (9:46 pm)

      I just walked by to check on any progress. I couldn’t  give a time estimate but it appeared that they were possibly just starting to dismantle wires on the burnt out pole. Nothing had been removed but it looked like a worker in a cherry picker basket was starting to work on wires wrapped around and dismantle from the bottom. So if anyone has a rough idea of how long long it takes city light to dismantle and remove an old burnt out pole then install the new pole and possibly replace and reattach all the wires and transformers or whatever… that could be an estimate! 

      • Taylor September 4, 2023 (10:32 pm)

        Thank you!

      • Hallie September 5, 2023 (12:06 am)

        Still no power on Avalon- and no updated estimate 

  • Jin September 4, 2023 (11:07 pm)

    Power still out by SW Avalon Way from SW Gensis street. Work crews still present.

  • B September 4, 2023 (11:49 pm)

    Power is still out

    • Bruce September 5, 2023 (12:40 am)

      New pole up.  Wires are attached.  

      • Echo September 5, 2023 (12:57 am)

        Won’t save my groceries, but I’ll be happy to have power again. Hopefully soon.

  • PK September 5, 2023 (12:21 am)

    Power still out, 12:21 AM, Tuesday Sept 5. Hope they didn’t stop work thinking they were done.

  • WSB September 5, 2023 (1:30 am)

    Just heard on the scanner, public-safety personnel in the area were told “it may be another two hours.”

    • Echo September 5, 2023 (1:43 am)

      Thanks for the update. I wonder what made this repair so complicated that it’s now going to take almost 12-hours?

      • WSB September 5, 2023 (1:52 am)

        I’ll be following up with City Light tomorrow, er, today as usual.

        • Kristopher September 5, 2023 (2:32 am)

          I live right across the street from where this is all happening. Why have the trucks left but there’s still no power?????

  • B September 5, 2023 (2:57 am)

    Power came back up for me on Avalon at 2:40 AM

  • Avalon Guy September 5, 2023 (3:09 am)

    Power just came back! Roughly around 2:30am

  • AZ September 5, 2023 (3:17 am)

    Power came back on for 3000 Avalon block at 2:45am

  • Pdavis September 5, 2023 (9:41 am)

    I’m hoping we get a detailed backdrop on WHY . Meaning:  what was the first domino in the sequence that caused the entire pole to have to be replaced?  Why did a loose wire cause this?Makes no sense.  Are we having someone vandalize our power?

Sorry, comment time is over.