Fall Festival in The Junction and more for your West Seattle Sunday

(Saturday rainbow, photographed by Kevin Freitas)

Extra middle-of-the-street fun in The Junction today – that tops our highlight list:

FALL FESTIVAL: For the first time, The Junction’s big fall celebration has become a two-part festival – today, 11 am-2 pm, it’s part one, the Fall Festival, with an extra block closed to traffic (see Metro advisories here) so all this can happen on California south of Alaska:

The Potholes play at 11, The Everlovers at 1 (and between them, “Thriller” dancers at noon). Most of this is free but bring $ for the chili (noon; competitors this year are Admiral Pub, Brookdale, Camp West, Elliott Bay Brewing, Husky Deli, Margie’s Cafe, NW Texas BBQ, Pecos Pit BBQ, and The Westy). Pies for the competition (noon; registration is closed) are provided as always by A La Mode Pies.

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: Meantime, 10 am-2 pm, the market is open as usual between SW Alaska and SW Oregon on California, offering fruit and vegetables as well as flowers, cheese, fish, meat, baked goods, condiments, fresh-cooked food, beverages (from kombucha to beer/wine), nuts, more. Here’s today’s vendor list.

Here’s what else is happening in West Seattle today/tonight:

WESTIES RUN CLUB: Now they’re running on Sunday mornings too – meet at 9 am at Dough Joy Donuts (4310 SW Oregon).

BUSINESS MOVING SALE: West Seattle Wellness is moving from Westwood Village to The Junction and selling some items at its WWV location today – wall art, filing cabinets, wardrobes, massage tables, and a printer. 10 am-3 pm. (2600 SW Barton, Suite A-24, above NK Nails)

DOUGH JOY AT OUNCES: Another 10 am-2 pm Dough Joy Donuts popup at Ounces (3809 Delridge Way SW).

VOLUNTEER AT THE BEE GARDEN: As announced here, the West Seattle Bee Garden (Graham/Lanham) can use volunteer help 11 am-1 pm to get it ready for fall.

CLASSIC NOVELS (AND MOVIES) BOOK CLUB: Monthly gathering at C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW), 3 pm; see our calendar listing for the topic!

‘MATT & BEN’: Matinee performance at ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor), 3 pm. Check for tickets here.

COFFEEHOUSE MUSIC: Sean Morse performs 3-5 pm at C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor). No cover.

(Fall’s first sunset, photographed by Marc Milrod)

SUNDAY NIGHT JAZZ: Triangular Jazztet at The Alley (4509 California SW), 8 pm and 9 pm sets.

Something for our calendar – one-time or recurring? Email us the info – westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!

6 Replies to "Fall Festival in The Junction and more for your West Seattle Sunday"

  • WS Res September 24, 2023 (9:58 am)

    Question for those who have visited our troll in Lincoln park – how much walking is required to get from a parking area to where Bruin Idun is located? I have senior family members in town, and we’ve been fortunate to get to see Frankie Feetsplinters at the National Nordic Museum, and Pia the Peacemaker on Bainbridge Island. If we can visit Idun today before the rain comes, we’d like to, but if there’s a lot of walking required we might skip it.

    • WSB September 24, 2023 (10:26 am)

      Have you ever been to Colman Pool? The troll is right across the path from its entrance side. It would be shorter from the south parking lot but that’s still signed as 1/3 mile, and there’s either stairs or a steep sidewalk to get to the path from the lot.

      • WS Res September 24, 2023 (4:47 pm)

        I had not been to Coleman Pool before. We did park in the south lot but didn’t know about the loop around the back to the beach direct; we went overland and down the hill path, but according to my Apple watch, that was more like 3/4ths of a mile or a mile proper. Definitely longer than 1/3 mile!  Fortunately we figured out the lower handicapped lot for the return so my partner was able to retrieve the car from the upper south lot while we skipped the uphill return.

        • WSB September 24, 2023 (4:51 pm)

          Glad you got to see Bruun Idun!

    • Ken Czerwinski September 24, 2023 (10:33 am)

      I took my 81 year old mom to see the troll.  The benches along the paved path were useful.  You can drop off and pick up at the bottom of the road in the south parking lot where the path starts.  If you have handicapped parking then you can park there.

  • Al September 24, 2023 (2:43 pm)

    Yes!! Jack Miller owner of Huskys Deli won the Chili contest. Way to be Jack!!

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