Sentencing is scheduled this Friday for Mohamed A. Yusuf, who hit and killed bicyclist Robb Mason on July 15, 2022, just east of the low bridge. We learned today from Mr. Mason’s widow Claudia that Yusuf, who is 21 – one-third the age of the man he killed – pleaded guilty last week to vehicular homicide and felony hit-and-run. We’ve subsequently obtained the court documents. In them, Yusuf admits, “I was speeding twice the posted limit and crossed into oncoming traffic and slammed into a bicyclist who was crossing at an intersection. I killed him and drove away. I never called the police or reported the crash.” Yusuf was charged five and a half months after hitting Mr. Mason while driving his Hyundai Elantra at 52 mph; the victim was riding home to Magnolia from his job as a West Seattle massage therapist. Detectives identified Yusuf through evidence including debris at the scene, video from a Metro bus, and online records indicating he was aware of what he had done and had been reading news reports about it. He has been on electronic home monitoring ever since his arraignment. According to the plea-bargain court document, the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office is recommending a sentence totaling 41 months – just under 3 1/2 years – which is the low end of the “standard range.” (Yusuf has no criminal history.) King County Superior Court Judge Andrea Darvas will sentence Yusuf at 1:45 pm Friday afternoon (September 22nd). Claudia Mason says anyone who wants to send a message to the judge before the sentencing can do so by the end of today via KCPAO victim advocate Kaili Brown at
West Seattle, Washington
02 Sunday