WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Broken-window car prowls

Sent this morning by Seth:

We woke up this morning to find our car had been broken into and rifled through. Nothing of value was in there, so more just a pain to replace a window (and the general offense of someone messing with your stuff). It appears the prowlers hit multiple cars parked along the same side of the street – 34th Ave SW, between Holly and Willow. This is along the fence of West Seattle Elementary, so not directly in front of homes. The school site is still under construction so maintains a security guard there overnight, but I couldn’t find them to ask if they saw anything. I filed an online police report just to add it to their stats. Just sending as a heads-up since ours wasn’t the only car hit.

8 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Broken-window car prowls"

  • Cal August 12, 2023 (12:21 pm)

    I noticed a car with a broken window (glass on the ground) parked in a driveway around 39th and Hanford today.

  • Amy T August 12, 2023 (3:49 pm)

    There’s a reason I don’t lock my car haven’t in years I keep nothing in it including my registration thats a photo on my phone don’t break my windows don’t slice my top and you try and start I’ve got something that won’t let you I’m tired of thieves but I’d rather they rifle though nothing than property damage 

    • T August 12, 2023 (7:37 pm)

       When I haven’t locked my truck it was stolen….                             When I locked my car the windows have been smashed .         No. Easy. Way. Out of this rampant crime,,,,!!!

  • Kersti Elisabeth Muul August 12, 2023 (4:42 pm)

    In seaview again too. Not mine this time, but the neighbor’s…46th and Juneau area

  • Tracey August 12, 2023 (6:00 pm)

    This past week a car in Sunrise Heights had its battery stolen and last night I saw 2 men syphoning gas from a car on SW Webster.  Never ends.

  • Sara August 12, 2023 (8:03 pm)

    Seaview @ 7:45PM.Vehicle prowlers in clean, white cargo van (license starts w 77).  A couple. Couldn’t see him well, but passenger was white woman 30–40s, strawberry blonde hair. He stopped van and she jumped out to check trailer hitch on our Subaru Forester. She jumped back in and they drove off the second I came out to see what was up. Reported.

  • Norris August 12, 2023 (10:02 pm)

    I few weeks ago our car window was smashed during broad daylight, @47th ave Then noticed our neighbors window too was smashed. What a shame :(

  • Shadowtripper August 13, 2023 (12:19 pm)

    8/12 Saturday night/Sunday morning on 3600 block & 61st car’ rear window broken out nothing taken. Car in front had alarm go off about 9:30pm.  Could have been related. 

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