LOST OR STOLEN? Bike, barbecue

August 11, 2023 9:45 am
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 |   Found bicycles | West Seattle news

Two items too big for the WSB Lost/Found (non-pets) page:

BIKE: From Louie: “Bike found on SW Dakota near 46th Ave SW. Looking for the owner of a one-speed child’s bike. Huffy brand. Call me and identify it. Louie 206-962-1140” (Yes, Louie has checked Bike Index, and is canvassing the neighborhood too.)

BARBECUE GRILL: Tona found this on Thursday:

This barbecue grill (was) in the middle of the street on 46th and Alaska. Wondering if it fell off somebody’s moving truck or if it was stolen and dumped? There is even a roll of paper towels!

It’s since been moved out of the street and its next stop will be “the dump” if not claimed.

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