9:11 AM: Thanks for the tips. Police have closed 18th SW near the 7100 block [vicinity map] as they attempt to arrest someone who we are told is a suspect in a carjacking. The suspect is believed to be armed and at a particular residence. SWAT has been called in. Avoid the area.
9:47 AM: Going back through archived police-radio audio, the original incident was reported around 8:10 am as an attempted armed carjacking, nearby on 18th SW, with the would-be carjacker leaving the scene on foot.
10:25 AM: Not resolved yet. We’re continuing to monitor and will add updates when we have them.
10:54 AM: Just received video from an anonymous resident who says it shows the attempted carjacking – a grocery-delivery driver was dropping off the items when in the background, you see the person run up and get in the car. Though the video cuts off, the resident says the driver subsequently pulled the would-be carjacker out to keep him from stealing the car. (Video removed for now per request of the resident.)
11:10 AM: Police are closing off Dumar as well between 16th/Delridge.
12:43 PM: Still not resolved. Also of note, the road closures are rerouting Metro 128.
2:04 PM: Not resolved yet.
3:09 PM: Seventh hour.
4:14 PM: Eighth hour.
5:22 PM: They’ve declared the house “clear” – we’re going back over to verify. Meantime, what took all this time were the steps it took to get to that point. They had to get a view inside the house, which required breaking windows to get a drone inside. They also used various devices – from flashbangs to “pepper balls” and gas – with the aim of temporarily incapacitating anyone inside. The house has multiple levels, plus an attic/crawl space, so each of those levels took time to investigate. The SPD SWAT team was assisted by K-9s and by equipment from the King County Sheriff’s Office. Another time-consuming component is that a search warrant is required, so they have to get one drawn up and signed by a judge.
5:40 PM: Our crew has verified at the scene that no one was found in the house or its outbuildings. Streets in the area, including Dumar, have reopened.