WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Student attacked; Myers Way assaults; burglary thwarted by neighbor

Four West Seattle Crime Watch reports:

STUDENT ATTACKED: From B, parent of a Denny International Middle School student:

My child is a 7th grade student @ Denny and was walking home after school today on 24th Ave SW (between Thistle & Trenton) when a car pulled over and someone jumped out and physically attacked them.

It was an older car (couldn’t get make – possibly early 2000’s), dark colored, 4-door. The attacker was Caucasian, blond hair. Driver was of Asian descent, hair in a bun, purple hoody. All possibly in their late teens/early 20’s. The attacker swung on my child app. 5 times to the head before getting back in the car and taking off. Something of note – one of the people in the car threw a sandal/slipper out of the car while driving away too.

I’ve reported this to (non-emergency) SPD, Incident # 23-155932.

B says their child is shaken up but otherwise OK.

TWO ATTACKED ON MYERS WAY: A police summary says this happened around 9:20 pm last night at or near the encampment on the east side of Myers Way: “Officers responded to a report of an assault call which involved a large number of motorcycle riders. Two assault victims were located with significant, non-life-threatening injuries and transported to HMC.” Around the same time, we received a report of what looked like a memorial gathering at the scene, where 35-year-old Reginald Moore was shot to death last Tuesday; we don’t know if that was related to the attack.

BURGLARY THWARTED: Last night a suspect was taken into custody after a reported home burglary in the 5600 block of SW Admiral Way. We obtained the report narrative. It says a neighbor called police after seeing an intruder in the house. They saw the intruder filling a backpack and carrying items to a nearby bus stop. Police arrived and found a suspect matching a description given by both the neighbor and the homeowner, who saw him on security video. The items they found included a wallet, speaker, iPhone, camera, glasses, clothes, and guitar. Police say they tried to get him into a parked car but he resisted and eventually an ambulance was called. He eventually was taken to Harborview.

11 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Student attacked; Myers Way assaults; burglary thwarted by neighbor"

  • Alki resident June 5, 2023 (6:37 pm)

    I’m sorry your son was attacked after school. Hopefully someone will come up with a plate number. I’d pick a different route home after this. 

  • Rhonda June 5, 2023 (7:19 pm)

    B (or anyone), if your child is ever attacked, call 911 immediately. They can do an area search ASAP and other local agencies can keep an eye out, as well. An online report well after a serious violent crime gives the perpetrators a lot of time/cover to evade justice.

  • Karen B June 5, 2023 (8:59 pm)

    I would “err” on the side of calling 9-1-1, rather than the non-emergency number, ANYTIME there is an assault, whether the victim is a child or an adult – AND in any instance in which the perpetrator(s) may still be in the area and could possibly be caught or could still pose a danger to others.Putting this another way, let the 9-1-1 operators triage these incidents, rather than any of us assuming that since the person who did it is long gone, it’s a non-emergency. 

  • Star55 June 5, 2023 (9:38 pm)

    This has to be tragic for your son. Please watch out for any PTSD.

  • Compassionate Neighbor June 5, 2023 (9:51 pm)

    Very sorry to hear your child was attacked. Praying he wasn’t traumatized too badly. I saw on FB a 14 year old was attacked by a blonde man. Her head was shoved into the wall of the Junction Record Store. Could these attacks be related?

  • B June 6, 2023 (12:29 pm)

    Thank you all for your concerns and tips. My kiddo is doing better today. Kept ’em home jic. A trooper! @Compassionate Neighbor – I didn’t see anything about that online but that’s very interesting. Any screenshots you can share? 

  • WSDUDEMAN June 6, 2023 (9:22 pm)

    When do we organize and let our elected officials know that all of this is completely unacceptable?? Or do we keep shrugging our collective shoulders and saying “It’s just part of living in a city.” like many of my friends do? 

  • More info please! June 6, 2023 (10:16 pm)

    Would also like to know if these people are serial attackers – should I let my kids walk home from school? Is there more to this story? This sounds like a couple of psychopaths. More info please. 

  • B June 7, 2023 (7:03 pm)

    No updates re: our Denny-student-attack situation. Haven’t even heard back from SPD about the incident yet, unfortunately. But definitely being communicative, supportive, alert/aware and re-thinking the whole walking-home-route scenario in the future. 

    • Scrappy June 7, 2023 (9:15 pm)


      Curious… Do you have a better description of white, blond, male? Hair length, any facial hair?

      • B June 8, 2023 (7:37 pm)

        @Scrappy – medium length blond hair. Shaggy. Possibly a mustache/goatee thing going on. Started and ended very abruptly, so my kiddo didn’t get the best description unfortunately…..

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