Ongoing state planning for the ferry-terminal replacement project was a major topic at this month’s Fauntleroy Community Association meeting.
From the recent Washington State Ferries online meeting for the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth and Point Defiance-Tahlequah communities (WSB coverage here), FCA board members were concerned to hear WSF management mention the idea of a second slip was still in play. While it isn’t envisioned to be part of this project, WSF was clearly leaving the door open for a possible addition down the road.
FCA has also continued talking with 34th District state legislators (who represent both West Seattle and Vashon/Maury Islands, as well as other areas). They’re hoping to get insights on which way WSF is leaning, either toward a new terminal/dock with the same footprint, or one with expanded overwater space. They’re also talking with City Councilmember Lisa Herbold to see if the city could renew its 1997 resolution opposing dock expansion.
Speaking of which, they also discussed last week’s WSB/District 1 Community Network candidates’ forum for the race to succeed Herbold. FCA submitted the question we asked about whether the candidates supported expanding the dock’s overwater footprint. None of the eight candidates expressed opposition. So FCA president Mike Dey messaged them all to explain the FCA’s position and the dock’s history. At Tuesday’s meeting, Dey said Stephen Brown was the first to reply, saying he had changed his mind after reading Dey’s letter. He said Phil Tavel and Rob Saka also responded, asking for meetings with the FCA board or Fauntleroy residents to talk about it. But as of Tuesday night’s meeting, the other five hadn’t responded.
Also discussed – the upcoming FCA community survey. Their emphasis this year will be to gather more demographic information. Questions also will focus on public safety, pedestrian safety, and neighborhood density.
The Fauntleroy Community Association meets at 7 pm second Tuesdays at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (9131 California SW) and online. Watch for more info between meetings.