Citywide reminder about fire-hydrant testing and brown water

If you’re a regular WSB reader – and/or you’ve been through this yourself – you know that fire-hydrant testing has led to an increased incidence of brown water. The hydrants are Seattle Public Utilities infrastructure; Seattle Fire tests them. The two departments have joined forces today for this citywide reminder about hydrant testing. What’s not mentioned is something SPU confirmed to us a few weeks back, after a reader tip – that a change in procedure has factored into the rise in reports. Also keep in mind that while much of this is attributed to hydrant testing, that’s not the only reason for brown water; line breaks and other problems can stir up the sediment in the lines too, so if it happens to you, continue reporting to SPU at 206-386-1800.

3 Replies to "Citywide reminder about fire-hydrant testing and brown water"

  • waikikigirl June 15, 2023 (7:15 am)

    You’ve been  reporting so many “brown water” lately I was going to suggest having a side-tab for just this! –>


    • WSB June 15, 2023 (9:53 am)

      You’ll find them under the “utilities” archive category, along with power outages, and the occasional non-problem utility-related story:

      • waikikigirl June 15, 2023 (3:41 pm)

        Well what do you know about that, you are so organized!😀

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