TRAFFIC, TRANSIT, WEATHER: Wednesday info, with closure continuing for ramp to NB 99 (updated)

6:00 AM: Good morning. It’s Wednesday, May 3rd. We start with a continuing closure that started Tuesday evening:

The ramp from the eastbound West Seattle Bridge to northbound Highway 99 is closed until WSDOT – which is accountable for the ramp, as it’s a state structure – can repair a large hole that started blowing out tires during Tuesday’s pm commute (WSB coverage here). WSDOT had hoped to fix it quickly but realized it was a bigger job than first believed. We will find out more later today about the timeframe. Meantime, if you have to get to NB 99, use the 1st Avenue South Bridge, or take the WS Bridge’s 1st Avenue South exit and get onto 99 in SODO.

9:22 AM UPDATE: Longer story later, but we just spoke with WSDOT again, and they say it’s closed “until further notice” as they evaluate how to repair it and whether the ramp itself is “structurally sound.” They also say the hole is not in the same spot as was fixed a year ago – it’s about 100 feet away.

11:59 AM: WSDOT expects the ramp to be closed for at least 10 days. We’ve just been over to the scene beneath the ramp. (added) Here’s a closer look at the underside of the 5′ x 4′ hole:

(WSB photo)


Metro – Downtown-bound buses that usually take the high bridge to NB 99 will have to detour while the ramp is closed. Otherwise, regular schedule, but trip cancellations are still happening.

Water Taxi – Continuing the spring/summer schedule.

Washington State Ferries‘ Triangle Route continues on the 2-boat schedule but with the chance of sailing cancellations, so check here for alerts/updates and see Vessel Watch for boats’ locations.


Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Henderson), cameras are also up at Delridge/Genesee, Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Orchard, and Delridge/Oregon.

High Bridge – the view from its southwest end (when SDOT points the 35th/Avalon/Fauntleroy camera that way):

Low Bridge – east-end vicinity:

1st Ave. S. Bridge – another route across the river:

Highway 99: – the northbound side at Lander.

MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: See all working traffic cams citywide here, most with video options; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are on this WSB page.

BRIDGE INFO: Check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed to see if the city’s movable bridges are opening for vessel traffic.


Clouds making way for sun, high in the upper 60s. Sunrise was at 5:49 am; sunset will be at 8:24 pm.

If you see trouble on the bridges/streets/paths/bay, please text or call us (when you can do it safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities). Thank you!

41 Replies to "TRAFFIC, TRANSIT, WEATHER: Wednesday info, with closure continuing for ramp to NB 99 (updated)"

  • KT May 3, 2023 (7:50 am)

    I saw a picture of the “hole” in the Seattle Times.  Someone better wake up and look at the N/B I-5 ramp from the bridge.   Same situation developing.  And these  didn’t start with the reopening of the bridge and should have been addressed long before they become, yet again, a major traffic disruption to the West Seattle community.  

  • DC May 3, 2023 (8:15 am)

    What a great way to start the week with the new Amazon traffic. If only there were a period of time with low use of the bridge that would have allowed them to do more thorough repairs….

  • HereWeGoAgain May 3, 2023 (8:20 am)

    I’m sure they’ll get right on fixing that ramp!

  • Cogburn May 3, 2023 (9:13 am)

    Infrastucture? We don’t need no infrastructure!

  • Jordan May 3, 2023 (9:14 am)

    For the poor people who had a tire blown out, I’m sorry. Be sure get a screen shot of when that pot hole was first reported to Wsdot. You’re gonna need to prove they had notice of it being there to file a claim. That pot hole has been there for weeks and weeks. And with the weight of the buses that use that on ramp this outcome was predictable. It’s almost like holes in the road don’t fix themselves?

    • WestSeattleBadTakes May 3, 2023 (9:34 am)

      Look, more dishonest attacks on public transit.

      • flimflam May 3, 2023 (12:55 pm)

        @WSBT – so buses AREN’T extremely heavy and DON’T cause/contribute to road damage? Pointing out that they do is hardly an attack. Of course we need mass transit but let’s not pretend there aren’t consequences.

      • Um, No! May 3, 2023 (2:57 pm)

        No one is attacking buses.  Geesh, relax.  They are heavy and contribute more/further damage to potholes like this. It is, what it is.  No one is saying do away with buses.    We need busses. 

        • WestSeattleBadTakes May 3, 2023 (4:54 pm)

          Strange these folks only mention busses when it comes to infrastructure issues though. The same commentary was present when the bridge was reopening.

          The framing is BS. Not calling it out would be irresponsible of me.

    • sam-c May 3, 2023 (9:51 am)

      Where do you report those to WSDOT? I know to use Find It, Fix It, for Seattle, but not familiar with the WSDOT reporting site/ app.    Can’t believe they said “until further notice”…  Like many have mentioned, it’s been there for awhile. I’ve managed to avoid it on the times I’ve had to drive (much to the disappointment the tailgating drivers that want me to treat that ramp like a race track).

    • WestSeattleBadTakes May 3, 2023 (10:07 am)

      Yes. Of course the problem is the hundreds of buses moving thousands of people and not the thousands of cars moving far less people.

      • Etherhuffer May 3, 2023 (11:57 am) are harder on the roads.  But this is a simple road maintenance and end of life issue for the ramp. Need to have better road quality to carry the transit. 

        • Jort May 3, 2023 (12:53 pm)

          OOooo! What does that wikipedia page say about the damage potential of bikes, I wonder?!

          • K May 3, 2023 (1:23 pm)

            Are you against buses too? 

          • Hammer in Hand May 3, 2023 (1:40 pm)

            It the overweight per axel busses that are the leading contributing factor in this pot hole1959 there was likely no busses on that ramppay me now or pay me later

        • WestSeattleBadTakes May 3, 2023 (1:11 pm)

          I’m well aware that buses are heavy. Surely you can understand why this framing is problematic?

          • Etherhuffer May 3, 2023 (8:28 pm)

            The region desperately needs transit, buses, rail etc. The pro car/anti transit people blame busses. The pro transit/anti car folks blame cars. The real answer is we need to accommodate both on very dated infrastructure. I noted that vehicles with heavy single axle loads damage the roads more. That is a fact. The solution is to upgrade the infrastructure to carry more of these vehicles. Plus, it’s hard to be critical of buses per se when the whole Port of Seattle sends so many trucks into the Harbor Island area and all the roads surrounding it. Seattle rejected the mass transit Forward Thrust program because at the time Boeing was turning off the lights. Portland went ahead and did Tri Met. We are still paying for that mistake today

  • rogue May 3, 2023 (10:06 am)

    Made for a long bus ride this morning, hopefully its fixed in time for the commute home. 

    • sam-c May 3, 2023 (2:57 pm)

      It shouldn’t impact the commute home, since it only affects eastbound bridge to NB 99 (unless you are talking about a round trip bus ride to/from downtown in the morning, and a round trip in the afternoon)

  • Watertowerjim May 3, 2023 (10:26 am)

    To see if the ramp is “structurally sound”.  Is this a joke?  They had years to fix and test all the ramps.  My god.

  • Flo B May 3, 2023 (10:59 am)

    WSB. Can you ask what year this ramp was built and what the inspection schedule has been..

    • WSB May 3, 2023 (11:10 am)

      Already added earlier. 1959. Already asking about inspection schedule, if there was an original replacement date, etc.

  • Bronson May 3, 2023 (11:35 am)

    There’s also an expansion joint on SB99 on the right hand shoulder right before the exit to the bridge that is sticking up at a 45-degree angle that keeps getting worse and is likely to be in the lane of traffic soon. How do we contact WSDOT about it?

  • Etherhuffer May 3, 2023 (11:50 am)

    Just change the name of West Seattle to Mercer Island Western Addition and it will be repaired by commute time tomorrow!

  • sgs May 3, 2023 (11:55 am)

    Also, I had wondered why the Spokane St. viaduct was not repaired and put into good shape while the bridge was being worked on.  Would have been a perfect opportunity. 

  • DC May 3, 2023 (11:55 am)

    WSDOT now saying earliest estimate is ‘around 10 days.’

    • WSB May 3, 2023 (12:00 pm)

      Yes, we just spoke to their PIO beneath the ramp. Updating.

      • Dawson May 3, 2023 (2:23 pm)

        Brave given the recent example of the state of the structure. And is that 10 calendar days or 10 work days minimum?

        • WSB May 3, 2023 (2:46 pm)

          Since traffic is a 24/7 thing, 10 days = 10 days. But the “at least” of course means it could be 10 days, 10 weeks, 10 months …

  • DogMom May 3, 2023 (12:16 pm)

    What a freaking joke. I wonder what it’s like to be so incompetent at your job (WSDOT) and still be employed, LOL.

  • DRW May 3, 2023 (12:28 pm)

  • Alki Resident May 3, 2023 (1:11 pm)

    SDOT better get on this ASAP. We need to get LOUD again everyone! They cannot be allowed to disrupt our lives for an extended period of time. 

    • WSB May 3, 2023 (1:39 pm)

      This is WSDOT, not SDOT. Your state representatives are:
      State Senator Joe Nguyen
      State Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon
      State Rep. Emily Alvarado

  • Flo B May 3, 2023 (1:22 pm)

    “Closed for at least 10 day’s” Hopefully WSDOT is more trustworthy and accurate than SDOT.

  • Blbl May 3, 2023 (1:30 pm)

    Oh. My. God. Unbelievable. 

  • William May 3, 2023 (2:16 pm)

    The sad thing is that this hole had been growing for at least a month, as I’ve passed it several times a day for at least that long. Ridiculous.

  • WET May 3, 2023 (3:06 pm)

    How about they do something about all of our infrastructure, you know the pipes with the water issue. My gosh why oh why do we not do anything proactively!So furious. 

  • sam-c May 3, 2023 (3:21 pm)

    BTW, WSB, thank you for your valuable reporting on all things West Seattle!! They mentioned this on the TV news early this morning, and the way they described it, made it clear they didn’t understand the area they were talking about.  Had to check WSB here to get clarification on what infrastructure/ routes were impacted.  (don’t usually have time to check WSB before heading out in the morning)

    • sam-c May 4, 2023 (7:05 am)

      The TV news still had it wrong this morning, lol.  “The NB 99 off-ramp at West Seattle Bridge” What? ? that didn’t make sense-shouldn’t it be “West Seattle Bridge on-ramp to NB 99?”

  • WSB May 3, 2023 (4:55 pm)

    The official estimate is now 10 days, no longer “at least” 10 days. PM updates at:

  • WSDAD May 3, 2023 (9:45 pm)

    I have always wondered where our tax dollars are being spent in Seattle. Not roads or schools. Maybe all the money is going to moving out the homeless? The roads definitely need some love. The city needs to paint the road lines. When it’s raining and dark I can’t see the lane. I have thought about buying some spray paint and fixing the lines myself. 

Sorry, comment time is over.