FOLLOWUP: What the city says about construction site from which building pieces fell onto neighboring property

(WSB photo, Tuesday morning)

As reported here Tuesday, part of the under-construction 4-story apartment building at 5952 California SW fell onto the property next door during windy weather Monday night. No one was hurt, but the fallen material did some damage. A complaint was subsequently filed with the city Department of Construction and Inspections. We asked SDCI if an inspector had been to the site, and if so, what was the result. Here’s what spokesperson Bryan Stevens tells WSB today:

We completed a site visit yesterday morning and saw that most of the fallen material had been removed and cleaned up. Some damage occurred to the neighboring property and was actively being repaired by the builder. We spoke with the contractor from the site, and they increased their temporary bracing to ensure the wall framing is supported per best practices.

The Washington State Dept. of Labor & Industries has been contacted and will be visiting the site to do an investigation of worksite safety and best practices.

We went back to the site Wednesday and took this photo:

Side note: While checking SDCI’s website, we noticed this is Building Safety Month.

16 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: What the city says about construction site from which building pieces fell onto neighboring property"

  • yikes May 18, 2023 (12:35 pm)

    Oh, no!  They’re subjecting the poor neighbor property to their subpar building practices too?  As if dropping part of their main poorly-built project wasn’t bad enough.  I really hope the neighbor can hire a contractor who knows what they’re doing to fix the damage, and makes the contractor who doesn’t even understand how wind and water work pay the bill.

  • Buttercup May 18, 2023 (1:47 pm)

    Wow! Looks totally safe now that there’s a bunch of two by fours pushing from a garden fence to the building so that it doesn’t fall down again. I was surprised when they put all the windows in with no roof I live across the road from us they been working furiously fast since Tuesday to try and clean this up. I’m sure they were worried about the inspectors. 

    • Jethro Marx May 18, 2023 (6:06 pm)

      Although the matter is subject to question after what happened, I believe the only logical explanation is that the fence is being stabilized by the building. They are probably replacing the fence, and using the braces to hold the new posts plumb. (observe the auger) The bracing that matters would be to keep the floppy wall in place until the roof structure holds it, probably tied in to the floor and a sort of beam around the top to prevent buckling.

    • jw May 18, 2023 (6:13 pm)

      I suspect those 2X4s are there to support the freshly installed 4X4 fence posts  to replace those of the old fence destroyed by the falling wall section.

  • CorvidFan May 18, 2023 (2:14 pm)

    Wow, that still looks really unsafe.  Do we know the name of the contractor / company?  I wouldn’t want them working on my place.

  • flimflam May 18, 2023 (3:36 pm)

    The picture doesn’t exactly inspire confidence but I guess the inspectors looked at it…

    • wssz May 18, 2023 (5:15 pm)

      If the contractor is unlicensed, I think it’s unlikely that any inspectors will be involved. 

      The situation should be reported to all overseeing agencies so inspections are conducted and fines imposed.

      • WSB May 18, 2023 (9:43 pm)

        According to the inspection document I mentioned previously about a recent “plywood sheathing” inspection, the contractor is ACS. According to the state database, ACS is licensed.

  • Marcus May 18, 2023 (4:12 pm)

    Department of L&I will visit the site for an inspection!!!.  That is the last thing that a construction co would want.  More than likely they will cite the contractor and their rates will increase and the record will be on the books forever.  

  • Bob Hull May 18, 2023 (5:12 pm)

    You’re all making a mountain out of a mole hill. Not really a big deal. Report news that’s important, not this silly stuff.

    • WSB May 18, 2023 (5:34 pm)

      Sorry, part of an unfinished building falling four stories onto somebody else’s property is newsworthy, not “silly.”

    • Auntie May 18, 2023 (5:40 pm)

      This is the “West Seattle Blog” – not USA Today. If you think the issues upon which they report are too petty for you, I suggest you subscribe to the New York Times or some such. Most of us appreciate any tidbits about things happening – large or small – in our neighborhood.

    • Lagartija Nick May 18, 2023 (5:49 pm)

      I think we found the contractor. 

    • yikes May 18, 2023 (6:51 pm)

      Folks, I think we found the owner!

    • flimflam May 18, 2023 (6:58 pm)

      Bad take. Nobody is making a “mountain” out of anything here…

    • Colonel Mustard's Wrench May 18, 2023 (9:25 pm)

      Bob, be gone – before someone drops a house on you !

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