FOLLOWUP: Another ship running on shore power at West Seattle’s T-5

At upper left, seen from Jack Block Park, that’s the stack of MSC Yashi B, calling today at Terminal 5. What you don’t see in the photo is smoke from the stack – because Yashi B is the second ship to use shore power at T-5. The first was MSC Brunella, during a call two weeks ago. Which ships will use shore power and which won’t? Northwest Seaport Alliance spokesperson Melanie Stambaugh says that is for the terminal operator and shipping line to determine, with an annual report due to NWSA on shore-power use. But, she adds, “As this component of our modernization program is still new, both the NWSA and our project team will remain involved in the coming weeks. That being said, we have a commitment from our tenant that they will plug in vessels that are capable, meaning the vessel has shore power capability and it physically matches the dock-side infrastructure.” Who covers the bill, she adds, is between the terminal operator and the shipping line.

13 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Another ship running on shore power at West Seattle's T-5"

  • Port disappointment April 25, 2023 (9:09 pm)

    I live on pigeon point and there is a noticeable difference in air quality now that the terminals has been open. I can see the ship emitting toxic smoke for days at a time. We were told by the port that all ships would be using shore power at the new terminal. They lied. And now we we are choking on the pollution. This wasn’t the deal. Same thing goes for the train quiet zone. Very palatable concept, yet there has been a noticeable rise in train horns in the middle of the night. Port of Seattle, you are a terrible neighbor. 

    • Question Authority April 25, 2023 (9:49 pm)

      If you can see the Port from your home now I bet you could see it when you decided to move there as well, so what’s with the surprise and chagrin in how it operates?

      • bill April 26, 2023 (12:29 am)

        In the few hours, or even mere minutes, a person spends viewing a home before buying it, problems like emissions from the Port and train noise will probably not be obvious. And then you’re stuck! Selling real estate is expensive. It takes a substantial increase in value to cover the costs of selling.

    • anonyme April 26, 2023 (5:56 am)

      Port disappointment is correct; we were lied to yet again by a levy proposal promising that all ships would be using shore power.  The pollution, including noise pollution, is a detriment to all life, especially the marine life our elected representatives pretend to care about.  If shore power isn’t mandatory, it’s another useless gesture.

  • TJ April 25, 2023 (10:12 pm)

    More pollution compared to when? When terminal 5 wasn’t operating? Not more pollution now compared to years ago when it was running. And certainly not more than 40 years ago. The port has been there a long time. People knew what they were getting into where they live. It looks like they will almost completely shore powered soon. I dislike the port too as it is a taxpayer subsidized bureaucracy where, like government, everything takes longer and costs more. And in the case of shore power, amongst other things labor disputes delayed it 

  • Jay April 25, 2023 (10:27 pm)

    It’s okay to be upset with local air pollution even if the pollution has been going on since before we were alive. We should all want to make our communities better.

    • Tony April 26, 2023 (9:33 am)

      Absolutely Jay. I biked downtown to work today for the first time in a few weeks this morning and was quickly reminded how acrid the air is crossing over the low bridge all the way to downtown. So many trucks sitting along East Marginal idling stinking the joint up.

  • Sixbuck April 26, 2023 (2:00 am)

    In the narrative you refer to T-5 as T-105. This is incorrect. Terminal 105 is located on the Duwamish River and accessed from the 4200 block of West Marginal Way SW. 

    • WSB April 26, 2023 (2:05 am)

      You’re correct. Fixing both erroneous references.

  • Js April 26, 2023 (6:14 am)

    You can thank ILWU  LOCAL 19!!! They are the real ones who fought for shorepower @T5. SSA and the PMA could care less.

  • tlsp April 26, 2023 (8:04 am)

    We used shore power on all of my Navy ships in every single port nearly 30 years ago. This is absolutely baffling to me. 

    • hj April 26, 2023 (1:22 pm)

      That’s because the Navy is willing to pay for shore power, and can provide it themselves in home ports. If the Port of Seattle were to make shore power mandatory, then ships that prefer to burn the cheap bunker oil they picked up in Singapore will just go to Tacoma. In order for this to provide the greatest benefit, we’ll need mandatory shore power up and down the West Coast at least. 

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